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Hyde, Emily M. (Preceptress): Physical and Mental Rejuvenation
Wynes, Richard: Silver Eyes
Fitz-Gerald, W.N: The Harness Makers' Illustrated Manual. A Practical Guide Book For Manufacturers And Makers Of Harness, Pads, Gig Saddles, ETC..
Schriber, Fritz: The Complete Carriage And Wagon Painter. A Concise Compendium Of The Art Of Painting Carriages, Wagons And Sleighs..
Gough, Barry M: Gunboat Frontier. British Maritine Authority and Northwest Coast Indians, 1846-1890
Powley, A.E: Broadcast From The Front. Canadian Radio Overseas in the Second World War
Dunn, Walter S. Jr: Kursk. Hitler's Gamble, 1943
Douglas, W.A.B. (Editor): RCN in Transistion 1910-1985
Johnson, Melvin M. and Charles T. Haven: Automatic Weapons of the World
Graton, Milton S: The Last of the Covered Bridge Builders
Wells, H.G: H.G. Wells Science Fiction Treasury (Chatham River Press Readers Bookshelf Collection)
Von Senger und Etterlin, Dr. F.M: German Tanks of World War II The Complete Illustrated History of German Armoured Fighting Vehicles 1926-45
Sheets, Georg R: The Grand Review. The Civil War Continues to Shape America
Judge, Josh and Kathe Cussen: Weather Facts and Fun
Brooks, Lisa: The Common Pot. The Recovery of Native Space in the Northeast
none stated: U.S. Navy Carrier Fighters of world War II (Aerodata International/Squadron Signal # 6204): F2A Buffalo, F4F Wildcat, F6F Hellcat, F4U Corsair, F8F Bearcat
Westinghouse Air Brake Co: Westinghouse Cross Compound Air Compressors. Instruction Pamphlet No. 5026, September 1914
Westinghouse Air Brake Co: The Type K Freight Car Brake Equipment. Instruction Pamphlet No. 5030, August 1916
Westinghouse Air Brake Co: The LN Passenger Car Brake Equipment. Instruction Pamphlet No. 5034, December 1915
Westinghouse Air Brake Co: No. 6 ET Locomotive Brake Equipment. Instruction Pamphlet No. 5032, June 1913
Westinghouse Air Brake Co: Westinghouse Steam Driven Air Compressors. Instruction Pamphlet No. 5036, October 1914
Westinghouse Air Brake Co: PC Passenger Brake Equipment. Instruction Pamphlet No. 5045, October 1913
Boston & Maine Railroad: Rules And Regulations Of the Operating Department (Effective June 21, 1909)
Maine Central Railroad Company, Portland Terminal Company: Rules of the Operating Department
The Air Brake Association: 400 Questions and Answers On the Westinghouse No. 6 "ET"
Ludzia, Leo F: Life Force. The Secret Of Empowerment
Addison, Julia deWolf: Arts and Crafts In The Middle Ages
Janda, Patryk: Half-Track Vol. 1 (AJ Press Gunpower Series No. 34)
Bunyan, John: The Pilgrim's Progress Written Under The Similitude Of A Dream. Containing His Lifee And Introduction; With Five Hundred Explanatory Notes Selected From Scott, Mason, And Others (Steel Portrait And Illustrations)
Thyre, Sarah: Dark At The Roots, A Memoir
Dean, Carole Lee: The Art of Funding Your Film, Alternative Financing Concepts
Hadley, Alice M: WhereThe Winds Blow Free. Dunbarton New Hampshire
Farrand, Max (Editor): The Records Of The Federal Convention of 1787, Revised Edition In Four Volumes, Volume I
Rowse, Edward: Concord's Waggon Men
Wieland, Mitch (Editor): The Idaho Review Tenth Anniversary Issue
Gritsch, Eric W. (editor): Luther's Works Church And Ministry I (Volume 39 of 55)
Norwood, John B: Rio Grande Narrow Gauge. From Birth To Abandonment
Zuffi. Stefano (Editor): Baroque Painting Two Centuries of Masterpieces from the Era Preceding the Dawn of Modern Art
Stevenson, Robert Louis: Greenwich Unabridged Library Classics Edition: Treasure Island; the Master Of Ballantrae; Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde; Kidnapped
Kenison, Arthur M: Dumaine's Amoskeag: Let The Record Speak
Noll, Richard: Vampires, Werewolves & Demons. Twentieth Century Reports In The Psychiatric Literature
Hazell, Jeremy (Editor): Personal Relations Therapy. The Collected Papers of H.J.S. Guntrip
Smucker, Samuel M: The Arctic Explorations and Discoveries During The 19th Century..
