Buy this book on-line TROMPIZ, Dr. Gabriel : Luz y sangreEds. Edime (pero Imp. en Madrid. Ed. Mediterráneo), 1970
[PRIMERA EDICION].- Caracas: Eds. Edime (pero Imp. en Madrid, Ed. Mediterráneo), 1970.- 166 p.; 8º mayor (20 x 14,7 cm); Cartulina Flexible Ed. con solapas.* HISTORIA Y LITERATURA MÉDICAS, CRUZ ROJA, BENEFICIENCIA, HOSPITALES, DEONTOLOGÍA, HIGIENE, EPIDEMIAS Click here for full details of this book, to ask a question or to buy it on-line. Bibliophile Bookbase probably offers multiple copies of TROMPIZ, Dr. Gabriel : Luz y sangre. Click here to select from a complete list of available copies of this book. |