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Julian Whitaker: Dr. Whitaker's Hypertension Report Prevention And Healing Katherine Q. Briaddy: Shadows The Life And Times Of Eliphalet Ball The Founder of the Town of Ballston The Wood...the Cars...the People 30 Years of the National Woodie Club
W. C. Heinz: Inventor: The Dave Sheridan Story Karuna, Amara Wahaba: Inside My Heart Dance Manual Dances Of Universal Peace David Brickman, with Essay by Timothy Cahill: Neighborhood: Photographs Of Arbor Hill And West Hill
Faber, Albrecht: Tübingen in den 50er Jahren International Symposium of Biomechanics in Swimming 1982 Amsterdam, n And Arie Peter Hollander And Peter A. Huijing And Gert De Groot And Peter Hollander And netherlan International Congress on Swimming Medicine 1982 Amsterdam: Biomechanics and Medicine in Swimming Handke, Peter: Afternoon of a Writer
Kilpatrick, Thomas L. And Patsy-Rose Hoshiko: Illinois, Illinois! An Annotated Bibliography of Fiction International In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Symposium (6th : 2001 : San Diego, Calif.) And Victor S. Magar And Timothy M. Vogel And C. Marjorie Aelion And Andrea Leeson: Innovative Methods in Support of Bioremediation The Sixth International in Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Symposium, San Diego, California, June 4-7, 2001 Bovini, Giuseppe And b/w - color Photos: Ravenna citta dei mosaici [ Ravenna, the city of mosaics ]
Nielsen, Aksel Evald: Production credit for southern cotton growers Pamela Harris: Karoo Ashevak Spirits fifteen whalebone carvings Power: 160 Practical Kinks for Power Men
Harold W. Ranney: The Cathode Ray Oscillograph In Industrial Electronic Circuits Chen, Sow-Hsin And Michael Kotlarchyk: Interaction of Photons and Neutrons With Matter An Introduction Anderson, John D. And etc: Nuclear Isospin No. 2: Conference Proceedings
D. M. Brink and J. H. Mulvey: Progress in Nuclear Physics v. 10 Goodjohn A J, Pomraning G C: Reactor Physics in the Resonance and Thermal Regions. Vol. I Neutron Thermalization Loney, S L: The Elements of Statics and Dynamics Part II Elements of Dynamics
Goodjohn A J, Pomraning G C: Reactor Physics In The Resonance And Thermal Regions. Vol. II Resonance Absorption Stacey, Weston M: Nuclear Reactor Physics Harold Fearing, David Measday, Ada Strathdee: Nucleon-Nucleon Interactions 1977
E. T. Whittaker: A Treatise On The Analytical Dynamics Of Particles And Rigid Bodies With an Introduction to the Problem of Three Bodies Hughes, Donald J: Progress in Nuclear Energy, Physics and Mathematics, Volume 3 Magnus, Wilhelm And Fritz Oberhettinger: Formulas and Theorems for the Special Functions of Mathematical Physics
Lee, T. D. And C. N. Yang: Elementary Particles And Weak Interactions Porter, Charles E: Statistical Theories of Spectra Fluctuations Whitehead, John B: Electricity and Magnetism
I. Ribansky and E. Betak: Neutron Induced Reactions Proceedings of the Second International Symposium June 1979 Smolenice Moreno, J. L: The Essential Moreno Writings on Psychodrama, Group Method and Spontaneity Koch, Kenneth: The art of love Poems
Carl Sesar: Hey Joseph Krausman: The Ice Cream Parlor And Other Mechanical Plays VanGuilder, Cliff: Environmental Audits
Melville Clark and Kent F. Hansen: Numerical Methods of Reactor Analysis Allman Brothers, Beatles, Alice Cooper, James Gang, Steely Dan, Three Dog Night & more And John Clausi: Rock Guitar Lead-Rhythm-Bass-Vocal Barker, Shirley: Strange Wives
Delmar Karlen: Cases And Materials On Trials And Appeals Marquez, Gabriel Garcia: Cien Aņos de Soledad/ 100 Years of Solitude Dorff, Elliot N. And Arthur I. Rosett And Jewish Theological Seminary of America: A Living Tree The Roots and Growth of Jewish Law
Atherton, Gertrude Franklin Horn: Can women be gentlemen? Lock, Clara Beatrice Muriel: Modern maps and atlases; an outline to twentieth century production Capon, Robert Farrar: The Man Who Met God in a Bar The Gospel According to Marvin : A Novel
Kivy, Peter: The Seventh Sense A Study of Francis Hutcheson's Aesthetics and Its Influence in Eighteenth-Century Britain Green, Gion: Introduction to security Lynn Riggs: Green Grow The Lilacs, A Play
Van Antwerpen, F. J. (ed): Applied Thermodynamics - Chem. Eng. Prog. Symp. Series 7, Vol. 49 Hesseltine, William Best: Lincoln's Plan of Reconstruction H. S. Dakin: High Voltage Photography
Lee M. Klinefelter: Electrical Occupations Thomas C. Sorenson, Robert F. Kennedy: The Word War The Story Of American Propaganda Roth, Joan: Jewish Women A World of Tradition and Change
William Monopoli, Publisher: Southern Tier Memories - Images From the Broome County Historical Society Millen, Rochelle L: Women, Birth, and Death in Jewish Law and Practice (compiler), Philip Goodman: American Jewish History Prose and Verse Selections
Richard F. Address: Litapayach Tikvah - To Nourish Hope Eating Disorders: Perceptions and Perspectives in Jewish Life Today Rush, Barbara And Eliezer Marcus And Yaacov Limon: Seventy and One Tales for the Jewish Year Folk Tales for the Festivals William L. Shulman: A State Of Terror: Germany 1933-1939
Davidson, Leon: Flying Saucers An Analysis of the Air Force Blue Book Special Report No. 14 / Including The C.I.A. And the Saucers / Review Copy / with ephemera Buell, Bill: Historic Schenectady County Nancy O'Dea and Daniel Fink: Historic Geneseo Components Of A National Landmark Village
Tyrrell, Kevin: Your Worst Nightmare Ph.D., Drew Rozell: Let It Go Manifest What You Really Want By Giving Up and Allowing Wiener, Philip P: Dictionary of the History of Ideas
Grunchec, Philippe: Les concours des Prix de Rome de 1797 a 1863 (French Edition) Bernstein, Basil: Class, Codes and Control, Vol. 3 Towards a Theory of Educational Transmissions Bandinelli, Ranuccio Bianchi And Peter Green: Rome The Center of Power, 500 B.C. to A.D. 200
Spassky: American Paintings in the Metropolitan Museum of Art Goossen, E.C: Elsworth Kelly Buechner, Frederick And Lee Boltin: The Faces Of Jesus
Brown, Milton Wolf: American Painting From the Armory Show to the Depression Charbonneaux, Jean: Hellenistic art (The Arts of mankind) Barlow, Harold And Sam Morgenstern: A Dictionary of Opera and Song Themes, Revised Edition