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ERTEL, Suitbert & IRVING, Kenneth: The Tenacious Mars Effect
DE LA CAILLE, Nicolas Louis (Translated and Edited By R. RAVEN-HART): Travels at the Cape 1751-1753. An Annotated Translation of "Journal Historique Du Voyage Fait Au Cap De Bonne-Esperance, Into Which Has Been Interspersed Relevant Passages from Memoires De l'Academie Royale Des Sciences
GARSON, Yvonne: Versatile Genius: The Royal Engineers and Their Maps Manuscript Maps and Plans of the Eastern Frontier, 1822-1870
RUSTOW, W: Heerwesen und Kriegsführung C. Julius Cäsars
DE VILLIERS, Simon: Otto Landsberg 1803-1905. 19th Century South African Artist
GIBSON, G.F: The Story of the Imperial Light Horse in the South African War 1899-1902
CHRISTOPHER, A. J: South Africa: The Impact of Passt Geographies
COLLIER, W.F: Dogs of China & Japan in Nature and Art
ENGEL< James R: Bouvier Des Flandres: The Dogs of Flandres Fields
JOHNSON, Philip C: Mies Van Der Rohe
CHABAN-DELMAS, Jacques (Introduction by): Albert Marquet 1875-1947
CREASEY, John: Murder - London / South Africa: A New Story of "Roger West" of the Yard
EBENSTEN, Hanns: Pierced Hearts and True Love; An illustrated History of the Origin and Development of European Tattooing and a Survey of its present State
HONIKMAN, A.H: The Hyman Liberman Memorial Door
VAIRAMUTTU, R.A: Scientific Unarmed Combat: the Art of Dynamic Self-Defense the Ancient Asian Psycho-Physical Study
KOIZUMI, G: My Study of Judo : The Principle and the Technical Fundamentals
ROSS, A.J: A Text Book of Judo (Jiu-Jitsu) Vol. 1
YAMAGUCHI, Gosei: Fundamentals of Goju-Ryu Karate
DEMURA, Fumio: Shito-Ryu Karate
VENTRESCA, Peter: Shoto-Kan Karate: The Ultimate in Self Defense
SAHOTA, Gursharan: The Advanced Shotokan Karate Handbook
ASHIHARA, Hideyuki: Fighting Karate
HIBBARD, Jack: Karate Breaking Techniques: With Practical Applications to Self-Defense
RIELLY, Robin L: Japan's Complete Fighting System: Shin Kage Ryu
INOKUMA, Isao & SATO, Nobuyuki: Best Judo
SAHOTA, Gurshuran: The Shotokan Karate Handbook Beginner to Black Belt:
CHO, Hee Il: The Complete Martial Artist
LAU, Simon: Masters' Kung-fu
MOYNAHAN, James M: Police Ju Jitsu
SKINNER, Dirk: Street Ninja: Ancient Secrets for Today's Mean Streets
KIM, Aghikla: Ninja Hands of Death
OBERHOLZER, Henry: Recreative Wrestling
AUCTION CATALOGUE: Atelier De Pierre Eugene Clairin 1897-1980. 1ere Vente De La Succession Estampes - Aquarelles - Peintures 1 Decembre 1982
ANDERSSON, Muff: Bite of the Banshee
BINNS, Charles F: The Manual of Practical Potting
PRELLER, Gustav S: Ons Goud Roman. Die Marais - Dagboek (1849-65) met Inleiding en Aantekeninge
COETZEE, J. Albert: Politieke Groepering in Die Wording Van Die Afrikanernase (Met Besondere Verwysing Na Die Tydperk Van Die Eerste Tot Die Tweede Vryheidsoorlog)
DARROLL, Mary Jane & GRECH-CUMBO, Gina (Edited by): Margins: Ricky Burnett
BEYNON, Richard: Resurrection Cycles & on Skin: Ricky Burnett
HARDEN, Arthur: Alcoholic Fermentation
