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ROYAL MAIL LINES: R. M. S. Andes. Royal Mail Lines to South America
CLAN LINE: "Clan Maclaren"
JOHNS, W.E: Biggles and the Gun Runners
RAINE, Richard (pseud Raymond Harold SAWKINS Aka Colin FORBES): A Wreath for America
AMIS, Kingsley & CONQUEST, Robert: The Egyptologists
HORSFIELD, Debbie: The Red Devils Trilogy : Red Devils, True Dare Kiss and Command Or Promise
MUCHA, Alphonse: Lectures on Art
PIEARCE, G.D. (Edited by): The Zambezi Teak Forests. Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Teak Forests of Southern Africa, Livingstone Zambia March 1984
BARSTOW, Stanley; HUXLEY, Aldous; BENNETT, Allan (and others): Viewpoint NO.1/1962
STONE, Peter: Oriental Rug Repair
BRYANT, David: Wheels and Looms: Making Equipment for Spinning and Weaving
STONE, Patricia: Portuguese Needlework Rugs - The Time-Honored Art of Arraiolas Rugs Adapted for Modern Handcrafters
RAGETH, Jurg; HIRSCH, Udo: Frühe Formen und Farben., Gewebe aus Anatolien. Symposium Basel, Die Ausstellung. Bedeutende anatolische Kelims aus europäischen Sammlung. 27. Januar bis 25. Februar 1990
GITTINGER, Mattiebelle: Master Dyers to the World Technique and Trade in Early Indian Dyed Cotton Textiles
WILLBORG, J.P: 1980-1990 "Ten Years" Jubilee Exhibition
PINNER, Robert & FRANSES, Michael (Edited by): Turkoman Studies I: Aspects of the Weaving and Decorative Arts of Central Asia
FORBES, R.J: Studies in Ancient Technology VOL IV: The Fibres and Fabrics of Antiquity - Washing, Bleaching, Fulling and Felting - Dyes and Dyeing - Spinning - Sewing , Basketry and Weaving
TSCHEBULL, Raoul: Kazak: Carpets of the Caucasus
ELLIS, Charles Grant: Early Caucasian rugs: The Textile Museum fiftieth anniversary, 1925-1975
JONES, H. McCOY & BOUCHER, Jeff W: Rugs of the Yomud Tribes: An Exhibition Featuring Rugs of the Yomud Tribes of Russian Turkestan and Northern Persia
KERIMOV, Liatif; STEPANIAN, Nonna; GRIGOLIYA, Tatyana; TSITSISHVILI, David: Rugs & Carpets From the Caucasus: The Russian Collections
SMITHSONIAN: Rugs from the Joseph V. McMullan Collection
HERRMANN, Eberhart & HERRMANN, Ulrike: Asiatische Teppich- und Textilkunst Band 1
HERRMANN, Eberhart & HERRMANN, Ulrike: Asiatische Teppich- und Textilkunst Band 2
GHAZARIAN, Manya: Armenian Carpet
TROOST, Klaus: Die Yomut. - Herausgegeben anläßlich der Ausstellung vom 6.11. 1983 bis 15.1. 1984. (In der Reihe: Die Stämme der Turkmenen)
SCHURMANN, Ulrich: Central-Asian Rugs: A Detailed Presentation of the Art of Rug Weaving in Central-Asia in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century
BURNS, James D: The Caucasus: Traditions in Weaving
BERNARDOUT, Raymond: Caucasian Rugs
DER MANUELIAN, Lucy & EILAND, Murray: Weavers, Merchants, and Kings: The Inscribed Rugs of Armenia
STONE, Peter F: Rugs of the Caucasus: Structure and Design
BALINA, Aloya; MAYALA, Anthony; MABULA, Justin M: Traditional Marriage in Tanzania Today
SCHRODINGER, Erwin: Nature and the Greeks. Shearman Lectures, delivered at University College, London on 24,26,28, and 31 May 1948
