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Kenneth Scott Latourette: Japan: Suggested Outlines for a Discussion of Japan, Her History, Culture, Problems, and Relations with the United States
W. H. Treacher: British Borneo: Sketches of Brunai, Sarawak, Labuan, and North Borneo
William Adams: The Log-book of William Adams, 1614-19: With the Journal of Edward Saris, and Other Documents Relating to Japan, Cochin China, Etc
George Bronson Rea: Analysis of the China-Japanese Treaties: Their Bearing on American Interests
William Alexander: Picturesque Representations of the Dress and Manners of the Austrians
Charles Moreton: The Maid and the Magpie: An Interesting Tale Founded on Facts
The Old Woman and the Silver Penny
Cox, Palmer: History of a Coffee Bean
How a Little Boy Became Lord Mayor of London [How Geo. Worthy Became Mayor]
Francis Asbury Wood: Color-names and Their Congeners: A Semasiological Investigation
Edmund Porter: Christophagia. The Mystery of Eating the Flesh and Drinking the Blood of Christ
James Howell: A Discours of the Empire and of the Election of a King of the Romans
Ninian Winzet: Certain Tractates: Vol. I
Cuthbert Conny-catcher': The Defence of Conny-catching
Turquios Work of Hawikuh New Mexico
Clare Beecher Kummer: Bridges
Rowland Gibson Hazard: How Robin Hood once was a wait: A miracle play or Christmas Masque
Anna Jane Wilcox Harnwell: The sin of Ahab,: A drama in one act, (The Drama league series)
John Burley: Tom Trouble: a play in four Acts
Franz Boas: The Kwakiutl of Vancouver Island
Jón Stefánsson: The Life and Death of Cormac the Skald: Being the Icelandic Kormáks-saga
Prescott Ford Jernegan: Philippine Geography Primer
Lake, Kirsopp: The Early Days of Monasticism on Mount Athos
Walter Fenno Dearborn: The Psychology of Reading: An Experimental Study of the Reading Pauses and Movements of the Eye (v. xiv)
Malcolm, Ian Zachary: Convicted: A Record of Disloyal Speeches, Resolutions, Leaflets and Posters, Published in Ireland and America Between 1880 and 1911
Layard, Austen Henry: A Second Series of the Monuments of Nineveh
Erman, Adolf: A Handbook of Egyptian Religion
Guy Brunton: Lahun I: The Treasure
Surman, Gerald: The Sapper: Compiled From Instruction in Military Engineering: Vol. I
Anonymous: The Actors Remonstrance
Anonymous: A Merry Ieste of a Shrewde and Curst Wyfe
The Stage-players Complaint in a Pleasant Dialogue Betweene Cane of the Fortune, and Reed of the Friers, Deploring Their Sad and Solitary Conditions for Want of Imployment in This Heavie and Contagious Time of the Plague in London
Gerard, John et al: The Triall of Mr. John Gerhard, Mr. Peter Vowell, and Sommerset Fox
Barker, Thomas: Barker's Delight: or, the Art of Angling
Beaumont, Francis: Salmacis and Hermaphroditus
Berners, Juliana: A Treatyse of Fysshynge wyth an Angle
Morice, E. G. [Edtr]; Breton, Nicholas: Grimellos Fortunes: With His Entertainment in His Travaile: A Discourse Full of Pleasure
Daniel Defoe: An Essay on the Regulation of the Press
Leicester, Robert Dudley: Lawes and Ordinances Militarie
Gascoigne, George: The Steele Glas: The Complaynte of Philomene
Heywood, Thomas: A Fvnerall Elegie Vpon the Death of the Late Most Hopefull and Illustrious Prince, Henry, Prince of Wales
Nash, Thomas: Pierce Penilesse, His Svpplication to the Diuell
Percy, William: Sonnets to the Fairest Coelia
Speght, Rachel: A Movzell for Melastomvs
Tusser, Thomas: A Hundreth Good Pointes of Husbandrie
Winstanley, Gerrard: The True Levellers Standard Advanced: The State of Community Opened, and Presented to the Sons of Men
Heath, Charles: The Heroines of Shakspeare
Enoch Noyes: An Analytical Guide to the Art of Penmanship: In Which the Correct Principles of the Round and Running Hands are Systematized and Simplified: Designed ... and Elegant Art with the Utmost Facility
A. N. Palmer: Palmer's Penmanship Budget
A. N. Palmer; W. C. Henning: Portfolio of Ornate Penmanship
I B T & Co: New Standard Practical Penmanship
C.P. Zaner: Lessons in Ornamental Penmanship
Frederick W. Faxon: "Ephemeral bibelots.": A bibliography of the modern chap-books and their imitators, (Bulletin of bibliography pamphlets)
Jean Racine: Athaliah: A Tragedy, Intended for Reading Only, Translated into English Blank Verse
James Washington Lugenbeel: Sketches of Liberia: Comprising a Brief Account of the Geography, Climate, Productions, and Diseases, of the Republic of Liberia
Robert Ballard: The Solution of the Pyramid Problem or, Pyramid Discoveries with a New Theory as to Their Ancient Use
Finley Acker: Pen Sketches: Streets of Cairo, Sphinx and Pyramids, Bedouin Wedding Festival, Venetian Serenade, Modern Jerusalem, Colosseum Illuminated, Bazaars of Damascus, Pompeii and Vesuvius
Athanasious Toleff Christoff: The Truth about Bulgaria
Hsiang Liu: Typical Women of China [Abridged from the Chinese Work "Records of Virtuous Women of Ancient and Modern Times"]
The Gift of the King: a Simple Explanation of the Doctrines and Ceremonies of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
Mathias, Thomas James: Runic Odes from the Norse Tongue
Snorri Sturluson: Norse Stories
Stratton, Henry Wilson: Sparks and Flames: Poems
Reginald Pelham Bolton: Building for Profit: Principles Governing the Economic Improvement of Real Estate
Kreutzer, Rodolphe: Forty-two etudes or caprices for the Violin
Leonard Dreyfuss: An Idea That Saved a Business
Charles Austin Bates: Good Advertising and Where It Is Made
How to Write Advertisements That Sell
Edwards, Sydenham: The Botanical Register: Consisting of Coloured Figures of Exotic Plants Cultivated in British gardens; with Their History and Mode of Treatment [Vol. I]
M. C. Winternitz: The Pathology of Influenza
Richard, Mary Martin: Paper on Chinese Music
Edward Bury: A Selection of Hexandrian Plants, Belonging to the Natural Orders Amaryllidae and Liliacae, from Drawings by Mrs. Edward Bury, Liverpool
W. T. Hutchins: All About Sweet Peas: An Art Monograph
Margaret P. Waterman: A Study of the Igorot Language as Spoken by the Bontic Igorots
Edward M. Ericson: An Illustrated Annual Of Works By American Artists & Craft Workers