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BEVEL, Tom & GARDNER, Ross M: Bloodstain Pattern Analysis: With an Introduction to Crime Scene Reconstruction
DU PLESSIS, Jacques & LUBBE, Gerhard (Edited by): A Man of Principle / 'n Man van Beginsel, The Life and Legacy of JC de Wet / Die Lewe en Nalatenskap van JC de Wet
LA TROBE, Brian: Of Diamonds and Dentistry
EMERY, Ashton: Computing Apartheid: An Insider's Concise History of the South African IT Industry's Rollercoaster Ride During the Apartheid Era.....
APOLLONIUS OF PERGA (Edited By T L HEATH): Treatise on Conic Sections: Edited in Modern Notation with Introductions, Including an Essay on the Earlier History of the Subject
PARTRIDGE, F.C: The Andalusite Sands of the Western Transvaal
KUPFERBURGER, W: The Travertine Deposits Near Port St. Johns
SCHWELLNUS, C.M: The Nickel Copper Occurrence in the Bushveld Igneous Complex West of the Pilandsbergn
NEL, L.T. & JANSEN, H: The Geology of the Country Around Vereeniging
HUMPHREY, W.A. & KYNASTON, H: The Geology of the Country Lying Northwards from Zeerust
VAN ZYL, J.S.; BOARDMAN, L.G.; BRANDT, J.W.; DE VILIERS, J: Magnesite in the Union of South Africa
TRUTER, F.C. (et al): The Geology and Mineral Deposits of the Oliphants Hoek Area Cape Province
FROMMURZE, H.F: The Water Bearing Properties of the More Important Geological Formations in the Union of South Africa
DION, Emanuel: Josef Adam Moser Variationen Quadrat. Arbeiten 1980-1990
HOCKING, Anthony: Metal Boxers, the Story of Metal Box South Africa 1933 to 1983
STANLEY: Stanley Hardware. Catalog 61. The Stanley Works, New Britain, Connecticut
DOSTOEVSKY, F.M. (Translated By Jessie COULSON): Crime and Punishment
RIDWAY, Wm. & Sons: Ridgway Augers, Auger Bits, and Brace Bits (B.52)
GREENLEE TOOL CO: Greenlee Tools for the Electrician, Carpenter and Plumber (Catalo No.33E)
RAIKES, H.R. (Introduction by) MORRISON, W.R. (Compiled by): Catalogue of an Exhibition of Africana Comprising a Selection of Original Oil Paintings, .... Rare Books .Maps and Plsans, Manuscripts and Autograph Letters..... . Ephemera . in the New Library Building. Opened 12th March By H.R.H. Prince George
ALMANAC: Almanak voor de Kaap de Goede Hoop voor het skrikkeljaar MDCCCIV
LAIDLER, Percy W. & GELFAND, Michael: South Africa, Its Medical History 1652 - 1898 : A Medical and Social Study
HENSHILWOOD, Norah: A Cape Childhood
BRADLOW, Frank R: Africana Books and Pictures: A Selection of Published Papers
BUCHANAN, Angus: Wild Life in Canada
CERVANTES (Retold James REVES; Translated Andre P. Brink): Die Avonture Van Don Quijote
DELIUS, Peter: Land Belongs to Us: The Pedi Polity, the Boers and the British in the Nineteenth-Century Transvaal
ACKERMAN, W.H: Opsaal: Herinneringe Van Die Tweede Vryheidsoorlog
BREWSTER, David: Memoirs of the Life, Writings and Discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton
BERKELEY, George (Edited FRASER, Alexander Campbell): The Works of George Berkeley, D.D., Formerly Bishop of Cloyne; Including Many of His Writings Hitherto Unpublished. With Prefaces, Annotations, His Life and Letters, and an Account of His Philosophy
SCHAAB, Carl Anton: Die Geschichte der Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst durch Johann Gensfleisch genannt Gutenberg zu Mainz, pragmatisch aus den Quellen bearbeitet. mit mehr als dritthalb Hundert noch ungedruckten Urkunden, welche die Genealogie Gutenberg'Seiten VOL. 1 & 2
WILLEMS, P: Le droit public romain ou les institutions politiques de Rome depuis l'origine de la ville jusqu'à Justinien
POSTCARDS: Tanger: 36 Vues Detachables