BORN, Max: Natural Philosophy of Cause and Chance; Being the Waynflete Lectures, Delivered in the College of St. Mary Magdalen, Oxford, in Hilary Term, 1948
UMETALIEVA, D.T.; IVANOV, S.V.; MACHOVA, E.I: Die Kunst der Kirgizen: Teppiche, Silberschmuck, Ornamentmotive
SAUROVA, G.; ACHMEDOV, A.A.; IVANOV, A.S.; ZUBOVA, L.K: Die Moderne Turkmwnische Teppich
DOVODOV, N. & CHODZAMUCHAMMEDOV, N: Teppische Und Tepichprosukte Turkmenistans
KLASTORNIJ, S.G. (and others): Die Teppichkultur Der Turkmenen Und Ihre Glaubenswlt
DUDIN, S.M: Teppiche Mittelasiens
FELKERSAM, A: Alte Teppiche Mittelasiens:
MOSCHKOVA, V.G: Die Teppiche der Völker Mittelasiens in späten XIX. und frühen XX. jahrhundert
ALLARD, Mary: Rug Making: Techniques and Design
COLLINGWOOD, Peter: Rug Weaving Techniqus. Beyond the Basics
BIER, Carol (Edited by): Woven from the Soul, Spun from the Heart: Textile Arts of Safavid and Qajar Iran
BLACK, David & Clive LOVELESS: Embroidered Flowers from Thrace to Tartary
BENARDOUT, Raymond: Catalogue of Turkoman Weaving including Beluch
YDEMA, Onno: Carpets and their Datings in the Netherlandish Paintings 1540-1700
HAUPTFLEISCH, Temple; VILJOEN, Wilma; VAN GREUNEN, Celeste: Athol Fugard A Source Guide
MENDES, A.P: Service for the First Nights of Passover according to the custom of the German and Polish Jews
KRUK, Hermann: Togbukh fun Vilner Getto. (Diary of the Vilna Ghetto.)
HERSCH, Libman: Of Der Grenetz Fun Tzaitin (En El Limite De Tiempos)
HERTZ, J.S: Die Gescichte Fun a Yungen ?The Story of a Youth
FLOWER, Ken (Peter GODWIN Association): Serving Secretly, An Intelligence Chief on Record, Rhodesia into Zimbabwe 1964-1981
SANTORO, Cesare: Hitler Germany as Seen By a Foreigner
BROSTOFF, Laya: Professional Handweaving on the Fly-Shuttle Loom
THOMPSON, Frances & THOMPSON, Tony: Synthetic Dyeing for Spinners, Weavers, Knitters and Embroiderers
AITKEN, J.B: Automatic Weaving
UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA: Report of the Natives Land Commission VOLUME II
GOLDSTEIN, Melvyn C. & BEALL, Cynthia M: Nomads of Western Tibet : The Survival of a Way of Life
CARRUTHERS GOULD, F: F.C.G.'s Froissart's Modern Chronicles 1902
DUMMETT, Michael: The Interpretation of Frege's Philosophy
YOUNG, Julian: Heidegger Philosophy Nazism
CAPEK, Karel: How They Do it
p'BITEK, Okot: Song of a Prisoner
THE MOTOR: The MOTOR Presents Grand Prix Cars of 1960: No. 1 Cooper Climax
THE MOTOR: The MOTOR Presents Grand Prix Cars of 1960: No. 2. Lotus Climax
THE MOTOR: The MOTOR Presents Grand Prix Cars of 1960: No. 3. B.R.M
PHELON & MOORE: The Latest Panther 1929 Models
MOTSACOCHE: La Motosacoche La Perfection En Motocyclettes
HARLEY-DAVIDSON: Instructions for Running and Adjusting 61 and 74 Overhead Valve Twin Models
AJS MOTORCYCLES: A.J.S. Motorcycles 1934
ARIEL MOTORS: Ariel. The Modern Motor Cycle Catalogue 1939
BOXING PROGRAMME: British Empire Title Fight. Jack "Kid" Berg Vs. Laurie Stevens. Wanderers Ground Johannesburg Saturday 11th January 1936
OLLEY, Maurice & EARL, Cameron C: The Motor Car Industry in Germany during the period 1939 - 1945 and a Special Contribution on GERMAN RACING CARS during the period 1934-1939
BROWN AND BARLOW: B. & B. Motor Cycle Carburetters for 1914