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COATS, Alice M: The Quest for Plants. A History of the Horticultural Explorers
BULLER, A.H. Reginald: Researches on Fungi, VOLUME III: The Production and Liberation of Spores in Hymenomycetes and Uredinae
SAITO, Katsuo: Japanese Gardening Hints : The Romance of Gleaming Sand, Rugged Stones, and Shady Trees in Your Garden
FELSKO. Elso: Portraits of Wild Flowers - 140 plates after Watercolours
PADILLA, VIctoria: Southern California Gardens. An Illustrated History
EDLIN, H. L: Trees, Woods and Man
KENNEDY, Robert F: Senator Robert F. Kennedy's Speech on the Day of Affirmation of Academic Freedom Cape Town S.A
WEBB, J.B: The Dedication of Trinity Methodist Church Johannesburg.....on 14th August 1964
WEBB, J.B: "Farewell to Dr. & Mrs. J.B. Webb". A Recording of the Service in the City Hall Johannesburg December 1964, By Derek Worman
STEAMSOUND (Recorded By Derek WORMAN): Steaming Into History
CREELEY, Robert: The Charm: Early and Uncollected Poems
STOREY, Anthony: The Centre Holds
BAUDELAIRE, Charles & GAUTIER, Theophile: Hashish Wine Opium
JOST, Karl (Edited by): Kunstlerverzeichnis Der Schweiz, 1980-1990; Repertoire des artistes suisses; Dizionario degli artisti Suizzeri. Unter Einschluss des Furstentums Liechtenstein
GARNIER-OESCH, Christine Von: La Namibie Vue De L'interieur
HAUSER, A: Feldbatterie 42. Ein Jahr Aktivdienst. Aufzeichnungen Und Erinnerungen Aus Der Zeit Vom September 1939 Bis September 1940
GASSER, Rolf; VON KAENEL, Kurt and Others (Co-ordinated by): 100 Jahre Eidgenossischer Schwingerverband / 100 Ans Association Federale De Lutte Suisse
ERNST, F: Swiss Society Helvetia Johannesburg Centenary 1890-1990
SPORT BROCHURE: Sigma Feesspele / Festival Games 1981 // S A Games / S A Spele 1981
VAN TONDER, F: Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiesportgedenkalbum 1913-1988
TRIET, Max (and Many others): Kegel und Kugel - Quilles et Boules. Bilder u. Texte zur Ausstellung. Illustrations et textes relatifs ŕ L'exposition
MADER, Samuel: 75 Jahre Mittellandischer Schwingerverband 1893 - 1968
DOBLER, Paul (Edited by): 75 Jahre Basellandschaftlicher Schwingerverband 1908-1983
STUKER, Fritz: 50 Jahre Eidgenössischer Jodlerverband 1910-1960
SCHMID, K: Swiss Rifle Club Johannesburg 25th Anniversary 1980
SUTER, P.; MAETZENER, W.; BUETZER, R.; TOBLER, E.; LINDER, A: Swiss Rifle Club Cape Town 1949-1989
NEUENSCHWANDER, Kurt (Edited by): Schweizer Club Sudwestafrika / Schweizer Club Namibia 1969-1994
SCHWEIZER PATRONATS KOMITEE: Project Der Hoffnung. Die Beruffschule Ga-Rankuwa in Bophutatswana Sudafrika
CELINE, Louis Ferdinand: Castle to Castle
GRANDJEAN, A: La mission romande; ses racines dans le sol suisse romand, son épanouissement dans la race Thonga
COLE, Madden: Room in the Inn. T he Story of Johannesburg Hotels
KALTHAMMER, Wilhelm: Die Portugiesenkreuze in Afrika und Indien Eine umfassende Darstellung aller von den portugiesischen Entdeckern Diogo Căo, Bartolomeo Dias und Vasco da Gama errichteten Steinkreuze (Padrőes), deren Geschichte und deren Nachbildungen
