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MATFIELD, Victor: Victor My Journey FERGUSON, Niall: The World's Banker: The History of the House of Rothschild CATERPILLAR TRACTOR CO: Diesel No.112 Motor Grader Tandem Drive PARTS Catalog Serial Numbers 3U1 - UP
CATERPILLAR TRACTOR CO: D8 Tractor Parts Catalog Serial Numbers 8R1 to 8R9999 Inclusive KEEN, Clifford P.; SPEIDEL, Charles M.; SWARTZ, Raymond H: Championship Wrestling MITCHELL, Melanie: An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms
LEIBBRANDT, H.C.V: Precis of the Archives of the Cape of Good Hope: Requesten (Memorials) 1715-1806 : VOL 1:: A-E; VOL 2: F-O; VOL.3 P-S; VOL.4 T-Z; VOL.5 Index HUGHES, Patrick & BRECHT, George: Vicious Circles and Infinity : A Panoply of Paradoxes PAKENHAM, Thomas: The Scramble for Africa
GORDIMER, Nadine: Telling Times: Writing and Living, 1950-2008 GREAVES, Adrian & KNIGHT, Ian: Who's Who in the Zulu War 1879 Volume I & II AIRD, Ian: The Making of a Surgeon
BAIKIE, James: The Amarna Age, A Study of the Crisis of the Ancient World RAMSAY, John G. & HUBER, Martin I: Techniques of Modern Structural Geology, Volume 1 Strain Analysis DERLETH, August: The Solar Pons Omnibus
JAMES, Henry (Edited with Introduction By Leon EDEL): The Complete Tales of Henry James. VOLUME 1: 1864-1868 JAMES, Henry (Edited with Introduction By Leon EDEL): The Complete Tales of Henry James. VOLUME 2: 1868-1872 JAMES, Henry (Edited with Introduction By Leon EDEL): The Complete Tales of Henry James. VOLUME 4: 1876-1882
DE LA TORRE, Lillian: The Detections of Dr. Sam: Johnson BUCHAN, James: John Burnet of Barns: A Romance ROBERTSON, Alexander: Atkinson Grimshaw
BELL, Brendan & ADDLESON, Jill (Compiled and Edited by): Jabulisa 2000. The Art of Kwazulu Natal PROUD, Hayden: Harry Trevor the South African Years POWELL, Ivor: Ricky Burnett Margins
GRENIER ( Catherine ) :MIROTCHNIKOFF ( Frédérique ):KERTESS ( Klaus ) :LEVINE ( Les ) : SYLVESTER ( David )]: Malcolm Morley DOEPEL, Rory: 'Pataphysics. Massimo Schuster. Marcel Duchamp. Enrico Baj SPURLING, Hilary: Handbook to Anthony Powell's "Dance to the Music of Time"
SJOWALL, Maj & WAHLOO, Per: The Terrorists CLARKE, Duncan: Africa: Crude Continent: The Struggle for Africa’s Oil Prize DEVEZE, Laurent (Edited by): Pourquoi l'Institut Francais d'Afrique Du Sud S'est Installe a Newtown. Promenade Au Coeur Culturel De Johannesburg
BENTINCK, A: Romantic Imagery in the Works of Walter de la Mare WILSON, Heather: Blue Bonnets, Boers and Biscuits ALDRIDGE, Sally: The Peoples of Zambia
DADOO, Suraya & OSMAN, Firoz: Why Israel? The Anatomy of Zionist Apartheid - A South African Perspective FISHER, Roger C. & CLARKE, Nicholas J: Architectural Guide South Africa LOUW, N. P. Van Wyk: Deurskouende Verband
STICKLAND Wm.G. and WILSON Eric P: Stickland and Wilson Invite You to Join the Party GOUWE, W.F: Glas in Lood VOLPONI, Paolo (Association Armando Baldinelli): Album di Grottammare 20 disegni Di Pericle Fazzini
PONENTE, Nello: Mastroianni Gran Premio Internazionale per la scultura alla XXIX Biennale di Venezia COX, George W: The Life of John William Colenso, D.D. Bishop of Natal.: HILTON-BARBER, David: Footprints: On the Trail of Those Who Made History in the Lowveld
BUTLER, H. J: Private and Commercial Motor Body Building ROSS, Richard A. & MARZEC, Gerald: The Reproductive Husbandry of Pythons and Boas PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM: An Album Containing 27 Snapshot Photographs of Various Short S.23 Flying Boats Purchased By Imperial Airways
BASSON, Nico & MOTINGA, Ban: Call Them Spies. A Documentary Account of the Namibian Spy Drama PONTI, Gio & GUARNATI, Daria: Aria D'Italia: Espressione di Gio Ponti DE CURTIS, Antonello (Introduction by): Marcello Avenali. Oils. Gouaches. Collages. Graphics. Tapestries. A Metallic Invention. 23 July 17 August 1975
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FRASER, Lindley: Germany Between Two Wars A Study of Propaganda & War-Guilt NEWMAN, W.L: The Politics of Aristotle (Volume 1) INTRODUCTION ROSSETTI, Dante Gabriel: Dante And His Circle: With The Italian Poets Preceding Him (1100-1200-1300). A Collection Of Lyrics, Edited, and Translated In The Original Metres Revised and Re-Arranged Edition
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TAYLOR. Thomas: Taylor's Centenary 1796-1896, Containing Bowling Price List and Scottish Assocation Rules of the Game SACHS, Albie: Protecting Human Rights in New South Africa DOYLE, Arthur Conan (Edited By John Michael GIBSON & Richard Lancelyn GREEN): The Unknown Conan Doyle. Letters to the Press
CATLEY, Bryan: Art Deco and Other Figures GREEN, Lswrence G: Author's Post-war Guide BENSON, Mary (Association Ben SCHOEMAN): The Struggle for a Birthright
BOTMA, Heidi Marie: Chalk & Tears DU PLESSIS, Karena & CLEARY, Melanie: The Overberg: Inland from the Tip of Africa PROSKAUER, Curt & WITT, Fritz: Bildgeschichte der Zahnheilkunde, Zeugnisse aus 5 Jhdt.; Pictorial History of Dentistry; Histoire de la médicine par l'image; Storia illustrata dell'arte dentaria; Historia ilustrada de la odontologia
GELABERT, Serge: La Fournaise 98,L,eruption Du Siecle / The Fournaise 98,The Eruption of the Century DU PREEZ, Laurie: Inside the Cage AUCTION CATALOGUE: Brasil 1825-26: Charles Landseer e a Missao Britanica e trabalhos de Burchell, Chamberlain, debrez..
WURTHWEIN, Ernst: The Text of the Old Testament - An Introduction to Kittel-Kahle's Biblia Hebraica DALI, Salvador: Diners De Gala VAN RENSBURG, Willem; MASON, Judith; FREEMANTLE, Barbara: Judith Mason a Prospect of Icons
GRANT, Rosamund: Classic African (Authentic Recipes From an Ancient Cuisine) REYNOLDS, James: Andrea Palladio and the Winged Device: A Panorama Painted in Prose and Pictures Setting Forth the Far-Flung Influence of Andrea Palladio, Architect of Vicenza, Italy, 1518-1580, on Architecture All Over the World, from His Own Era to the Present Day UNSWORTH, Barry: The Big Day