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WRIGHT, Reg (Edited by): South African Soccer Monthly Vol 7 No 5 September 1969
CRAVEN, Danie & VAN ROOYEN, Quintus (Edited by): Rugby VOL. 1 No.2 Mei 1974
FOOTBALL PROGRAMME: Castle Cup Final / Beker Eindwedstryd. 1974 Souvenir Programme Saturday 28 September
GRAY, Ed. (Edited by): South African Soccer Weekly VOL.11 No.26 4th July 1974
GRAY, Ed. (Edited by): South African Soccer Weekly VOL.11 No.27 11th July 1974
GRAY, Ed. (Edited by): South African Soccer Weekly VOL.11 No.28 18th July 1974
GRAY, Ed. (Edited by): South African Soccer Weekly VOL.11 No.30 1st August 1974
GRAY, Ed. (Edited by): South African Soccer Weekly VOL.11 No.32 15th August 1974
GRAY, Ed. (Edited by): Sharp Shoot Soccer Weekly VOL.11 No.38 27th SEpt. 1974
GRAY, Ed. (Edited by): Sharp Shoot Soccer Weekly VOL.11 No.40 11th Oct. 1974
BROWN, C.G. (Edited by): Sharp Shoot Soccer Weekly VOL.12 No.3 May 1975
SPETH, G.W. (Edited by): Ars Quatuor Coronatorum, Being the Transactions of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge No.2076 London VOLUME IV
ANDERSON, James: The Constitutions of the Free-Masons: Containing the History, Charges, Regulations, Etc., of that Ancient and Right Worshipful Fraternity for the Use of the Lodges. London, Printed By W. Hunter, For J. Senexand J. Hookein The Year Of Masonry 5723, Anno Do
BEARD, Peter: The End of the Game : The Last Word From Paradise - A Pictorial Documentation of the Origins, History & Prospects of the Big Game in Africa
CUNNINGHAM, Peter (Edited by): The Letters of Horace Walpole, Fourth Earl of Orford
CHADWICK, W.S: Man-Killers and Marauders. Some Big Game Encounters of an African Hunter
MEYER, I.A: Die Ervarings van 'n Veldkornet in die Engelse Oorlog, 1899-1902
SCULLY, W.C: The White Hecatomb and Other Stories
PAULSEN, C.H. & STONE, J.D: A Venture into the Unknown : The Challenge That Was Ermelo Mines
ANDERSON, Andrew A: Twenty Five Years in a Waggon Sport and Travel in South Africa
NICHOLLS, W.H: Orchids Of Australia: Drawn In Natural Colour ... With Descriptive Text . VOLUME I Parts I - III
BROWN, A. Samler & BROWN, Gordon: The South and East African Year Book and Guide for 1920
BALLESTEROS, Seve & DOUST, Dudley: Seve: The Young Champion
BELL-CROSS, Graham: The Fishes of Rhodesia
CAMOES, Luis De: Os Lusiadas. Nova Edicao Illustrada
ZUQUETE, Afonso Eduardo Martins & DE FARIA, Antonio MacHado (Edited by): Armorial Lusitano Genealogia e Heraldica
MUHAMAD (Translated byBento DE CASTRO): Alcorao
HERCULANO, Alexandre: História de Portugal Desde O Começo da Monarquia até o Fim do Reinado de Afonso III -
DE BARROS, Joao & DE COUTO, Diogo: Decadas da Ásia de João de Barros e Diogo do Couto dos Feitos que os Portugueses Fizeram nos Descobrimentos e Conquista dos Mares e Terras do Oriente
PEREIRA, Alberto Feliciano Marques,: A Arte em Moçambique. Art in Mozambique. 1ª Parte de: A Arte e a Natureza em Moçambique. Part one of Art and Nature in Mozambique
SANTOS, Jose De Almeida: Luanda D'outros Tempos
LIMA, Maria Helena de Figueiredo: Paisagens e Figuras Tipicas do Cuanhama
