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GROULT, Flora: Marie Laurencin
BOECK, Wilhelm & SABARTES, Jaime: Pablo Picasso
WHYTE, Andrew: Jaguar Sports Racing & Works Competition Cars to 1953
O'BRIAN, Patrick: Treason's Harbour
TOLSTOY, Leo: What Men Live By: Russian Stories and Legends
HAMILTON, Duncan: Touch Wood
Gerber: Bogom
CLAUSAGER, Anders Ditlev: Le Mans
JENSEN, Ingrid: Gautrain for People on the Move, From Dreams to Reality
LI, Jian: The Glory of the Silk Road: Art From Ancient China
CASAL, P.F. (and Many Other Authors ): Fifth Bulletin of the International Committee for Bird Preservation. (5ter Bericht des Internationalen Komitées für Vogelschutz
REYNOLDS, Edward: Trade and Economic Change on the Gold Coast, 1807-1874
AKINJOGBIN, I.A: Dahomey and its Neighbours 1708 - 1818
ROTBERG, Robert & MAZRUI, Ali A. (Edited by): Protest and Power in Black Africa
CONNAH, Graham: African Civilizations. An Archaeological Perspective
BOXER, C.R: Race Relations in the Portuguese Colonial Empire 1415-1825
KLEIN, Harry: The Story of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange 1887 - 1947
GAGE, J.D: States and Subjects in Sub-Saharan African History
MOITY, Christian; TEISSEDRE, Jean Marc (Edited by): The Le Mans 24 Hour Race 1978
BREARLEY, Joan M: The Book of the Bulldog
JAMES, David: Upholstery, A Complete Course: Chairs, Sofas, Ottomans, Screens, and Stools
PAGE, Sydney F: The Cassell Book of the Austin Mini-Countryman, Morris Mini-Traveller and B.M.C. Mini-Vans (from 1960)
HOUGH, Richard: British Grand Prix
KAHN, Mark: Down the Hatch The Life and Fast Times of Tony Lanfranchi Motor Racing's Last Cavalier
NYE, Doug & GODDARD, Geoff: Classic Racing Cars: The Post-War Front-Engined GP Cars
HARDING, Anthony (Edited by): Sports Cars in Profile: I
DAVISON, G.S: The Story of the T.T.: A Book for Motor Cyclists and all others who believe that motor cycle road racing is the finest sport on Earth
FOISTER, Susan: Holbein in England
MOTION, Andrew: Ways of Life: On Places, Painters and Poets. Selected Essays and Reviews 1994-2008
GOOCH, Brad: Flannery: A Life of Flannery O'Connor
GUTTO, Shadrack (Introductory Letter Nelson MANDELA): A Practical Guide to Human Rights in Local Government
ROBERTSON, Bryan: Maggie Hambling : Sculpture in Bronze 1993-95
JENKINS, David Fraser: John Piper. Waddington Galleries, 22 June-1 July 1988
DE MONTBEL, Sacha: Big Game Hunting
INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS: Telephone and Telegraph Engineers' Pocketbook. A Handy Reference Book for all Persons Interested in Telephone and Telegraph Systems, Location of Faults, Electricy, Magnetism, Electrical Measurements, and Batteries
GROVER, Frederick: Notes on Boiler Testing
MOTOR RACING PROGRAMME: Kyalami Asseng Highveld 100 April 24 1976
BOARD OF TRADE: Second Class and First Class Board of Trade Examination Drawings Including Pictorial Views
YOUNG, A.P. & GRIFFITHS, L: Automobile Electrical Equipment A Complete Survey of Electric Lighting, Starting and Ignition as applied to the Internal Combustion Engine With Special Reference To Aircraft Magnetos
ROSS-JOHNSON, D: Modern Dock Operation
WEIR: The Engineer's Handbook to Weir Marine Auxiliaries
GOOSEN, Anton: Liedjieboer. Lirieke Met Ghitaarakkoorde
SAINSAULIEU, Marie Caroline: Henri Manguin (1874-1949): Paintings, Pastels, Watercolours and Drawings, Wednesday 7th March - Thursday 12th April 1990
MUHL, Roger: Muhl Provence
WITH, Christopher: Lovis Corinth: Master Prints and Drawings from the Marcy Family and the National Gallery of Art
FRIEDMAN, Y. & DALY, B: The Red Data Book of the Mammals of South Africa: A Conservation Assessment
HOUCK, Richard (Edited by): Hindu Astrology Lessons: 36 Teachers Share Their Wisdom
McCARTHY, Terence: Men for Others: St. George's College 1896-1996
RESHEVSKY, SS: How Chess Games are Won
BREDEKAMP, H.C.; FLEGG, A.B.L.; PLUDDEMANN, H.E.F. (Edited by): The Genadendal Diaries Diaries Of The Herrnhut Missionaries H. Marsveld D. Schwinn And J.C. Kuhnel. VOLUME II: 1795-1796
KATHRADA, Ahmed: Memoirs
BEN-DOV, Meir; NAOR, Mordechai; ANER, Zeev: The Western Wall (Hakotel)
TOKHTAKHODJAEVA, Marfua & TURGUMBEKOVA, Elmira: The Daughters of Amazons: Voices from Central Asia
WHITE, Alain (Robert BROOM Association Copy): The History of the Town of Litchfield, Connecticut, 1720-1920
STEWART, J. I. M: Joseph Conrad
WALLACE, Alfred Wallace: The Wonderful Century: The Age of New Ideas in Science and Invention
SCULLY, W.C. (Compiled by) (Robert BROOM Association copy): Sir J. H. Meiring Beck. A Memoir
BILL, Annie C. (Robert BROOM Association copy): The Conquest of Death: An Imminent Step in Evolution
HARDY, Forsyth (Edited by): Grierson on Documentary
BESLER, Basilius: The Book Of Plants The Complete Plates
ELSTEIN, Deborah; ALTARESCU, Gheona; BECK, Michael (Edited by): Fabry Disease
HARROW, Leonard W: Oriental Rugs in Private Collections
COHEN, Neville & FOX, Jane: "Mind if I Sit": The Memoirs of Neville Cohen
SHUPPAN, Elte: Pose File 7: Light & Shade (Pose File, Vol 7)
VAN HOESEN, Beth: Creatures. The Ar of Seeing Animals. Prints, Drawings, and Watercolors
MEEHAN, Bernhard: The Book of Kells
BESONG, Manyo Bernard: African Soccer Stars & Legends: Republic of Congo
LESCURE, Jean: 13 Proverbes Smyrniotes
CLOTTES, Jean & LEWIS-WILLIAMS, David: The Shamans of Prehistory: Trance and Magic in the Painted Caves
KADOORIE: Kadoorie. Experimental and Extension Farm and Botanical Gardens
EXHIBITION CATALOGUE: 4 Peintres: Chastel, Dayez, Lagrange, Pignon. 3 Sculpteurs Gilioli; Lobo; Poncet
EHIBITION CATALOGUE: Dayez Peintures 1965
SKOTNES, Cecil: Invitation to the Exhibition "The Assassination of Shaka: Part II Young King; Warrior King; God King; Re-entry Into Dukuza
YARDLEY, Michael: Backing into the Limelight. A Biography of T. E. Lawrence
SORRELL, Jennifer (Edited by): Jo Noero: The Everyday and the Extraordinary. Three Decades of Architecture