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TRETCHIKOFF, Vladimir: Pigeon's Luck
PERIODICAL: The Almanac and African Travel Magazine January 1940
HARDY, David & FABIAN, Anita: Succulents of the Transvaal
LEMMER, Stephanus R: Familia Lemmer
BLANE, William: The Silent Land and Other Poems
GERARD, F: Flags Over South Africa
MADARO, Giancenzo: All the Fiats
BOYD-HARVEY, Julia: Tutti and the Magic Bird
BRIJBHUSHAN, Jamila: Masterpieces of Indian Jewellery
PINTO DA CUNHA, A. (Edited by): Scale effects in rock masses : proceedings of the First International Workshop on Scale Effects in Rock Masses, Loen, Norway, 7-8 June 1990
ZAFAR, Ali: The Principles and Practice of Kiln Drying Sawn Timber
WHITE, Vernon S. (Edited by): Modern Sawmill Techniques: Volume 1: Proceedings of the First Sawmill Clinic, February 1973
LAMBERT, Herbert G. (Edited by): Modern Sawmill Techniques: Volume 4
BATESON, R.G: Timber Drying and the behaviour of Seasoned Timber in Use
BALDWIN, Richard F: Plywood Manufacturing Practices
WILDING, John: How to Make an English Regulator Clock
KOFOID, Charles A. (Edited by): Termites and Termite Control
SATO, T. & OKANO, I: Vital Judo
KASHIWAZAKI, Katsuhiro: Fighting Judo
MAZAHERI, ATA; & MAZUMDAR, DIPAK: The African Manufacturing Firm: An Analysis Based on Firm Studies in Sub-Saharan Africa
MASON, Revill J: The Archaeology and Human Ecology of Melville Koppies Nature Reserve Johannesburg
KARSHAN, Donald: Archipenko: The Early Works: 1910-1921 The Erich Goeritz Collection at the Tel Aviv Museum
WHITFIELD, Peter: London A Life in Maps
WARD, Rowland: Records of Big Game, with the Distribution, Characteristics, Dimensions, Weights, and Horn & Tusk Measurements of the Different Species. FOURTH EDITION
MAP CENTRE: Map of the Witwatersrand
WERTH, A.J. // DE JAGER, E.J: Hedendaagse Afrika-kuns in Suid Afrika // Copntemporary African Art in South Africa
GUILLEMIN, Henri (Text by): Hommage a Jean Lurcat
GOSS, Isaac (Israel Aaron MAISELS Association Copy ): Adventure of Jewish Education: Essays in Survival and Salvation
BUCHANAN, Duncan: Breaking a Mould: Memories of a Bishop
JODIDIO, Philip: Architecture in the Netherlands
BENTLEY: Bentayga
POLAND, Maruerite: Taken Captive By Birds
HARE, John: Shipping Law & Admiralty Jurisdiction in South Africa
GITTLEMAN, John L: Carnivore Behavior, Ecology and Evolution
DURAN, Khalid / FIRESTONE, Reuven: Children of Abraham: An Introduction to Islam for Jews/ An Introduction to Judaism for Muslims (2 vols.)
NIEMAND, Erwin; NIEMAND, Nicoleen; RASA, O. Anne E: Kalahari Magnificent Desert
CLARK, A. Graham: Text Book on Motor Car Engineering: Volume One, Construction
LYONS, Brendan: All Gunns Blazing. J & T Gunn and the Development of Launceston 1871-1997
MOFOKENG, Santu & RADITHALO, Sqam: Santu Mofokeng (TAXI #004)
CHOPIN, Frederic: Mazurkas
CHOPIN, Frederic: Sonatas
CHOPIN, Frederic: Berceuse Barcarolle Etc
CHOPIN, Frederic: Valses
PROPP, Vladimir: Theory and History of Folklore
UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA: Report of the Commission of Enquiry Into the Disturbances in the Witzieshoek Native Reserve // Verslag Van Die Kommissie Van Ondersoek Na Onluste in Die Witzieshoek Naturellereservaat
RHODESIA: Report of the Urban African Affairs Commission 1958
MALAN, D.F. (and others_: Het Arme Blankes Vraagstuk. Verslag Van Het Kerkelik Kongres Gehouden Te Cradock Op 22 En 23 November 1916
HENDRICKS, Kate: The Bend in Tghe Road
BAILEY, Maurice & BAILEY, Maralyn: 117 Days Adrift
BETCHAKU, Yasuko & MIRVISS, Joan B. (Introduction, Notes and Translation by): Utamaro: Songs of the Garden
PAPE, Hinrich: Hermannsburger Missionare in Südafrika - 221 Lebens und Arbeitsberichte mit Bildern
SCHEID, Klaus P: Sauna
WEISS, Norman L. (Edited by): SME Mineral Processing Handbook Volumes 1 and 2
MNGXITAMA, Andile; ALEXANDER, Amanda; GIBSON, Nigel C. (Edited by): Biko Lives!: Contesting the Legacies of Steve Biko
BEUKES, Anne-Marie & PIENAAR, Marne: Veeltalige Vertaalterminologie // Multilingual Translation Terminology
ZANGWILL, Israeil: They that Walk in Darkness. Ghetto Tragedies
ELLER, Jack David: Introducing Anthropology of Religion: Culture to the Ultimate
RUSSELL, Eilliam: WET-RehabMethods. National Guidelines and Methods for Wetland Rehabilitation
FLIOR, Yudel: Dvinsk: Its Rise and Decline
KANE-BERMAN, John & GOLDBLATT, David: Inkatha (IN OPTIMA Volume 30 Number Three )
ILLING, June (edited by): Soweto Kaleidoscope 1976
KELLER, Michael E: The Graham Legacy: Graham-Paige to 1932
PRICE, Barrie: The Lea-Francis Story
RYAN, Mike: Ahistory of Organised Pharmacy in South Africa 1885-1950
ADHIKARI, Mohamed: Against the Current: A Biography of Harold Cressy 1889-1916
PETROVA, Eva: Jan Smetana
DOHNALOVA, Marie: Alfred Justitz
REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA: Second Interim Report of the Commission of Inquiry Into universities
REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA: Fifth Interim Report of the Commission of Inquiry Into Certain Organisations // Vyfde Tussentydse Verslag Van Die Kommissie Van Ondersoek Na Sekere Organisasies
DUGARD, John (and Many others): South West Africa Problems and Alternatives. A Collection of Lectures....University of Cape Town 10th-14th February 1975
VOLAVKA, Vojtek: Frantisek Tichy Kresby
BOWLER, T.W: Pictorial Album of Cape Town. With views of Simonstown, Port Elizabeth and Grahamstown
MAHARAJ, Huzur: Radhasoami mat prakash, or, A brief view of Radhasoami faith: Being a message of eternal peace and joy to all Nations
BOLD, J.D: Fanagalo (Kitchen Kafir) Dictionary Grammar and Phrase Book
BEAZLEY, John; MANNERS, Alfred K.; WHITE-ROBINSON, Arnold C: Training Setters and Pointers for Field Trials