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WHYTE, A.G: Electricity in Locomotion; An Account of its Mechanism, its Achievements, and its Prospects JEVONS, F.B: The Idea of God in Early Religions HARPER, E.H. & FERGUSON, Allan: Aerial Locomotion
KEEBLE, F: Plant Animals. A Study in Symbiosis WOOD, Thomas: True Thomas NEWMAN, J: Halachic Sources: From the Beginning to the Ninth Century
CRICKET TOUR BROCHURE: Australian Cricket Tour Of South Africa / Australiese Krieket Toer 1949-50 BRYANT, Charles & LOMBA, Brita: Trees of CC Africa : A Photographic Exploration TREVES, Frederick: The Other Side of the Lantern - An Account of a Commonplace Tour Round the World
VAN JAARSVELD, F. (and others): South Africa Thinkers Forum Future Perspective FABRE, J.H.(Association Cecil Thornley Stewart): More Hunting Wasps NATAL MOTOR CYCLE CLUB: Official Programme Natal Motor Cycle Club Grass Track Meeting Saturday 1 St April 1933
MEDICI SOCIETY: A Catalogue of the Medici Prints and Other Colour Reproductions COBBETT, William; MUNSLOW, Barry; SZEFTEL, Morris (Edited by): Southern Africa. The Crisis Continues (Review of African Political Economy, Number 40, December 1987:) PIENAAR, H. (et al): Soewenier Program Honderd Jaar Herdenking Dingaansdag : Digaansfeeskomitee Malmesbury
BURGER, M.J: Generaal J. B. M. Hertzog: Bibliografie HELYER, Patrick J: A Guide to Christ Church Cathedral Port Stanley DE WAAL, H.L: 'N Ondersoek Omtrent die Gehalte aan Swaar Metale van .Suid Afrikaanse Wyne, End Die Behandeling Van Wyn Met Kaliumferrosianede
CLOETE, Pieter G: The Anglo-Boer War. A Chronology MANDL, G: Mechanics of Tectonic Faulting: Models and Basic Concepts (Developments in Structural Geology, 1) CHRISTIE, Agatha (Edited By Mathew PRITCHARD): The Grand Tour: Letters and photographs from the British Empire Expedition 1922
WINCHESTER, Clarence (Edited by): Film Pictorial Annual 1936 BIBLE: Nelson Royal Reference Bible, King James Version BOCK, Gregory R. & GOODE, James A. (Editedby): Evolution of Hydrothermal Ecosystems on Earth (and Mars) - No. 202 (CIBA Foundation Symposia )
ELLIOTT, Nicholas: Never Judge a Man By His Umbrella VELDSMAN, Peter: Kos Van Die Eeu SMITH, Gordon: Mervyn Peake A Personal Memoir
BOWYER, Michael J. F: The Spitfire 50 Years on BROOKS, Graham (Edited by): Trial of Captain Kidd LAURENCE, Patrick: Death Squads
SPENDER, Stephen & LEHMANN, John (Edited by) (containing works by John Cornford, Miguel Hernandez, Margot Heinemann, Richard Church, T.R. Wintringham, Stephen Spender, D.R. Marshall, John Lepper, H.B. Mallalieu, Herbert Read, T.A.R. Hyndman, and othe: Poems for Spain REDMAN, Jim: Jim Redman: Six Times World Motorcycle Champion - The Autobiography STAFF OF THE MOTOR BOAT AND YACHTING: The Motor Boat and Yachting Manual A Practical Handbook devoted to Yachts : Motor Boats; also Commercial & Naval Motor Craft
HIGGINS, L.R: 50 Years of T.T. History: Isle of Man 1907-1956 CRICKET POSTCARD: The Australian Team 1921 SHARPE, Norman & WALKER, Murray: Stars of Speed: MIKE HAILWOOD
SHARPE, Norman & WALKER, Murray: Stars of Speed: LUIGI TAVERI / JIM REDMAN EP 307 SHARPE, Norman & WALKER, Murray: Stars of Speed: GARY HOCKING / TOM PHILLIS EP 305 SHARPE, Norman & WALKER, Murray: Stars of Speed: BOB McINTYRE EP 302
WALKER, Murray Commentary by): Isle of Man 1964. PART ONE: Sidecar, 125cc, 250cc, Lightweight T.T.'s; PART TWO: 50cc, Junior and Senior TT's BARRON, Evan M: The Scottish War of Independence: A Critical Study MACLEOD, Kenneth T: Reflections
