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Bird, R. Curtis And J. S. Williams: Ion Beams for Materials Analysis
Alain Fournier; Francoise Delisle, Havelock Ellis: The Wanderer (le Grand Meaulnes)
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: Michael Angelo A Dramatic Poem
Leftwich, Joseph: An Anthology of Modern Yiddish Literature
Rhoades, Gary: Managed Professionals Unionized Faculty and Restructuring Academic Labor
Richard Shyrook: The Unique Influence Of The Johns Hopkins University On American Medicine
The Involute Curve And Involute Gearing The Internal Gear; The 6-type Gear Shaper; The 6a-type Gear Shaper; 7- And 7a-type High-speed Gear Shapers; The 36-type Gear Shaper
William Taylor and Emil Holub: Africa Illustrated Scenes From Daily Life On The Dark Continent
Harold Kushner: Stochastic Stability And Control Mathematics in Science and Engineering Volume 33
The Glen Falls Portland Cement Co: Iron Clad Portland Cement For The Farm and Home
Larry Best: The Planet: A Song Of A Distant World
Lyman, Stanford M. And Marvin B. Scott: Drama of Social Reality
Levack, Daniel J.H. And Mark Willard: Dune Master Frank Herbert Bibliography
Olga Morgan: As They Were And As They Should Have Been
Adele M. Fielde: Chinese Nights' Entertainment Forty Stories Told By Almond-eyed Folk Actors In The Romance Of The Strayed Arrow
Porter, Ian H. And Norma H. Hatcher And Ann M. Willey: Perinatal Genetics Diagnosis and Treatment
Hendrikus Johannes Aloysius Meijer: A Biomechanical Study On Bone Around Dental Implants In An Edentulous Mandible
Arpee, Leon: History of Armenian Christianity, A
Taya-Polidori, Junko: English Phrasal Verbs in Japanese
Zahniser, Marvin Ralph: Uncertain Friendship American-French Diplomatic Relations Through the Cold War
Campbell, Greg And Tom Weiner: Blood Diamonds
Perlmutter, Felice D: Alternative Social Agencies Administrative Strategies
Dallas Holm; Phil Johnson; Reba Rambo Gardner; Gary Paxton; Tim Sheppard; Sharalee: The Greentree Songbook Volume 2
Epstein, Charlotte: An introduction to the human services Developing knowledge, skills, and sensitivity
Bertcher, Harvey J: Staff Development in Human Service Organizations
Falkson, Joseph L: Hmos and the Politics of Health System Reform
White, E. L: A Popular Essay on the Disorder Familiarly Termed A Cold
Columbia College: The 1968 Columbian Of Columbia College In The City Of New York
Berkowitz, Edward D: Disability Policies and Government Programs
Arney, Chris: West Point's Scientific 200 Celebration of the Bicentennial
Henry, O: The Complete Works of O. Henry in Twelve Volumes
25 Years Of Deka Engineering Presents For Jack Kamen Father, Artist, Inspiration
Professor Dr. Ernst Curtius, translated by Adolphus William Ward: The History Of Greece, Five Volume Set
Paparian, Lige: Random Reflections in Free Verse
Carr, Rachel E: Safari to Ngorongoro
Henry David Thoreau: Night And Moonlight
Don Rivers: Your Career In Advertising
Post, Gerald V: Database Management Systems with Student CD-ROM
Postman, Neil: Teaching As a Conserving Activity
Sudakova, N. F: The Kalinin Art Gallery
Edgar A. Werner: Civil List And Constitutional History Of The Colony And State Of New York
Frank, Stephen And Mark D. Steinberg: Cultures in Flux
Patterson, James T: The New Deal and the States Federalism in Transition
Captain E. Buckle, edited by J. W. Kaye: Memoir Of The Services Of The Bengal Artillery From The Formation Of The Corps To The Present Time
Shay, Frank: Cipher Book for the Use of Merchants, Stock Operators, Stock Brokers Miners, Mining Men, Railraod Men, Real Estate Dealers and Business Men Generally
Bern's Steak House: Bern's Steak House Wine Book Volume 1 French Wines
The Albany Club Constitution By-laws And House Rules Also List Of Officers And Members
Reverend R. Leighton Wilson: Western Africa: Its History, Condition And Prospects
Zollo, Richard P. And Virginia Sherry Zollo: Ladies and Gentlemen Always The Illustrated Story of Holten High School
Niven, John: Connecticut for the Union The Role of the State in the Civil War
Pace, Mildred Mastin And Danny L. Miller And Paul Brown: Friend of Animals The Story of Henry Bergh
Pryor, Peter And Bill Curling: The Classic Connection
Cassinis, R: Digital Seismology and Fine Modeling of the Lithosphere
Wolfram Wette: Retter in Uniform Handlungsspielraume Im Vernichtungskrieg Der Wehrmacht
Niethammer, Lutz And Ulrich Borsdorf And Franz-Josef Brüggemeier And Alexander von Plato And Dorothee Wierling And Michael Zimmermann And Ulrich Herbert And Dirk van Laak: Deutschland danach. Postfaschistische Gesellschaft und nationales Gedächtnis
Schröder, Hans-Jürgen: Confrontation and Cooperation Germany and the United States in the Era of World War I, 19-1924
Phelan, Tony: Weimar Dilemma Intellectuals and the Weimar Republic
Youngman, Robert P. And Fang Jing Pei: Chinese Jades from Neolithic to Qing The Youngman Collection
Paludan, Ann: The Chinese Spirit Road The Classical Tradition of Stone Tomb Statuary
HUGHES, Michael C: Chinese Jades and Works of Art
Jansen, Christian: Vom Gelehrten zum Beamten Karriereverlaufe und soziale Lage der Heidelberger Hochschullehrer 1914-1933 ; mit einem personalbibliografischen Anhang ... (German Edition)
Jansen, Christian: Professoren und Politik Politisches Denken und Handeln der Heidelberger Hochschullehrer 1914-1935 (German Edition)
Walter Emanuel , Pictured by Cecil Aldin: A Dog Day Or the Angel in the House
Breslin, Jimmy: Sunny Jim The Life of America's Most Beloved Horseman
Walfish, Paul G. And etc: Autoimmunity and the Thyroid
Heyer, Georgette: The Convenient Marriage
Georgette, Heyer: Cotillion
Gerard Swope: First General Conference Of The International General Electric Company Incorporated And Associated Companies Held At Briarcliff Lodge
Paul Anderson: Substructure Analysis And Design
Qingzheng, Wang: Underglaze Blue and Red Elegant Decoration on Porcelain of Yuan, Ming and Qing
Kunen, James S: Reckless Disregard Corporate Greed, Government Indifference, and the Kentucky School Bus Crash
Clark, Elizabeth J: The Thanatology Community and the Needs of the Movement
Eson, Morris E: Studies for replication in child development
Lahey, Miriam P. And Robin Kunstler And Arnold H. Grossman: Recreation, Leisure and Chronic Illness Therapeutic Rehabilitation as Intervention in Health Care
Williams, Harriet G: Perceptual and Motor Development