DE MEURON, Guy: Le Régiment Meuron 1781-1816
SHARPE, Tom: Wilt
WATSON, James D: The Double Helix
CASALIS, Eugene: The Basutos
THONI, F: Die Sozio-Politischen Strategien Von Schweizerischen Multinationalen Industrie-Unternehmungen in Sudafrika
MARX, Roelf: Klerksdorp. Groeiende Reus 1837-1987
LAEDERER, Benjamin (Edited by): Schweizer Trachten - Costumes suisses - Costumi svizzeri - Swiss national costumes
GRANDJEAN, Pierre: 100 Jahre Golf in der Schweiz
SCHILD, Hans (Edited by): 75 Jahre Eidgenössischer Jodlerverband 1910-1985.,
SCHMID, Karl: 50 Years Swiss Rifle Club Johannesburg South Africa 1955-2005
KETELHODT, Gerhardt Freiherr Von: Von Westpreussen Nach Sudafrika. Lebenserinnerungen
KAYSER, Jacky: Wilson Rowntree Centenary 1890-1900
MENDELSOHN, J.M. & SAPSFORD, C.W. (Edited by): Proceedings of the Second Symposium on African Predatory Birds
PEER, Oscar: Dicziunari rumantsch.: Ladin-tudais-ch
BEZZOLA, Reto R. & TONJACHEN, Rud O: Dicziunari tudais-ch-rumantsch ladin. Deutsch-romanisches Wörterbuch Ladinisch. 3 edizium cun supplemaint. 3. Auflage mit Nachtrag
SCHMUTZ, Paul (and others): 75 Jahre Bernisch Kantonaler Schwingerverband 1901-1975
QUICKELBERGE, C.D: Birds of the Transkei: An Ornithological History and Annotated Catalogue of All Recorded Species
DARWIN, Erasmus (Edited By Desmond KING-HELE): The Essential Writings of Erasmus Darwin
BARNES, H. F: Gall Midges of Economic Importance VOLUM II: Fodder Crops
BARNES, H. F: Gall Midges of Economic Importance VOLUM III: Fruit
BARNES, H. F: Gall Midges of Economic Importance VOLUM V: Trees
CLANCEY, Phillip A: The Birds of Southern Mozambique
MARAIS, Chris & DU TOIT, Julienne: Namibia Space
KNOX, E.V. (Edited by): Mr. Punch on the Links
ONDERSTALL, Jo: Wild Flower Guide: Mpumalanga & Northern Province
ROGERS, David: Classic Safari Camps of Africa
ROSLER, Jens: The Montblanc Diary & Collector's Guide
FAUCHEUX, Pierre: Les Caracteres de l'Imprimerie nationale
JAMES, Alan: The First Bushman's Path. Stories, Songs and Testimonies of the /xam of the Northern Cape
MASSINGHAM, Prince & CHARLES, Clifford: Kliptown Stories
PIETERSE, Edgar & MEINTJIES, Frank (Edited by): Voices of the Transition: The Politics, Poetics and Practices of Social Change in South Afric
MZOBE, Mfiso: Young Blood
JACOB, Sam (Edited by): He South African History Archive Guidebook
OLIPHANT, A.W. (Edited by): Staffrider Vol.8 No.2
OLIPHANT, A.W. (Edited by): Staffrider Vol.9 No.3
McCARTHY, Terence & RUBIDGE, Bruce: The Story Of Earth & Life: A Southern African Perspective on a 4.6-Billion-Year Journey
DENNIS, Nigel J.& SCHOLES, Bob: Kruger National Park: Wonders of an African Eden
ROODT, Veronica: Common Wild Flowers of the Okavango Delta: Medicinal Uses and Nutritional Value
BAILEY, Adrian & KEENE-YOUNG, Robyn: Wild Botswana
HILLIARD, Helen: A Trout Rod in Natal
PRICE, Taff: The Angler's Sedge. Tying and Fishing the Caddis
ARNOLD, Marion; (Edited by)): South African Botanical Art. Peeling Back the Petals
GUITRY, Sacha: Ecoutez Bien, Messieurs..