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BLOME, Richard: Britannia: or, a Geographical Description of the Kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland
BADESLADE, Thomas & TOMS, William Henry: Chorographia Britanniae
LUFFMAN, John: A New Pocket Atlas and Geography
SMITH, Charles: Smith’s New English Atlas
WALLIS, James: Wallis's Second & Superior British Atlas Containing a Complete Set of County Maps Divided into Hundreds
DE BRY, Theodore: (Map of the World)
THACKARAY, John & VALLANCE, James: Plan of the City of Washington
REISCH, Gregor: Typus Universalis Terrae, Juxta Modernorum Distinctionem et Extensionem per Regna et Provincias
ALEXANDER, Sir William: (No title)
JUSTEL, Henri: Recueil de Divers Voyages Faits en Afrique et en L’Amerique
BLOME, Richard: L'Amerique Angloise, ou description des isles terres du roi D'Angleterre, dans L'Amerique
SCOTT, Joseph T: The United States Gazetteer: Containing an Authentic description of the Several States. Their situation, extent, boundaries, soil, produce, climate, population, trade and manufactures. Together with the Extent, boundaries and population of their Respective Counties ... Illustrated with Nineteen Maps
CAREY, Mathew: Carey's American Pocket Atlas; Containing Twenty Maps
WOOD, William: New Englands Prospect. A true, lively, and experimentall description of that part of America, commonly called New England: discovering the state of that Countrie, both as it stands to our new-come English Planters; and to the old Native Inhabitants. Laying downe that which may both enrich the knowledge of the mind travelling Reader, or benefit the future Voyager
JANSSON, Jan: Norfolciae Descriptio. The Description of Norfolk
DE LAVAUX, Alexander: Plan of the City & Castle of Chester
BOWEN, Emanuel & KITCHIN, Thomas: An Accurate Map of the East Riding of York Shire
BOWEN, Emanuel & KITCHIN, Thomas: An Accurate Map of the West Riding of Yorkshire, Divided into its Wapontakes
COLLINS, Captain Greenville: Great Britain's Coasting Pilot. In Two Parts. Being a New and Exact Survey of the Sea-Coast of England and Scotland ..
LEWIS, William: Lewis's New Traveller's Guide, or a Pocket Edition of the English Counties. Containing all the Direct & Cross Roads in England & Wales
PHILIP, George & Son: Philips' Atlas of the Counties of England, Including Maps of North & South Wales, The Channel Islands, and the Isle of Man. Reduced from the Ordnance Survey , and coloured to shew the new Parliamentary divisions, according to the Redistribution Bill, 1885
CARY, John: Cary's Survey of the High Roads from London to Hampton Court, Bagshot ... On a Scale of one Inch to a Mile; Wherein Every Gentleman's Seat, situate on, or seen from the Road ..
THOROTON, Robert: The Antiquities of Nottinghamshire, Extracted Out of Records, Original Evidences, Leiger Books, other Manuscripts, and Authentick Authorities. Beautified with Maps, prospects, and Portraictures
CRUCHLEY, George Frederick: Cruchley’s County Atlas of England & Wales Shewing all the Railways & Stations ..
LINSCHOTEN, Jan Huygen van: His Discours of Voyages unto ye Easte & West Indies. Devided into foure Booke
PEICHUN, Zhou: (Procession)
AA, Pierre van der: Grande Pologne et Prusse avec les frontieres de la Misnie, Lusace, Moravie et Lithuanie ..
