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ALERS, C. J. (Afrikaans By D.F. MALHERBE & J.F.W. GROSSKOPF): Die Afrikanerkind Skoolleesboek Vir Standerd IV ALERS, C. J. (Afrikaans By D.F. MALHERBE & J.F.W. GROSSKOPF): Die Afrikanerkind Skoolleesboek Vir Standerd VI ELBRECHT, B: Nuwe Afrikaans Skolliedjies
BLOK, Thos: Die Afrikanerkind Resitasieboek Vir Laer Standerds BLOK, Thos: Oom Willem Boek 1 Standerd 1 (Ons Eie Geskiedenis series) BLOK, Thos & WESSELS, W.G: Klein Jannie. Stories Vir Die Sub-Standerds
SMITH, Topsy: Die Vlieende Pierings ROUSSEAU, Leon: Marco Polo Van Venesie, Sy Merkwaardige Reis Na Die Verre Ooste BRENT-DYER, Elinor: Jo Returns to Chalet School
GOETHE, Johan Wolfgang Von (Translated By C D FUCHS): Die Lyding Van Jonge Werther HAUPTFLEISCH, E: Die Kaskenades Van Piet En Griet HAUPTFLEISCH, E: Dina En Dirkie in Hoekomland
UNNERSTAD, Edith: Somer By Ouma VAN HEERDEN, Thyra: Lala Die Rooibokkie En Ander Verhaaltjies SWIFT, Jonathan (Oorvertel By Oom hannes): Gulliver By Die Reuse
BRAND, Hendrik: Adriaan Hugo Speurder TALJARD, L: Speletjies Vir Almal En Vir Alle Geleenthede VENTER, F.A: Wit Oemfaan
PROYSEN, Alf: Little Mrs Pepperpot CEDERGREN, Sten: The Adventurous Life of a Vagabond Hunter. From South America to East Africa, the Life of a Professional Hunter FRANKL, Victor: The Will to Meaning: Foundations and Applications of Logotherapy
FERGUSON, Fergus W: Southern Rhodesia: An Account Of Its Past History, Present Development, Natural Riches, And Future Prospects BYRNE, J.C: Emigrant's Guide to the Cape of Good Hope CAVANAGH, James A: Adventures of an Insurance Agent
CHARLESWORTH, Maria Louisa: Africa's Mountain Valley; or, The Church in Regent's Town, West Africa. MEINTJES, Johannes: Jeugjare 1923 - 1940 HAUGHTON, S.H: Geological History of Southern Africa
MEINTJES, Johannes: Dagboek Van Johannes Meintjes 2. Feb 1947- April 1951 LANGENHOVEN, C.J.L: Van Die Aarde Na Die Sterre. DEEL 1: Die Aarde En Die Man LIGHTON, Conrad: The Young Springbok Souvenir Book / Die Jong Springbok Gedenkboek
HOOGVLIET, J.M: Elements of Dutch FRIEDENTHAL, Julius: Ondank is Die Wereld Se Loon MAGRIEL, Paul: Backgammon
BAILEY, Alice A: A Treatise on Cosmic Fire PROGRAMME: Olimpiese Proewe 1960 Stoei // Wrestling Olympic Trials 1960 NAKA, John Yoshio: Bonsai Techniques I
BOTHA, Amanda (Edited by): Chris Brink Anatomy of a Transformer WEBSTER, Trevor: Healdtown. Under the Eagle;'s Wings. The Legacy of an African Mission School LA GUMA, Blanche & KLEMMER, Martin: In the Dark with My Dress on Fire: My Life in Cape Town, London, Havana and Home Again
DABYDEEN, David (Edited by): The Black Presence in English Literature ALEXANDER, Neville: Thoughts on the New South Africa HARLOW, Barbara: Resistance Literature
NIEL:D, Robert: Breaking the Shakespeare Codes: The Sensational Discovery of the Bard's True Identity MARGARY, Ivan D: Roman Roads in Britain: Vol 2: North of the Foss Way - British Channel (including Wales and Scotland ) BALCER, Jack Martin: Herodotus & Bilitun: Problems in Ancient Persian Historiography
MANOS, Constantine: A Greek Portfolio WERBNER, Richard & RANGER, Terence (Edited by): Postcolonial Identities in Africa GRAVES, Robert and RIDING, Laura: A Survey of Modern Poetry
NORRIS, C.C: William Empson and the Philosophy of Literary Criticism. With a Postscript by William Empson ILLICH, Ivan: Shadow Work SEEPE, Sipho (Edited by): Towards an African Identity of Higher Education
SLAUGHTER, Cliff: Marxism, Ideology & Literature HAWTHORN, Jeremy: Cunning Passages. New Historicism, Cultural Materialism, and Marxism in the Contemporary Literary Debate JAMESON, Fredric: The Modernist Papers
BUSH, Ronald (edited by): T. S. Eliot: The Modernist in History McCORMICK, Kay: Language in Cape Town's District Six GUMEDE, Williqam & DIKENI, Leslie (Edited by): The Poverty of Ideas: South African Democracy and the Retreat of the Intellectuals
HAMILTON, Carolyn (editor), Verne Harris (editor), Michèle Pickover (editor), Graeme Reid (editor), Razia Saleh (editor), Jane Taylor (editor): Refiguring the Archive BOTHA, D.J. & DE VILLIERS, P.D: Veldgids Bome, Struike en Rankers van die Faan Meintjes-Natuurreservaat / Field Guide Trees, Shrubs and Climbers of the Faan Meintjes Nature Reserve ATTRIDGE, Derek & JOLLY, Rosemary (Edited by): Writing South Africa: Literature, Apartheid, and Democracy, 1970-1995
FERRARI: Ferrari Yearbook/Ferrari Annuario 2001 FERRARI: Ferrari Yearbook/Ferrari Annuario 2003 FERRARI: Ferrari Yearbook/Ferrari Annuario 2004
FERRARI: Ferrari Yearbook/Ferrari Annuario 2005 FERRARI: Ferrari Yearbook/Ferrari Annuario 2006 FERRARI: Ferrari Yearbook/Ferrari Annuario 2012
SLOANE, Alec Maurice (as Told to Pieter VOSLOO): The History of a Fellow of the American College of Physicians STEWART, William E: Hunting Africa's Dangerous Game BOOTHROYD, Geoffrey & BOOTHROYD, Susan: Boothroyd's Revised Directory of British Gun Makers
ROSENTHAL, Eric: The Story of Holmes Motor Company LINDFORS, Bernth (Edited by): Research in African Literatures: Volume 17 Number 3, Fall 1986 LINDFORS, Bernth (Edited by): Research in African Literatures: Volume 19 Number 1, Spring 1988
FEUSER, Willfried F. (Edited by): Contemporary Nigerian Literature (Matatu #2) JOJO *Introduction By M T MOERANE): The World of Jojo BAIKOFF, J: Glen Dirk: A History of the House and Its Owners