Geary, Nancy: Redemption
Brazier, Mary A.B: Epilepsy Its Phenomena In Man (UCLA Forum In Medical Sciences Number 17)
Pillsbury Flour Mills Co: A Book For A Cook. Being A Selection Of Certain Recipes And Other things Which Every Good Housekeeper Knows But Is Apt To Forget... First Time Published
Siegel, Ph.D., Ronald K and Louis Jolyton West, M.D. - Editors: Hallucinations. Behavior, Experience & Theory
Giovacchini, Peter: Character Disorders and Adaptive Mechanisms
Peterborough Historical Society: Our Changing Town. Peterborough 1939-1989 (In Two Volumes): Volume I, Narrative; Volume II, Genealogies and Maps
Belkin, Gary S: Counseling: Directions In Theory And Practice
Stewart, Wentworth F: The Master's Touch
Conway, George E: Giving Good Gifts. The Spiritual Journey of Parenthood
Harlan III, John (editor): The American Alpine Journal, 2005. Volume 27 Issue 79
Leonard, Captian Royal (Chiang Kai-Shek's Personal Pilot)tan: I Flew For China
Lyon, Amy & Lynne Andreen: In A Vermont Kitchen. Foods Fresh from Farms, Forests, and Orchards
Wheeler, Grace Denison: The Homes Of Our Ancestors In Stonington, Connecticut
Jones, Mary Chandler: Lessons In Elementary Cooking
Stringfield, Leonard H: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Amassing The Evidence. Status Report III, June 1982
Town of Brunswick, Maine: Brunswick Maine 1739-1939. 200 Years A Town
Department Of The Army: Mathematics Of Military Action, Operations And Systems (Pamphlet No. 70-5, January 1968)
Frost, Sherman L. and Wayne S. Nichols (Edited by Bea Cornelius): Ohio Water Firsts Volume I
Perry, J: The American Conspiracy. An Agent's Beginning
Truax, Doug (Editor): A Breed Apart. A Tribute To The Hunting Dogs That Own Our Souls. An Original Anthology - Volume II
Cohen, Maurice S: Does There Have to Be An Occasion? A Harvest Of Pulpit Reflections
Johnson, Fred H: The Anatomy of Hallucinations
Conant, Kenneth J. (Editor): Modern Architecture. (University Prints Series GM)
Monroe, Lewis B: The Practical Speller
none stated: Farmers' Cyclopedia. Abridged Agricultural Records In Seven Volumes. Volume III Diseases of Cattle, Sheep, Goats. Cats, Dogs. Their Prevention And Cure. (From The Publications of the United States Department of Agriculture and The Experiment Stations)
Banks, Estar: The Kate Prince Poems Of Passion
Thompson, Francis: The Works Of Francis Thompson Poems: Volume 1
Sienkiewicz, Henryk (Translated From Polish By Iza Young): Without Dogma. A Novel Of Modern Poland
Chapin, Bela: The Poets Of New Hampshire Being Specimen Poems Of Three Hundred Poets OF The Granite State, With Biographical Notes
Melchior, Ib: Order of Battle, A Novel
Kramer, Edward E. (Editor): Michael Moorcock's Pawn Of Chaos. Tales Of The Eternal Champion
Hess, Bill: Aces And Wingmen II Volume II