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MOREL, E.D. (Intro. By A. Conan DOYLE): Great Britain and the Congo. The Pillage of the Congo Basin
MARAIS, Eugene Nielen (With English Translations By Anthony Emerson THORPE): Gedigte. Poems
PERIODICAL: De Honigby, Maandschrift Voor Godsdienstminnende Lezers DEEL IV 1842
HOLDEN, William C: History of the Colony of Natal, South Africa.: To which is added an Appendix, containing a brief History of the Orange-River Sovereignty and of the various Races inhabiting it, the Great Lake N'Gami, Commandoes of the Dutch Boers, etc. etc
MURRAY, Richard W. (Pseud. LIMNER): Pen and Ink Sketches in Parliament
KOCK, Antonius Francois: Verdragen Der Zuid Afrikaansche Republiek. Compilatie Van Tractaten, Conventies Enz
SMITH, Guy N: Moles and Their Control
KOLB, Ellsworth: Through the Grand Canyon from Wyoming to Mexico
FROST, James D: Merchant Princes: Halifax's First Family of Finance, Ships and Steel
BEZDEK, Richard H: Swords And Sword Makers Of The War Of 1812
HARTZLER, Daniel D: Confederate Presentation and Inscribed Swords and Revolvers
COLLINS, Miki & COLLINS, Julie: Dog Driver: A Guide for the Serious Musher
KALK, Margaret (Edited by): A Natural History of Inhaca Island, Mozambique
CLARK, Ronald W. & CLARK, Edward C: Mountaineering in Britain, A History from the Earliest Times to the Present Day
HUGHES, Nigel: The Paintings of the Bay of Natal - a Selection of Works Dating from 1845 to 1982
ALEXANDER, Norman: The Farmer's Handy-Book // Die Boek vir die Boer 1954
ROUX, Edward: The How and Why of Science
BOTHA, M. C: Die Hartklop Van Gevoel
PENN, Nigel: Murderers Miscreants and Mutineers: Early Cape Colonial Lives
STEVENS, Phillips: The Stone Images of Esie, Nigeria
THUNBERG, Carl Peter (Edited V. S. FORBES): Travels at the Cape of Good Hope 1772-1775
PRESIDENT'S COUNCIL: Report of the Committee for Economic Affairs on a Strategy for Employment Creation and Labour Intensive Development // Verslag.....oor 'n Strategie Vir Werkskepping....
PRESIDENT'S COUNCIL: Report of the Committee for Economic Affairs on a Strategy and Action Plan to Improve Productivity in the RSA
PRESIDENT'S COUNCIL: Report of the Committee for Economic Affairs on Public Holidays // Verslag ...... Oor Openbare Feesdae
PRESIDENT'S COUNCIL: Report of the Committee for Social Affairs on the Youth of South Africa // Verslag.....oor Die Jeug Van Suid afrika
PRESIDENT'S COUNCIL: Report of the Committee for Economic Affairs on a Strategy for Small Business Development and for Deregulation // Verslag .....oor 'n Strategie Vir Die Ontwikkeling Van Kleinsake En Vir deregulering
PRESIDENT'S COUNCIL: Report of the Committee for Economic Affairs on a Strategy, Goals and Policy for Obtaining Active Consumer Co-Operation in Action Against Exploitation and Inflation // Verslag........oor 'n Strategie ....optrede Teen Prysuitbuiting En Inflasie
PRESIDENT'S COUNCIL: Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Restructuring of the President's Council // Verslag Van Die Ad Hoc Komitee Oor Die Herstrukturering Van Die Presidentsraad
PRESIDENT'S COUNCIL: Report of the Comittee for Constitutional Affairs on a Proportional Polling System for South Africa in a New Constitutional Dispensation // Verslag....oor 'n Proporsionele Kiesstelsel Vir Suid Afrika in 'n Nuwe Grondwetlike Bedeling