AA, Pierre van der: Les trois Iles appellies en Allemand Werders, ou sont les Territoires de Dantzic, Marienbourg et Elbing dans la Prusse Royale
VON REILLY, Franz Johann Joseph: Die Inseln Wight
SKRINE, Henry: A General Account of all the Rivers of Note in Great Britain; with their several courses, their peculiar characters, the countries through which they flow, and the entire sea coast of our island
SAXTON, Christopher - KIP, William: Dunelmensis Episcopatus qui comitatus est Palatinus olim pars Brigantum
SAXTON, Christopher - KIP, William: Flint Comitatus quem ordovices olim incoluerunt
MERIAN, Matthaus: Rennes
MERIAN, Matthaus: Montpelier
MERIAN, Matthaus: Chaalons en Champaigne
MERIAN, Matthaus: Rouanne
BRAUN, George - HOGENBERG, Frans: Crempa/ Reinh Oldsburga
AA, Pierre van der: Vues des Villes, Edifices & autres choses remarquables de la Grand' Bretagne & d'Irlande, Representees en tailles-douces tres exactes, avec une courte Description sous chaque figure
THOMSON, John: The Atlas of Scotland, or County Atlas; Consisting of Maps of all the Counties on a Very Large Scale, Compiled from Actual Survey
GARDNER, Thomas: A Pocket-Guide to the English Traveller: Being a Compleat Survey and measurement of all the Principal Roads and most Considerable Cross-Roads in England and Wales in One Hundred Copper-Plates
TAYLOR, George & SKINNER, Andrew: Taylor and Skinner's Maps of the Roads of Ireland, Surveyed 1777
GREENWOOD, Christopher & John: Map of the County of Derby, From an Actual Survey made in The Years 1824 and 1825, By C. & I. Greenwood
GREENWOOD, Christopher: Map of the County Palatine of Lancaster, from an Actual Survey made in the Year 1818
SIMMONS, Matthew: Cornewall
MORDEN, Robert - TURPIN, Homan: Worcester Sh
BURDETT, Peter Perez: A New Map of Derby-Shire, Describing the Noblemen and Gentlemen's Seats, Borough & Market Towns, Villages, Canals, Rivers, Moors, Hills, Watering Places; with the Turnpike and Cross Roads, and Distances from Place to Place, & c. From an Actual Survey, by P. P. Burdett, and Improved by John Andrews
PHILLIPS, Richard: An Atlas of the British Islands; Containing Forty-Six Maps Newly and Originally Drawn From the Population Returns, and Other Modern Authorities
CARY, John: Cary's Actual Survey of the Country Fifteen Miles Round London. On a Scale of one Inch to a Mile
MUNSTER, Sebastian: Holad
MERIAN, Matthaus: Pignerol
MERIAN, Matthaus: Vienne
MERIAN, Matthaus: Oranges
MERIAN, Matthaus: Suitia Schweytz
MERIAN, Matthaus: Stetinum
MERIAN, Matthaus: Prosp: ex parte Vid Latissimi Parisiarum. ab Anthoni dicti
QUAD, Matthias: Palatinatus Bavariae
Cary, John & George: (Caermarthenshire)
SAYER, Robert: The Cape of Good Hope
STOCKDALE, John: Map of England & Wales, from the latest Surveys
CARY, John: Cary's Reduction of his Large Map of England and Wales, with part of Scotland; Comprehending the whole of the Turnpike Roads, With the Great Rivers and the Course of the different Navigable Canals ..
MERIAN, Matthaus: Beschreibung der Bataille, wie sie vor Warschau den Britten tag als den 30/20 Julii Anno 1656 gestanden
VON REILLY, Franz Johann Joseph: Die Inseln Man
TUNNICLIFF, William: A Topographical Survey of the Counties of Somerset, Gloucester, Worcester, Stafford, Chester, and Lancaster. Containing A new-engraved Map of each County, with a complete Description of the Great, Direct, and Cross Roads ..
BRYANT, Andrew: Map of the County of Buckingham from Actual Survey by A. Bryant, in the year 1824
SWIRE, W. and HUTCHINGS, W. F: A Map of the County Palatine of Chester, Divided into Hundreds and Parishes from an Accurate Survey... by W. Swire and W.F. Hutchings
GREENWOOD, Christopher: Map of the County of Kent from an Actual Survey made in the years 1819 and 1820, By C. Greenwood
HENNET, George: Map of the County Palatine of Lancaster Divided into Hundreds and Parishes from an accurate Survey Made in the years 1828 and 1829 By G. Hennet
GREENWOOD, Christopher & John: Map of the County of Warwick, from an Actual Survey, made in the Years 1820 & 1821, By C. & J. Greenwood
HOBSON, William Colling: This Map of Yorkshire, is most respectfully dedicated to the Nobility, Clergy, Gentry, Landowners and Manufacturers of the County
KELLY and Co: Post Office Directory. Maps of Essex, Herts, Middlesex, Kent, Surrey, & Sussex
HOBSON, William Colling: This Map of the County Palatine of Durham, is most respectfully dedicated to the Nobility, Clergy, gentry, &c. &c
WYLD, James: A Topographical Map of the County of Norfolk, Reduced to a Scale of Two Statute Miles to one Inch, from the Large Map in Six Sheets; originally Surveyed by Thos. Milne &c
PHILLIPS, John & HUTCHINGS, W.F: A Map of the County of Staffordshire Divided into Hundreds and Parishes. From an accurate survey Made in the Years 1831 and 1832
GREAM, Thomas: A Topographical Map for the County of Sussex; from the Large Survey in four Sheets
GREENWOOD, Christopher & John: Map of the County of Lincoln From An actual Survey Made in the Years 1827 & 1828, By C. & J. Greenwood
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