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William Brady: The Last Brady Symphony: No 6 ; Little Lessons in the Ways of Health
Just Buttons: Vol. VI, No. 9: June 1948
Jacob Snowman: Jewish Law and Sanitary Science
Richard Warwick Bond: Zenobia : A Drama in Four Acts
Shanghai Christian Vernacular Society: Syllabary of the Shanghai Vernacular
Yone Nogushi: Kamakura
Frank Brinkley: The Kyoto Industrial Exhibition of 1895
Matthew Tyson Yates: First Lessons in Chinese
Stephen Child: Landscape Architecture: A Definition and a Resume of its Past and Present
Jonas Dennis: The Landscape Gardener: Comprising the History and Principles of Tasteful Horticulture
Felicien Trewey: The Art of Shadowgraphy: How it is Done
James Henry Lewis: The Art of Writing with the Rapidity of Speech: A System of Short-hand, Made Use of By All the Law and Parliamentary Reporters
Richard Allestree: The Art of Patience and Balm of Gilead Under All Afflictions
Frederick Joseph Reilly: Rational Athletics for Boys
istorical Society of New Mexico: The Stone Idols of New Mexico
Arthur Thomson: The Conspiracy Against Mexico
Peter M. Myers: A Quaint Corner in Old Mexico
Edward Jerningham: The Fall of Mexico
Observations On the Origin and Conduct of the War with Mexico
H. T. Wilson: Historical Sketch of Las Vegas, New Mexico
George Earl Church: Mexico: Its Revolutions: Are They Evidences of Retrogression or of Progress? A Historical and Political Review
Child of Mary: The Angel Guide or the Year of First Communion
Dog-fancier's Guide: Plain Instructions for Breeding and Managing the Several Varieties of Field, Sporting and Fancy Dogs
Priestley, Joseph: An Inquiry into the Knowledge of the Antient Hebrews, Concerning a Future State
Gresswell, Henry William: Analysis of Waterland on the Eucharist
Ernest Bryant Hoag: Elementary Technique in Histology and Bacteriology
Ernest Hutcheson: The Elements of Piano Technique
Jane Barlow: The End of Elfintown
Arthur Sullivan: An Entirely Original Fairy Opera, in Two Acts, Entitled Iolanthe, Or, The Peer and the Peri
Matteo Maria Boiardo: The Enchanted Lake of the Fairy Morgana
Janet McLeod: Plays Maori and Pakeha: Volume I for Standards I-IV
Bourdillon, Francis William: A Lost God
Arthur Reed Blessing: List of Books On Automobiles and Motorcycles
Robert Alexander Peddie: Metallurgical Bibliography, 1901-1906
Robert Emmet McMath: Discussion of Mr. James B. Eads' Project for Construction of Jetties at the Mouth of the Mississippi River
Paul MacClintock: The Pleistocene History of the Lower Wisconsin River
E. H. Bramley: Walton's Favourite River
T. W. Symons: City and the Allegheny River Bridges
James Terry: Sculptured Anthropoid Ape Heads Found in or Near the Valley of the John Day River
Historical Sketch of the Origin and Work of the Hay River Mission, Great Slave Lake, N. W. T
Great American Levees
J. M. Neale: The Quay of the Dioscuri: A History of Nicene Times
John Hampton Se Cheverell: Journal History of the Twenty-ninth Ohio Veteran Volunteers, 1861-1865: Its Victories and its Reverses (Travels in the Confederate States)
W. H. Rohr: Machine molder practice,: An instructive, illustrated manual on molder work, the operation and superintendance of the molding MacHine
Carl Ullmann: Gregory of Nazianzum: Ho Theologos [Romanized form] 'The Divine'. A Contribution to the Ecclesiastical History of the Fourth Century
Susan Warner: Karl Krinken: His Christmas Stocking
Edmund Dulac: Christmas Pictures
Henry S. Kirk: Bethlehem: A Christmas Poem
Thomas Stevenson: A Treatise On Alcohol, with Tables of Spirit-gravities
J. Nelson Spaeth: Growth Study and Normal Yield Tables for Second Growth Hardwood Stands in Central New England
Harrison Hale: An Electrolytic Method of Analyzing Zinc Ores
John Tozer: On Identity of Method in the Search for Truth: Jurisprudence
Harold S. Blackburne: Position Finding by the Improved "Sumner" Method: Contrasted with the New Navigation (Marcq St. Hilaire System), and the Old "Sumner" Method; Together ... Special Star Reduction and Azimuth Tables
Charles Pickering Bowditch: A Method Which May Have Been Used by the Mayas in Calculating Time
Lloyd Balderston: An Interference Method for the Measurement of the Speed of Sound in Liquids
Wesley George France: Study of the Transference Numbers of Sulfuric Acid and the Influence of Gelatin On the Transference Numbers by Concentration Cell Method
Daniel F. Seerey: Small Sawmills
J. Corson Miller: Veils of Samite
Byron Webber Holt: The Tin-plate Trust
Mark Edward Perugini: The Art of Ballet
Eugene Vetromile: The Abnakis and Their History, Or, Historical Notices on the Aborigines of Acadia
Charles Davies: Busby's English Introduction to the Latin Tongue Examined by Way of Question and Answer, with the Memorial Verses Expressing the Declensions, Terminations and Genders of Nouns, and the Memorial Verses for Forming the Verbs, Construed
Joshua Seixas: A Manual Hebrew Grammar: For the Use of Beginners
J. Watts De Peyster: A Vindication of James Hepburn: Fourth Earl of Bothwell, Third Husband of Mary, Queen of Scots
Victoria and Albert Museum: Italian Wall Decorations of the 15th and 16th centuries. A handbook to the models, illustrating interiors of Italian buildings, in the Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington
Charles Henry Caffin: The Art of Dwight W. Tyron: an Appreciation
Daniel Bunce: The Language of the Aborigines of the Colony of Victoria
Richard Spruce: Notes of a Botanist on the Amazon & Andes: Being Records of Travel on the Amazon and its Tributaries, the Trombetas, Rio Negro, UaupeĢs, Casiquiari, Pacimoni, ... of the Pacific, During the Years 1849-1864
USCGS: Geodesy: Latitude Observations with Photographic Zenith Tube at Gathersburg, Md
Frank Samuel Child: A Colonial Witch: Being a Study of the Black Art in the Colony of Connecticut
Tom Burton Williams: Hints on Imposition: An Illustrated Guide for Printer and Pressman in the Construction of Book-forms. Also Other Matters Pertaining to Letter-press Printing
Emily Warren Elmore: A Practical Hand-book of Games
George Ogilvie: The Master-builder's Plan, or, The Principles of Organic Architecture as Indicated in the Typical Forms of Animals
Ernest Brown & Phillips: Catalogue of an Exhibition of Cartoons by Max Beerbohm. April-May, 1913
Frederick William Holls: Sancta Sophia and Troitza: a Tourist's Notes on the Oriental Church