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Robert Stevenson: A New Potential Principle in Nature: Elasticity a Mode of Motion, Being a Popular Description of a New and Important Discovery in Science Judge, Arthur William: Elementary Principles of Aeroplane Design and Construction: a Textbook for Students, Draughtsmen and Engineers Varley, Telford: Winchester, Painted by Wilfrid Ball
Theophrastus [R.C. Jebb]: Theoprastou Charakteres: The Characters of Theoprastus: An English Translation from a Revised Text with Introduction and Notes Hull, Edward: A Treatise on the Building and Ornamental Stones of Great Britain and Foreign Counties, Arranged According to Their Geological Distribution and Mineral Character, with Illustrations of Their Application in Ancient and Modern Structures Youmans, Harriet Phelps: Grimsby Park: Historial and Descriptive, with Biographical Sketches of the Late President Noah Phelps and Others
Owen B Maginnis: Practical Centring: Treating of the Practice of Centring Arches in Building Construction as carried on in the United States at the Present Time The Folly of Juvenile Fears, or, The Wig and the Shoulder of Mutton: Embellished with Plates Harriman, Karl Edwin: Sadie: The Story of a Girl, Some Men, and the Eternal Fitness of Things
Perkin, Arthur George: The Natural Organic Colouring Matters Oischinger, Johann Nepomuk Paul: Die Einheitslehre der Göttlichen Trinität Bradfield, Edward: Wheat and the Flour Mill: A Handbook for Practical Flour Millers
Kerr, J. B: Biographical Dictionary of Well-known British Columbians: with a Historical Sketch Windelband, W: Die Lehren vom Zufall Bechtel, John Hendricks: Hand-book of Pronunciation and Phonetic Analysis: Designed for Use in Schools and Colleges
Funke, Otto: Atlas der Physiologischen Chemie: Zugleich als Supplement zu C. G. Lehmann's Lehrbuch der Physiologischen Chemie Hansen, George: The Orchid Hybrids Gordon-Gorman, William James: Converts to Rome Since the Tractarian Movement to May, 1899
Eugene C. Bingham: Fluidity and Plasticity Stoddart, Jane T: The Earl of Rosebery: an Illustrated Biography Lovechild, Mrs: Tommy Thumb's Song-book: For All Little Masters and Misses, to be Sung to Them By Their Nurses Till They Can Sing Them Themselves
Michael Mueller: The Holy Mass: the Sacrifice for the Living and the Dead, the Clean Oblation Offered up Among the Nations from the Rising to the Setting of the Sun Hewitt, John Theodore: Synthetic Colouring Matters; Dyestuffs Derived from Pyridine, Quinoline, Acridine and Xanthene Kahn, Gustave: Sarah Bernhardt
Johnson, Byron Berkeley: Abraham Lincoln and Boston Corbett, with Personal Recollections of Each; John Wilkes Booth and Jefferson Davis: A True Story of Their Capture Whitlock, F. B: The Migration of Birds: a Consideration of Herr Gatke's Views Fisher, Arthur Thomas: Outdoor life in England
Ramavijaya: The Mythological History of Rama Gilman, Charlotte Perkins: In This Our World and Other Poems Collings, George: A Practical Treatise on Handrailing: Showing New and Simple Methods for Finding the Pitch of the Plank, Drawing the Moulds, Bevelling, Jointing-up, and Squaring the Wreath, to Which is Added A Treatise on Stair Building
Stewart, Balfour: Paradoxical Philosophy: A Sequel to The Unseen Universe Sturgis E. Leavitt: Siete Cuentos De Vicente Blasco Ibanez Eyma, Xavier: Les Deux Ameriques: Histoire, Murs et Voyages
Heurtley, Charles A: On Faith and the Creed: Dogmatic Teaching of the Church of the Fourth and Fifth Centuries Atchley, E. G. Cuthbert F: Ordo Romanus Primus, with Introduction and Notes Farrow, Frederic Richard: Specifications for Building Works, and How to Write Them: a Manual for Architectual Students
Savage, John: Ninety-eight and '48; the Modern Revolutionary History and Literature of Ireland Reedy, William Marion: The Eugene Field Myth H A Guerber: Legends Of The Middle Ages Narrated With Special Reference Ti Literature And Art
