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Octavius Morgan: Excavations Prosecuted by the Caerleon Archćological Association Within the Walls of Caerwent in the Summer of 1855 Hezekiah Howe: Architecture William Archibald Scott Robertson: The Crypt of Canterbury Cathedral; Its Architecture, Its History, and Its Frescoes
P. M. C. Kermode & W. A. Herdman: Illustrated Notes on Manks Antiquities John Milton: The Practical Bee-keeper; Or, Concise and Plain Instructions for the Management of Bees and Hives James Shirley Hibberd: The Book of the Water Cabinet, or, Practical Instructions on the Formation, Stocking, and Management of Cabinet Collections of River Insects and Microscopic Plants
G. A. Schoch: Manual of Instructions for Raising Mulberry Trees and Silkworms Abel Ingpen: Instructions for Collecting, Rearing, and Preserving British & Foreign Insects: Also for Collecting and Preserving Crustacea and Shells John Timbs: Manual of Cage-birds: British & Foreign with Directions for Breeding, Rearing and Keeping Them
Society of Practical Gardeners: Rural Recreations Or The Gardener's Instructor Edward Lee Thorndike: Handwriting Amos Sutton: History of the Mission to Orissa: The Site of the Temple of Juggernaut
J. N. Genin: An Illustrated History of the Hat: From the Earliest Ages to the Present Time George Ward Nichols: Pottery: How it is Made, Its Shape and Decoration, Practical Instructions for Painting on Porcelain and All Kinds of Pottery with Vitrifiable and Common Oil Colors Maurus Jókai: The Tower of Dago
Henry Schütz Wilson: The Tower & the Scaffold: A Miniature Monograph Cornelia Mee: Crochet Explained and Illustrated Thomas Worthington Barlow: Cheshire: Illustrated in Biographical Sketches
E. Baldwin Smith: Early Christian Iconography and A School of Ivory Carvers in Provence An Amateur: A Treatise on the Game of Écarte as Played in the First Circles of London and Paris Samuel Hubbard Scudder: The Species of the Lepidopterous Genus Pamphila
George James Peirce: A Contribution to the Physiology of the Genus Cuscuta O. F. Cook: Two New Diplopod Myriapoda of the Genus Oxydesmus from the Congo Charles Doolittle Walcott: Cambrian Brachiopoda: Genera Iphidea & Yorkia, with Descriptions of New Species of Each, & of the Genus Acrothele
Frank Springer: On the Crinoid Genus Scyphocrinus and Its Bulbous Root Camarocrinus Nathaniel Lord Britton: The Genus Cereus and Its Allies in North America William Jackson Hooker: Some Observations on the Genus Andraea: With Descriptions of Four British Species
Albert Franklin Burgess: The Genus Calosoma: Including Studies of Seasonal Histories, Habits, and Economic Importance of American Species North of Mexico and of Several Introduced Species William Morton Wheeler: A Genus of Maritime Dolichopodidae New to America Frances Agnew: Motion Picture Acting; How to Prepare for Photoplaying, What Qualifications are Necessary, How to Secure an Engagement, Salaries Paid to Photoplayers
Kingo Miyabe: The Plates of the Laminariaceae William Ward: Cylinders and Other Ancient Oriental Seals in the Library of J. Pierpont Morgan A Brief Description of Guildford Castle with Drawings of the Strange Old Carving in the Chapel Royal
The Vicar of the Parish: Wilton Castle: Its Present Condition and Past History and Some Notes on The Adjoining Bridge Charles Henry Hartshorne: Rockingham Castle: Its Antiquity and History, Drawn from the National Records Richard Cobbe: Bombay Church, or, A True Account of the Building and Finishing the English Church at Bombay
Mechanics of the Sewing MacHine B. Eldred Ellis: Gloves and the Glove Trade The Hand Phrenologically Considered: Being a Glimpse at the Relation of the Mind with the Organisation of the Body
William A. Woodbury: The Care of the Hand: A Practical Text-book on Manicuring and the Care of the Hand, for Professional and Private Use James Wilson: The Shooter's Hand-book: Being the Treatise on Shooting from "The Rod and the Gun" The Hand-book of Pencil Drawing
Charles W. Livermore: The Ancient Wreck: Loss of the Sparrow-Hawk in 1626, Remarkable Preservation and Recent Discovery of the Wreck Ferdinand von Mueller: Iconography of Candolleaceous Plants: First Decade Charles Robert Cockerell: Iconography of the West Front of Wells Cathedral
Adolphe Napoléon Didron et al: Christian Iconography: The Trinity. Angels, Devils, Death, The Soul, The Christian Scheme [Volume II] Exhibition of the Celebrated Heroic Equestrian Group of Monte Cavallo at Rome, with Other Statues Joseph Manuel Andreini: J. Winfred Spenceley, His Etchings and Engravings in the Form of Book Plates
Jaufre: Geoffrey the Knight: A Tale of Chivalry of They Days of King Arthur [With engravings by G. Doré] Uncle Frank [Francis Channing Woodworth]: A Peep at the Beasts William Mills Ivins Jr: A Catalogue of Italian Renaissance Woodcuts
Edwin Long: Descriptive Catalogue of the Great Pictures by Gustave Doré and Edwin Long on View at 35, New Bond Street, London John William Wainwright: A Syllabus of New Remedies and Therapeutic Measures: With Chemistry, Physical Appearance and Therapeutic Application Thomas Jefferson Mays: On the Therapeutic Forces: An Effort to Consider the Action of Medicines in the Light of the Modern Doctrine of the Conservation of Force
J. H. Rae: The Application of Electricity as a Therapeutic Agent Charles Ehrenhoff: Medicina Gymnastica, or Therapeutic Manipulation Eduard Wilhelm Goetz: A Manual of Osteopathy: with the Application of Physical Culture, Baths and Diet
Daniel W. Hull: Manual of Magnetic Healing Charles Finney Cox: Faith-healing in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries Charles Fairbank Painter: The Evolution of Mental Healing
J. Inglis Parsons: The Healing of Rodent Cancer by Electricity W. Samson: Rational Physic, or, the Art of Healing W. D. Starrett: Mental Therapeutics, Or, How to Cure All Diseases with the Mind
A Physician: A Treatise on the Nature and Causes of Stammering Arthur Brewster Carter: The Prevention and Cure of Obesity Erasmus Wilson: Thermo-therapeia: The Heat Cure, or, The Treatment of Disease by Immersion of the Body in Heated Air
Charles Conrad Miller: The Cure of Rupture by Paraffin Injections Abraham Courtney: Hydropathy Defended by Facts, or, the Cold Water Cure Shown to be as Safe in Practice as it is Rational in Theory R. T. Claridge: Abstract of Hydropathy, Or The Cold Water Cure
Edwin Payne: Skin Diseases and Their Cure by Diathetical Treatment Francis William Grant Calder: Practical Hints on the Cure of Squinting by Operation George Hume Weatherhead: On the Cure of Gout and Rheumatism by Cold Water
Albert Sims: The Sin of Tobacco Smoking and Chewing Walter Coulson: Varicocele: Its Radical Cure Francis John Bodfield Hooper: No 'Natural Law in the Spiritual World'