ROBERTSON, Rob: St Antony's Activists: Turning Dreams into Deeds. The Story of St. Anthony's United Church...Pageview Johannesburg 1975-1990
DYE, F: Hot Water Fitting and Steam Cooking Apparatus
BURKE, John: Guilty Party
HOLT, Edgar: Protest in Arms-The Irish Troubles 1916-1923
O'CALLAGHAN, Sean: The Jackboot in Ireland
HOGAN, David: The Four Glorious Years
MARSHALL, J.D: Old Lakeland - Some Cumbrian Social History
LOUWRENS, L.J: Dictionary of Northern Sotho Grammatical Terms
LABUSCHAGNE, G.S; THULU, Gibson; KNOETZE, J.C.; SUZMAN, Helen; KOORNHOF, P.G.J.; MULDER, C.P.; RAJBANSI, A. (and Several others): Die Verstedelikte Swartman
McCUTCHEON, John Elliott: The Hartley Colliery Disaster 1862
BUTHELEZI, Mazo Sybil T. MaDlamini: African Nurse Pioneers In Kwazulu/Natal - 1920-2000
BRINK, A. B. A: Engineering Geology of Southern Africa. VOLUME 3: The Karoo Sequence
CAMERON, Robert: Democratisation of South African Local Government. A Tale of Three Cities
VENTER, I.S.J: Die Anglikaanse Kerk en die Onderwys in die Oranje-Vrystaat, 1854-1900
WARREN, F.L. (Chief Editor): National Conference on Nuclear Energy, Application of Isotopes and Radiation: Proceedings of the National Conference on Nuclear Energy Held in Pretoria, April 5-8 1963 / Nasionale Konferensie oor Kernenergie : toepassing van istope en Straling
MEINHOF, Carl (Translated Revised and Enlarged By N.J. Van WARMELO): Introduction to the Phonology of the Bantu Languages Being the English version of "Grundriss einer Lautlehre der Bantusprachen"
KEEBLE, Sheila (Compiled and Edited by): The Black Who's Who of Southern Africa Today
HUNT, H.H: Kinematic Geometry of Mechanisms
SILHAVY, M: The Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Continuous Media
VAN DER MERWE, J. Nielen & MADDEN, Bernard J: Rock Engineering For Underground Coal Mining
FINNEY, Ben R. & HOUSTON, James D: Surfing Sport of Hawaiian Kings
DICKASON, A: The Geometry Of Sheet Metal Work: For Students and Craftsmen
BOONZAIER, W.A: Maria Lee. S.A. Se Wreedste Moordenares
BERRY, Hu.; ROCHER, Stoffel; PAXTON, Mark; COOPER, Tryg: Origin and Meaning of Place Names in the Etosha National Park Namibia
RENCKEN, C.R.C: Die Uniegebou Die Eerste 75 Jaar
RABONE, A. (Compiled by): Index of the Graaff Reinet Herald Volume One Aug. 1852 - Aug. 1853
HOLLEY, James & TREN, Judy: Boom, An Appreciation of the Life of Hunt Holley and Some of His Pioneer Friends and Relations
MARSHALL, Evan P. & SANOW, Edwin J: Handgun Stopping Power: The Definitive Study
BELGIN, Tayfun, EMMERLING, Leonhard, BEDFORD, Emma, HEFUNA, Susan: Navigation Xcultural
HOMER (Edited By J. Van LEEUWEN & M. B. MENDES Da COSTA): Odysseae carmina: cum apparatu critico,
SAHER, P.J: Happiness and Immortality George Grimm's Investigations Into the Secrets of Buddhism
GIBB, Richard; HUGHES, Tim; MILLS, Greg; VAAHTORANTA, Tapani (Edited by): Charting A New Course- Globalisation, African Recovery & the New Africa Initiative
GROBBELAAR, Neuma; MILLS, Greg; SIDIROPOULOS, Elizabeth: Angola Prospects for Peace and Prosperity
MILLS, Greg & SHELTON, Garth (Edited by): Asia-Pacific & Africa: Realising Economic Potential