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PHOTO STORY (Fotonovela): Tessa No.116
PHOTO STORY (Fotonovela): Tessa No.119
PHOTO STORY (Fotonovela): Tessa No.125
SCULATTI, Gene (Edited: Cool. A Hipster's Directory
ONDAATJE, Michael: The Collected Works of Billy the Kid
MAHARAJA, Jagadguru Swami Sri Bharati Krsna Tirthaji Maharaja: Vedic Mathematics: Sixteen Simple Mathematical Formulae from the Vedas
WHITE, Ethel Lina: Wax
BELL, Josephine: Death of a Poson Tongue
RHODE, John: Blackthorn House
RHODE, John: Tragedy at the Unicorn
MITCHELL, Gladys: Printer's Error
RABELAIS, Francois: The Works of Rabelais : Faithfully Translated from the French
PUGIN, Augustus Welby ( ASSOCIATION COPY Washington HIBBERT): The True Principles of Pointed or Christian Architecture: Set Forth in Two Lectures Delivered at St. Marie's, Oscott
RANDHAWA, T. S: The Indian Courtyard House
HUNTER, Martin; MARRIOTT, Arthur; VEEDER, V.V. (Edited by): The Internationalisation of International Arbitration - The LCIA Centenary Conference
GORDON CUMMING, C.F: Wanderings in China
LULOFS, H.J. Drossaart & POORTMAN, E.L.J. (Edited by) (DAMASCENUS, Nicolaus): Nicolaus Damascenis De Plantis. Five Translations (Aristoteles Semitico-Latinus)
FOOTBALL PROGRAMME: Official Programme Transvaal Soccer League Saturday 21st August 1954
BUCKLAND, W.W. & McNAIR, Arnold D. (Revised By F H LAWTON): Roman Law and Common Law: A Comparison in Outline
ADAMS, Thandiwe (and others): Johannesburg A World Class African City!
STEELE, Bret: Sweet Seduction
VOSMAER, A: Beschryving Eener Nieuwe Soort Van Kleenen Hartebok by de Hollandsche volksplanting aan de Kaap de Goede Hoop bekend, onder de benaaming Pronkbok
VOSMAER, A: Beschryving Van De Nog Genoegzaam Onbekende En Een Der Grootste Soort Van Hartebokken Genaamt Coudou Van De Kaap De Goede Hoop
SCHOOLING, J. Holt: A Peep Into "Punch"
VERWOERD, H.F: State Funeral of the Late Prime Minister Dr. The Honourable H.F. Verwoerd Amphitheatre Union Buildings Pretoria Saturday 10th Seoptember at 2.15p.m. // Staatsbegrafnis Van Wyle Die Eerste Minister Sy Edele Dr. H. F. Verwoerd......
McINTOSH, Gordon; HANSON, Norman; MARTIENSSEN, Rex (Edited by): Zero Hour 1 April 1933
EISEMAN, Fred: Bali, Sekala and Niskala, Volume 1: Essays on Religion, Ritual, and Art; Volume 2, Essays on Society, Tradition and Craft
CHATWIN, Bruce: Photographs and Notebooks
TANCHIS, Aldo: Bruno Munari: From Futurism to Post-industrial Design
BARTHORP, Michael: Slogging Over Africa, The Boer Wars 1815 - 1902
SILBERGELD, Jerome: Mind Landscapes: The Paintings of C.C. Wang
CAMPBELL-WHITE, Charles: The Life and Times of Charles Campbell-White (A Rambling Discourse)
KERR, Gregory: Philippa Hobbs
HAGER, Hetta: Van Karrikamma Tot Griekwastad: die geskeidenis van die. NG gemeente en die gemeenskap van Griekwastad
ROMANO, Chata: Style
ROMANO, Chata: Colour
ENGELHARDT, W. V; LEONHARD-MARCK, S.; BREVES, G.; GIESECKE, D. (Edited by): Ruminant Physiology: Digestion, Metabolism, Growth and Reproduction: Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Ruminant Physiology
COETZEE, J.M: The Klife and Times of Michael K
McNELLY, Willis E. (Compiled by): The Dune Encyclopedia
DU FAUR, Faber: With Napoleon in Russia: The Illustrated Memoirs of Major Faber du Faur, 1812
PANZER, Mary: Things As They Are: Photojournalism in Context Since 1955
PEGLER, Martin M: Stores of the Year 6
ANDREWS, Henry C: The Botanist's Repository for New, and Rare Plants Only With Botanical Descriptions in Latin and English after the Linnaean System Volume 1V
JAMES, Wendy: The Ceremonial Animal: A New Portrait of Anthropology
MATTHEWS, Clive & SWIATEK, Tony: BMW 3 Series
MAVROGORDATO, Jack: A Hawk For The Bush: A Treatise on the Training of the Sparrow-hawk and other Short-winged Hawks
BRAKPAN MINES COMPANY: A Photograph Album Containing 16 Sepia Photographs
DE VILLIERS, Riaan (Edited by): South Africa's New World
ROBERTS, B. Dew: Some Trees Stand
COMIC BOOK: Sea Devils No.2
AFINOGENEV (Translated Hubert GRIFFITH): Distant Point
CAPEK, Josef: The Land of Many Names: A Play in Three Acts and a Transformation
CHURCH, Richard: Collected Poems
CELINE, L. F: BALLETS sans musique, sans personnes, sans Rien
CHAGALL, Bella: Burning Lights
DUNSANY, Lord: The Donnellan Lectures 1943 Delivered at Trinity College, Dublin
BRIDIE, James (Pseud. Osborne Henry Mavor.): The Baikie Charivari
DUNCAN, Ronald: Collected Plays: This Way to the Tomb, St. Spiv, Our Lady's Tumbler, the Seven Deadly Virtues, the Rehearsal, O-B-A-F-G, The Gift
HERBERT, A. P: She Shanties
WILLIAMSON, Henry (JEFFERIES, Richard): Richard Jefferies. Selections of his Work, with details of his Life and Circumstance, his Death and Immortality
PERIODICAL: The Wanderers Club Ninetieth Anniversary 1888 - 1978 The Wanderers Club Magazine September 1978)
CARTER, Edmund (Writing Master at Cambridge): A Perpetual and Universal Table
LADELL, H.M: Some Road and Bridge Work in the East African Campaign (IN: Minutes of Proceedings of the South African Society of Civil Engineers VOL. XVII)
CAMPBELL, Walter M: Durban Water Supply (Minutes of the Proceedings of the South African Society of Civil Engineers VOL XXIII)
MOFFATT, H.R: The Reconstruction of No.7 Quay and the Removal of Number 3 Jetty, Table Bay Harbour. (IN: Minutes of the Proceedings of the South African Society of Civil Engineers VOL XXIV)
HOLE, Christina: English Folk Heroes
MOULT, Thomas: Saturday Night
LE QUEUX, William: Things I Know About Kings, Celebrities, and Crooks
EDWARDS, Ralph: The Shorter Dictionary of English Furniture from the Middle Ages to the Late Georgian Period
NOVE, Alec: An Economic History of the USSR
SIGMA: Resort Hotels Architecture & Interiors
PEDERSEN, Martin: Graphis Promotion Design 2
BARRON, Don (Edited by): Creativity No.11 / a Photographic Review
HUGHES, W: Canada (Steel Engraved Map)
LAURIE & WHITTLE SONGSHEET: The Sailor's Will and His Power, or A Picture of Portsmouth Point