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KEIICHI, Nonogami: Yokohamae to Kaikae colour prints of the late Tokugawa and early Meiji periods in the Nonogami collection. Colour Prints of the late Tokugawa and early Meiji Periods in the Nonogami Collection
EADE, Deborah & LICHTERINGEN, Ernst (Edited by): Debating Development: NGOs and the Future
SCHINDLER, Maria: Goethe's Theory Colour Applied By Maria Schindler
POULANTZAS, Nicos: Political Power and Social Classes
HINDESS, Barry, and HIRST, Paul Q: Pre-Capitalist Modes of Production
ANONYMOUS: Nursery Tales and Fairy Stories
MEINTJES, Malcolm & PEDDER, Murray (Edited by): Favoured Flies and Select Techniques of the Experts VOLUMES 1-3
BEHRMAN, Greg: The Most Noble Adventure: The Marshall Plan and the Reconstruction of Post-War Europe
DOLKART, Judith F. (Edited by): James Tissot: The Life of Christ: The Complete Set of 350 Watercolors
PROKHOROV, Alexander: The Russian Management Model : Hidden Reflections
LAWRENCE, A.W. (Edited by): T. E. Lawrence By His Friends
HEMINGWAY, Ernest (Introduction By David GARNETT): The Torrents of Spring
HALL, Stuart & SEALY, Mark: Different: A historical context: Contemporary Photographers and Black Identity
KEATS, John: The Poems of John Keats
HAVAS, Kato: The Violin and I. An Autobiographical Account. With seven years of controverial correspondence over the New Approach
POULANTZAS, Nicos: Classes in Contemporary Capitalism
HILTON, Rodney (Edited by): The Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism
STOF, Jannie: Maats Op Lemoenfontein
SLABBERT, Rita: Tikkie-tooi Die Meerkat
MAY, A. Frank: Nog Tien Dierestories
GRIMM: Grim Se Sprokies. Kort Stories Vir Kinders III
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GRIMM: Grim Se Sprokies. Kort Stories Vir Kinders IX
AESOP ( Adapted in Afrikaans By P. A. M. BRINK): Ie Fabels Van Esopus Vir Kinders
ANDERSON, H.C. (Translated P.M.E. BRINK)
BRINK, P.A.M. (Translated by): Jakkalstreke. 'n Vrye Vertaling Van "Reinaart De Vos"
BRINK, P.A.M. (Translated by): Verhale Uit Arabiese Nag Stories
SWIFT, Jonathan (Adapted By P. A. M. BRINK): Gulliver in Lilliput
GRIMM (Translated P.A.M. BRINK): Sprokies
BRINK, P. A. M. (Translated by): Uilspieel. 'n Vrye Vertaling Van Tyl Uilenspiegel
HEINEMANN, Erich & BAUMGARTEN, F (Retold By Ela SPENCE): Droomland
GODDEN, Rumer: Impunity Jane
FIDLER, Kathleen: The Little Ship Dog
FLACK, Marjorie: Walter Muis Word Fluks
SIGSGAARD, Jens: Paultjie Alleen in Die Wereld
KUHN, C.J: Anderland Se Stories
DEC VOS, Ethelwyn: Jannie En Die Plantluise
GRIMM,: Repelsteeltjie En Ander Sprokies
LANGENHOVEN, C.J. (and Many Others ): Die Groot Boek Oor Ons Dieremaats
HOLLING, Holling Clancy: Paddle to the Sea
NABER, S.A: Allard Pierson Herdacht
SCHAEPMAN, H.J.A.M: Verzamelde Dichtwerken
VERWIJS, Eelco (Edited F. A. STOETT): Bloemlezing uit Middelnederlandse dichters. VOLS 1-4
MOLSBERGEN, E.C: Frankrijk en de Republiek der Vereenigde Nederlanden, 1648-1662
MOLENAAR, M.`: Nederland en Afrika. Gedichten
CHOMSKY, Noam: Cartesian Linguistics. A Chapter in the History of Rationalist Thought
SPENCE, Ela: Soekie En Haar Maats
DU PLESSIS, E,P: Die Kennis Gids tot Moderne Afrikaans
BOSHOFF, S.P.E. & NIENABER, G.S: Afrikaanse Etimologie
ALEXANDER, F. Matthias: The Use of the Self: Its Conscious Direction in Relation to Diagnosis Functioning and the Control of Reaction
NIENABER, P.J: Op Brandwag vir ons Taal - Die Geskiedenis en Werksaamhede van Die Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns
GREYLING, J.O: Die Natalse Ouer En Die Opvoeding Van Sy Kind
CAMILLA: Wee Jade Button (To The Pekingnese Pom - Pom, Much Mourned Companion of An Alone Child
JANSEN, Martha Mabel: Afrikaner Harte: Treurspel in Drie Bedrywe
FAGAN, H.A: Soos Die Windjie Wat Suis
FENSHAM, F.G: Professor G. M. Pellissier
NEUMANN, Arthur H: Elephant-Hunting in East Equatorial Africa. Being an Account of Three Years' Ivory-Hunting Under Mount Kenia and Amoung the Ndorobo Savages of the Lorogi Mountains, Including a Trip to the North End of Lake Rudolph
SKAIFE, S.H: Die Vreemde Ondervindinge Van Jan Harmse
POUJOULAT, Baptistin: Histoire de la conquête et de l'occupation de Constantinople par les Latins
MALHERBE, Marie: Innis Dae
FRIEDMAN, M. & SCHWARTZ, Anna Jacobson: A Monetary History of the United States, 1867-1960
KNICKERBOCKER, H.R: Soviet Trade and World Depression
KUHNE, W.O: Huppelkind
KUHNE, W.O: Huppel Maak 'n Plan
LENNART, Clare (Translated Alba BOUWER): Rinus Die Stasiemossie
FELD, Friedrich: The Talking Cat
KUHNE, W.O: Huppel Verjaar
KUHNE, W.O: Vrolike Huppelkind
ALERS, C. J. (Afrikaans By D.F. MALHERBE & J.F.W. GROSSKOPF): Die Afrikanerkind Skoolleesboek Vir Standerd I
ALERS, C. J. (Afrikaans By D.F. MALHERBE & J.F.W. GROSSKOPF): Die Afrikanerkind Skoolleesboek Vir Standerd III