Brimacombe, J.K., MacKey, P.J, Kor, G.J.W., Bickert, C., Ranade, M.G., (EDITED BY): Savard/Lee International Symposium on Bath Smelting SZEKELY, Julian & THEMELIS, Nickolas J: Rate Phenomena in Process Metallurgy LIEPMANN, Hans Wolfgang & PUCKETT, Allen E: Introduction to Aerodynamics of a Compressible Fluid
RUDORFF, Dagobert W: Steam Generators LAXEN, Torolf (and Othe Members Editorial Committee): Proceedings of the Symposium in Recovery of Pulping Chemicals - Held in Helsinki, May 13 to 17, 1968 DIDEROT: Mineralogie: Ardoisieres d'Anjou. (AND) Mineralogie Noir De Fumee
CAPE OF GOOD HOPE: Report from the Select Committee Appointed to Consider and Report on the Arrangements for Providing for Lunatics, Lepers & Chronic Sick Throughout the Colony CAPE OF GOOD HOPE: Report of the Select Committee Appointed ... to Consider and Report on the Bill for Amending the Laws Relating to the Practice and Sale of Medicine in This colony CAPE OF GOOD HOPE: Report of the Select Committee Appointed ... to Consider and Report Upon the Dispatch and Correspondence Relative to the Contribution to be Paid By the Colony for Steam Communication with England
CAPE OF GOOD HOPE: Report of the Select Committee on Railway Labourers CAPE OF GOOD HOPE: Report of the Select Committee Appointed to Consider and Report Upon Thewellington Railway Terminus CAPE OF GOOD HOPE: Report of the Select Committee Appointed to Consider the Paarl Railway Petitions
CAPE OF GOOD HOPE: Report of the Select Committee Appointed to Inquire Into the Present Working of the Gunpowder Ordinance, and Further to Consider the Expediency of Confining the Sale of That Article Exclusively to Government OXENFORD, John (1812-1877): A I Page Autograph Letter to an Unnamed Recipient, Museum Club Letterhead, Signed But Undated (probably 1850's) SLOSS, Radha Rajagopal: Lives in the Shadow with J Krishnamurti
MAKGOBA, Malegapuru William (Edited by); MBEKI, Thabo (Prologue by): African Renaissance. The New Struggle PELZER, A.N. (Edited by): C. H. Rautenbach. Huldigingsuitgawe Van SKAKELBLAD SOLOMON, D.H. (Edited by): Goue Jubileum Kollege / Golden Jubilee College 1913 - 1963 (S. A. Police College)
CILLIERS, P.J: Ds. Dirk Van Der Hoff Gesien in Die Lig Van Die Lauts Versameling DU PLESSIS, Isak Dawid: Die Rol Van Willem Cornelis Janse Van Rensburg in Die Geskiedenis Van Die Suid Afrikaanse Republiek BARAN, Sybil: A Study of the Relation Between the Dimension of Field-Dependence and Degree of Acculturation with Special Reference to the Zulu
ABBEY, Edward: Sunset Canyon HOLT, James: Finger Prints Simplified: A Handbook of the Science of Finger Print Identification ALLEN, Carleton Kemp: Law in the Making
SOUTHWELL, R.V: An Introduction to the Theory of Elasticity for Engineers and Physicists GUGGENHEIM, E.A: Thermodynamics - an Advanced Treatment for Chemists and Physicists LEYMARIE, Jean (Curated by): Hommage à Pablo Picasso : Peintures Grand Palais - Dessins Sculptures Céramiques Petit Palais - Paris novembre 1966 - février 1967
ANDREW, Christopher & MITROKHIN, Vasili: The Mitrokhin Archive : The KGB in Europe and the West GRECO, Carlo & GRECO, Stefano: Piercing the Surface: X Rays of Nature TAMIR, Jacob (Edited by): The Jews of South Africa
ARTHUR, Paul & ZLAMALIK, Branimir: Wayfinding: PictograficSystems--Nonverbal. Universal LAVELLE, Des: The Skellig Story: Ancient Monastic Outpost MAGEE, John & GARNETT, Stephen: John Magee the Pilot Poet, Including All His Known Works