PRESIDENT'S COUNCIL: Report of the Comittee for Economic Affairs on the Promotion of Economic Literacy // Verslag...oor Die Bevordering Van Ekononomiese Geletterdheid
PRESIDENT'S COUNCIL: The Oresidentsraad. The President's Council 1985 11-13 September
PRESIDENT'S COUNCIL: Debates of The President's Council 8 May 1990; 9 August 1990 and 21 September 1990
PRESIDENT'S COUNCIL: Debates of The President's Council 2 February and 13-14 March 1989
PRESIDENT'S COUNCIL: The President's Council / Die Presidentsraad 1987 19-22 May 1987
PRESIDENT'S COUNCIL: The President's Council / Die Presidentsraad 1987 11-15 and 17-22 September 1987
PRESIDENT'S COUNCIL: The President's Council / Die Presidentsraad 1987 25 November 1987
BISBORT, Alan: Charles Bragg: The Works! A Retrospective
SCHOEMAN, Karel: Merksteen: 'n Dubbelbiografie
STEVENSON-HAMILTON, James: South African Eden
MORAN, Martin: The Munros in Winter: 277 Summits in 83 Days
GIFFARD, Ingaret: The Way Things Happen: A Memoir
BANHAM, Martin; HILL, Errol; WOODYARD, George: The Cambridge Guide to African and Caribbean Theatre
SMITH, S. J. & HALSE, A.R.D. (Edited by): Rowland Ward's Records of Big Game XXIV EDITION
DOWSE, David: Morgan at Le Mans
HITLER, Adolf: My Struggle
MACDONALD-BAYNE, Murdo: "I am the life"
MACDONALD-BAYNE, Murdo: What is Mine is Thine: How to Use Your Divine Power. PART 1
GOTCH, A.F: Birds: Their Latin Names Explained
HARPER, Peter C. & KINSKY, F.C: Albatrosses & Petrels an Identification Guide
SELOUS, Frederick Courteney: Travel and Adventure in South-East Africa Being the Narrative of the Last Eleven Years Spent By the Author on the Zambesi and Its Tributaries; with an Account of the Colonisation of Mashunaland and the Progree of the Gold Industry in Tha
KUMAR, Narinder: Kanchenjunga. First Ascent From The North-East Spur
AXELROD, Herbert R: Freshwater Fishes Book 1
BALON, Eugene K: Fishes of Lake Kariba, Africa
BURGESS, Warren & AXELROD, Herbert R: Pacific Marine Fishes Book 5 fishes of Taiwan and Adjacent Waters
AXELROD, Herbert R: Koi of the World: Japanese Colored Carp
TYMMS, W. R. & WYATT, M. D: The Art of Illuminating : The Classic Victorian Treatise on Illumination and Lettering from Ancient Times to the Late Renaissance
VON VOLBORTH, Carl Alexander: The Art of Heraldry
CHATTERTON, Eyre: The Story of Fifty Years' Mission Work in Chhota Nagpur
LANG, John Dunmore: An Historical & Statistical Account of New South Wales From the Founding of the Colony in 1788 to the Present Day. In two volumes. The History of the Last Twenty-five Years Entirely New
FORD, Trevor D: Derbyshireblue John
SALVIN, Francis Henry & BRODRICK, William: Falconry in the British Isles
MATTHEWS, J: Do it Yourself Natural Wood Sculpture
HARPER, Charles G: London Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
HAYWARD, JIm: Lovebirds and Their Colour Mutations
HARRISON, James M: Bird Taxidermy
LOW, Rosemary: Endangered Parrots
FRIESE, U. Erich: Sea Anemones
ORWELL, George: Down and Out in Paris and London. DEFINITIVE EDITION
ORWELL, George: A Clergyman's Daughter. DEFINITIVE EDITION
ORWELL, George: Homage to Catalonia. . DEFINITIVE EDITION
MOORE, Patrick & CATTERMOLE, Peter: The Craters of the Moon: An Observational Approach
DORNAN, James E: Rhodesia Alone
DOSTOEVSKY, Feodor (Translated By George BIRD): The Double
MALHERBE, Candy & WORDEN, Nigel: Always Working
MOORE, A.F: Walter Froembling Ph.D. Pharmacist and Man