GEY VAN PITTIUS, E.F.W: Die Stelsel van Prowinsiale Rade in Suid - Afrika
ELIAS, Joseph: Social Order: The Jewish View
BIRNBAUM, Nathan: Confession
BREUER, Isaac: The Problem of the Jew
FELDMAN, Leibl: Oudtshoorn "Yerushalaim d'Afrika"
JOINT EMERGENCY COMMITTEE for Jewish Religious Education in Great Britain: Jewish Education, 1944 and After
IBN-SAHAV, Ari: A Gharry Driver in Jerusalem
DORON, Elieser: The Negev, an anthology. What We are Fighting for
FEITELBERG, Lionel: Moledeth-bnei Brith : A New Adventure in Living
SOWDEN, Dora; SARON, Gus (et al.): The South African Jewish Board of Deputies. The Story of Fifty Years 1903-1953
SLOTKI, Judah J: Menasseh Ben Israel His Life and Times
HERSCH, Liebmann: Mein Judentum. Das Judentum vom Standpunkt eines jüdischen Positivisten gesehen. Vortragsreihe, gehalten am 2. und 16. November 1940 vor dem Verband jüdischer Studenten der Universität Genf
MINISTRY FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS: Israel's Peace Offers To The Arab States 1948-1963: The Record
SOLARSH, George: Great Synagogue Johannesburg: A Commemorative Brochure Issued on the Occasion of the Golden Jubile of the Consecration of the Synagogue Which Took Place on Sunday 23rd August 1914
FEDERAL CHANCELERY AUSTRIA: The Events of September 28th and 29th 1973: A Documentary Report
GOTZ, Adriani (& Eberhard Roters, Karin Thomas, Peter Kreiger ): Hannah Hoch 1889-1978: Collages
HAMILTON, Gerald (Prologue Christopher ISHERWOOD): Mr Norris and I....
FORSSMAN, O.W.A. (Compiled by): A Guide for Agriculturalists and Capatalists (sic), Speculators, Miners, &c., Wishing to Invest Money Profitably in the Transvaal Republic South Africa
FRYER, Jonathan: Isherwood: A Biography Christopher Isherwood
WOOKEY, A.J: Secwana and English Phrase Book. With a Short Introduction to Grammar and a Vocabulary
PATSANZA, Peter: Kare Nhasi Mangwana
SHONA LANGUAGE: Vamatari Veafrika (Martyrs of Africa Shona)
DIOCESE OF LEBOMBO Portuguese East Africa: Milombelo Ya Gitonga
BIBLE AFRICAN LANGUAGE: Buku Dzokutanga Dzamosesi Dzinonzi: Genesi Neeksodo (Genesis and Exodus in Shona)
STOFBERG GEDENKSKOOL: Die Stofberg Gedenkskool. Kwart Eeu Fees 28 September Tot 1 Oktober 1934
COETZEE, Abel: Leengoed. Gedagtes Oor Taal, Volksgeloof, Kultuur
TRANSVAAL CHAMBER OF MINES: The Gold of the Rand. :A Great National Industry (1887-1927)
RHEINHALLT JONES, J.D. (Edited by): Bantu Studies - A Journal Devoted to the Scientific Study of Bantu, Hottentot and Bushman VOL.III No.2 July 1928
RHEINHALLT JONES, J.D. & DOKE, C.M. (Edited by): Bantu Studies - A Journal Devoted to the Scientific Study of Bantu, Hottentot and Bushman VOL.XV No.2 June 1941
MATHER, Berkeley: The Pass Beyond Kashmir
LESLIE, Charles Robert (1794-1859): 2pp. Autograph Letter, Signed and Dated August 27th 1858, to Wm Carpenter,
PATTEN, George 91801-1865): A 1 Page Letter to an Unidentified Recipient, Signed and Dated Jan 31 1846
COTTINGHAM, Nockalls J.(1823-1854): A 2pp. Autograph Letter, to Wm. Dickinson, Signed and Dated April 21st 1849
WAAGEN, Gustav Friedrich: A 2pp Autograph Letter, Undated and Signed, to William Carpenter
HERRING, John Frederick (1795-1865): A 1 Page Letter, Signed and Dated Sept 1 1843
WILLEMENT, Thomas (1786–1871): A 1pp Autograph Letter to Mr Lepard, Signed and Dated 16th Novr. 1836, with Integral Address Leaf
BREMER, Frederiks (Translated Mary HOWITT): The Homes of the New World. Impressions of America
KEATS, John (Edited By H. Buxton Forman): The Poetical Works and Other Writings of John Keats, Edited with Notes and Appendices
PARKER, Charles Stuart (Edited by): Sir Robert Peel from His Private Papers