The Golden Present: Designed for the Amusement and Instruction of All Good Masters and Misses in the United Kingdoms of Great Britain & Ireland Fairbanks, Arthur: The First Philosophers of Greece: an Edition and Translation of the Remaining Fragments of the pre-Sokratic Philosophers, Together with a Translation of the More Important Accounts of their Opinions Contained in the Early Epitomes of Their Works Teissier, Guillaume Ferdinand: Essai Philologique sur les Commencemens de la Typographie a Metz: Et Sur Les Imprimeurs de Cette Ville, Puise Dans Les Materiaux D'une Histoire Litte Raire, Biographique et Bibliographique de Metz et de sa Province
Forbush, Edward Howe: Some Under-Water Activities of Certain Waterfowl Watt, Alexander: Leather Manufacture: a Practical Handbook of Tanning, Currying, and Chrome Leather Dressing Bingley, William: Memoirs of British Quadrupeds: Illustrative Principally of Their Habits of Life, Instincts, Sagacity, and Uses to Mankind. Arranged According to the System of Linnaeus
Robinson, Edward Colpitts: In an Unknown Land: a Journey Through the Wastes of Labrador in Search of Gold Crary, Lottie Elva: A Text-book of Field Zoology: Insects and Their Near Relatives and Birds Morison, E. F: St. Basil and His Rule: A Study in Early Monasticism
Guthrie, Ellen Emma: Old Scottish Customs: Local and General Merriam, C. Hart: A Review of the Birds of Connecticut Stone, William L: Matthias and His Impostures, or, The progress of fanaticism. Illustrated in the extraordinary case of Robert Matthews, and Some of His Forerunners and Disciples
F. Muller: Catalogue of Books Relating to America, Including a Large Number of Rare Works Printed Before 1700, Amongst Which a Nearly Complete Collection of the Dutch Publications on New-Netherland, from 1612-1820 Gallerani, Alessandro: Jesus All Good Burton, Maria Amparo Ruiz: The squatter and the don : a novel descriptive of contemporary occurrences in California
Wibbelt, Augustine: The Blessed Peace of Death: A Little Book of Good Cheer Maqrizi, Ahmad ibn Ali: Die Kämpfe und Streitigkeiten zwischen den Banu 'Umajja und den Banu Hasim; eine Abhandlung von Takijj ad-Din al-Makrizijj. Der arabische Test nach der Leidener, Wiener und Strassburger Handschrift hrsg., und zur Erlangung der Doctorwürde bei der .. Crawford, Andrew Kerr: Pandemonium, or Records of the Infernal Convention at Which King Alcohol Obtained Dominion Over the World From His Satanic Majesty
Gurney, John Henry: Notes on the Isles of Scilly and the Manx Shearwater (Puffinus Anglorum) Hutchings, Emily Grant: Jap Herron Jankovic, Velizar S: Serbia and the Peace with Bulgaria: Economic and Financial Parallel Developpement
Moon, M. Harris: Jemima Claverton, or, The Slanderer Punished McKenna, P. P: The Theology of Faith Howard, Charles Wallace: A Manual of the Cultivation of the Grasses and Forage Plants at the South
Lee, Henry: The Militia of the United States: What it Has Been, What itShould Be Charles B Cory: Montezuma's Castle And Other Weird Tales Michael J Watson: Within the Soul: Helps in the Spiritual Life. A Book of Little Essays
Silberstein, Solomon Joseph: Six General Laws of Nature: a New Idealism Grolier Club: Exhibition of Engraved Portraits of Washington Commerorative of the Centenary of His Death, on View at the Grolier Club Northcote, James: Flowers of fable : for Children
Flaxman, Maria: Flora's Gala Anderson, Alexander: Garden Amusements for Improving the Minds of Little Children Sylvester Judd: Richard Edney and the Governor's Family: A Rusurban Tale of Morals, Sentiment, and Life
Crane, Walter: Mother Goose's Nursery Rhymes: A Collection of Alphabets, Rhymes, Tales, and Jingles Summerly, Felix: Traditional Nursery Songs of England Philoxenus, Bp. of Hierapolis: Three Letters of Philoxenus, Bishop of Mabbôgh (485-519) Being the Letter to the Monks, the First Letter to the Monks of Beth-Gaugal and the Letter to Emperor Zeno