COMMISSAO DOS MONUMENTOS NACIONAIS DE MOCAMBIQUE: Monumenta. Publicac¸a~o da Comissa~o dos Monumentos Nacionais de Moc¸ambique. No 1
SILVA, G.G. Conceicao: I Centenario Do Nascimento Do Almirante Gago Coutinho: Comemoracoes Offioais (Provincia De Mocambique)
MONTEZ, Caetano Varvalho: Apontamentos Para o Roteiro Dos Monumentos Militares Portugueses
DA FONSECA, Pedro Quirino: Pesquisas Arqueologicas Sumarinas Em Aguas De Mocambique // A Nau S. Luiz a Recupracao De Duas Ancoras Na Barra De Quelimane
DE LIMA, A. Pereira: Vestigios Do Trato Do Comercio Dos Fumos No Alte Mae
MONTEZ, Caetano Carvalho: Apontamentos Para o Roteiro Dos Monumentos Militares Portugueses
BOLEO, Doutor Oliveira: A Decantada Questao Da Riqueza Mineira e Exploracao Do Ouro e Prata Nos Reinos Do Monomotapa
FERNANDES, Maria Regina Pinto: Apontamentos Para a Historia De Inhambane Sob D. Miguel
BARRADAS, Lereno: O Venerado Dente De Buda
MONTEIRO, Amaro: Pesquisas Arqueologicas Nos Estabelecimentos De Kiuya, M;Buezi e Quisiva
TOLSTOI, Leo: Obras Completas De Tolstoi
DOSTOIEVSKI, Feodor: Obras Completas de Dostoievski - 10 Volumes
GORKI, Maxim: Obras De Maxim Gorki. 12 Vols
GAMA, Arnaldo: Obras De Arnaldo Gama
BOCAGE, Mauel Maria Barbosa De: Obras
VICENTE, Gil: Obras de Gil Vicente
CERVANTES SAAVEDRA, Miguel De: Dom Quixote De La Mancha
DUMAS, Alexandre: Obras De Alexandre Dumas
PESSOA, Fernando: Fernando Pessoa Obra Poetica volume Unico
HUGO, Victor: Obras De Victor Hugo
ECA DE QUEIROZ, José Maria ( EDITED By Helena Cidade Moura ): Obras De Eca De Queiroz
DE CASTRO, Ferreira: A Volta Ao Mundo
CAMOES, Luis De (Edited By PIMPAO, Alvaro Julio Da costa): Os Lusiadas De Luis De Camoes
PERES, Damiao: Historia Dos Descobrimentos Portugueses
DIRECTORY: Rhodesia Directory Including Beira, P.E.A. 1930
HYAMS, Edward & JACKSON, A.A: The Orchard and Fruit Garden: a New Pomona of Hardy and Sub-tropical Fruits
VALSECCHI, Marco: Minguzzi
RIGHI, Federico: Federico Righi Dipinti e Disegni
MORALES, Dario: Dario Morales Sculpture, Paintings, Pastels, Drawings, October Thru December, 1982
BASILE, Franco; RESCA, Franco; BO, Carlo: Borgonzoni
HOFMANN, Will; RAUCHE, G.A.; BINDER, H: Mechtildis Muschick-Zweiniger
ANTOHI, Richard: Antohi
HOBBS, Jenny: John Meyer in Retrospect
ZEIDLER, Hans: Sommer Mit Andrea
OGUNBIYI, Yemi: Drama and Theatre in Nigeria: a Critical Source Book
SPINSANTE, Vittorio & PERRUCCI, Maurizio: Ankon: Una Civilta Tra Oriente Ed Europa Volume I
BERINSTAIN, Valerie (and others): Great Carpets of the World
BOYS FRIEND: The Boys Friend Illustrated Boxing Annual and Guide
BOWKER, JOHN MITFORD: Speeches, Letters , and Selections from Important Papers of the Late John Mitford Bowker, Sometime Resident and Diplomatic Agent with Certain Kaffir and Fingo Tribes
ISSAR, T.P: The Royal City : A Celebration of the Architectural Heritage and City-Aesthetics of Mysore
MUROVE, Munyaradzi Felix: African Ethics: An Anthology of Comparative and Applied Ethics
BIEBER, Jodi: Between Dogs and Wolves: Growing up with South Africa
HOLLMANN, Eckhard: Maria Sibylla Merian. The St. Petersburg Watercolours