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JOWELL, Phyllis & FOLB, Adrienne: Into Kokerboom Country. Namaqualand's Jewish Pioneers
KIPLING, Rudyard: Letters of Travel (1892-1913)
SOMERVELL, D.M: My Life Was a Ranch
GIBSON, Janet M: Wild Flowers of Natal (Coastal Region (AND) Inland Region). 2 VOLUMES
AZORES: Arquivo Dos Acores VOLUME XV
PESSOA, Fernando (Translated By Suzette MACEDO): The Tobacconists Tabacaria
ORLAND, Ted: Scenes of Wonder & Curiosity: The Photographs & Writings of Ted Orland
AUCTION CATALOGUE: Japanese Swords and Sword Fittings from the Collection of Dr. Walter A. Compton (Part II) Thursday October 22, 1992
AUCTION CATALOGUE: Important Impressionist and Modern Paintings and Sculpture from the Collection of the Late Joanne Toor Cummings
AUCTION CATALOGUE: The Raymond and Frances Bushell Collection of Netsuke PART IV April 23 1991
AUCTION CATALOGUE: The Dr. Jean-Claude Cholet Collection of Chess Sets May 2, 2007
AUCTION CATALOGUE: Fine Chinese Export Porcelain and Works of Art 23 April 1990
LATROBE, G. & L: Guide to the Coast, Caves and Bays of Sark
HAMILTON, T. F. W: Holmesdale Towns: A Handbook for Reigate, Redhill, and Neighbouring Districts
PLUMMER, John & GODWIN, George Nelson: Silchester, or, the "Pompeii of Hampshire" : how to get there and what to see
LOUW, N.P. Van Wyk: N P Van Wyk Louw (Brigadiers BR/ 124)
DOMENIQUE: Art in Physique Photography. Volume 1
LOCK, Ray: Bismarck, Dorsetshire and Memories
DELONG-BAS, Natana: Wahhabi Islam : From Revival and Reform to Global Jihad
BARBORKA, Geoffrey A: H.P. Blavatsky the Light Bringer
ROSSER, J.B. & TURQUETTE, A.R: Many-valued Logics
NIN, Anais: Journal of a Wife: The Early Diary of Anais Nin, 1923-1927
NIN, Anais: The Journals of Anais Nin Volume 2 (1934-1939)
HIRVONEN, R.A: Adjustment by Least Squares in Geodesy and Photogrammetry
ANDERSON, David & GROVE, Richard (Edited by): Conservation in Africa: People, Policies and Practice
ALEXANDER, H.R: Special Order Of The Day. Soldiers,Sailors and Airmen of the Allied Forces in the Mediterranean Theatre. Allied Force Headquarters 2 May 1945
GERMAN PROPAGANDA LEAFLET: Men in the Shadow? No - Men in the Sun!
WORLD WAR 2 PERIODICAL: Huis-Toe No.49 Monday 22 October
WORLD WAR 2 PERIODICAL: Huis-Toe No.50 Tuesday 23 October
NURNBERGER, Klaus (Edited by): A Democratic Vision for South Africa. Political Realism And Christian Responsibility
DU PLESSIS, Hans & DU PLESSIS, Theo (Edited by): Afrikaans En Taalpolitiek
ETON SCHOOL: Selecta Ex Homeri Odyss. Hesiodo, Theocrito, Callimacho, Apollonio Rhod. . Cum Vulgata Versione Emendata, AC . Notis. in Usum Regi E Schol Etonensis
KLEMM, Horst & SMITH, Denis: African Journal
WOOLMAN, Stu & FLEISCH, Brahm: The Constitution in the Classroom: Law and education in South Africa 1994-2008
KISS, Agnes (Edited by): Living with Wildlife: Wildlife Resource Management with Local Participation in Africa
CROSSKILL, W.E: The Two Thousand Mile War
OWEN, Wilfred (Edited C. Day LEWIS): The Collected Poems of Wilfred Owen
IRVING, H.B: Studies of French Criminals of the Nineteenth Century
COLENSO, Frances Ellen: The Transvaal Question (in Gentleman's Magazine VOL. CCLI )
EKMAN, Erika (Erika Johnston): Simango
MAIA, Tom; CALMON, Pedro; MAIA, Thereza Regina De Camargo: Velho Brasil De Hoje
PESSOA, Fernando: Obras Em Prosa
REIS, Carlos: O Discurso Ideológico do Neo-Realismo Português
AUCTION CATALOGUE: The Raymond and Frances Bushell Collection of Japanese Sword Fittings. Japanese Works of Art. 28 October 1998
TURNER, D.P. (and Several Other authors): Land Types of the Map : 2830 Richards Bay
WAGENER, Fritz (and Numerous Other authors): Geology for Engineering, Urban Planning and the Environment. PROCEEDINGS 12,13 and 14 November 1997
SNYMAN, C.P. (Compiled by): Geologie Vir Suid Afrika
COGHO, V.E.; VAN NIEKERK, L.J.; PRETORIUS, H.P.J.; HODGSON, F.D.I: The Development of Techniques for the Evaluation and Effective Management of Surface and Ground Water Contamination in The3 Orange Free State Goldfields
DE MORAES, Victor M: Sementes Do Odio
DE MELO, Gladstone Chaves: Origem Formação e Aspectos Da Cultura Brasileira
PIDAL, R. Menendaz: Cantar De Mio Cid-Texto, Gramatica Y Vocabularia, 3 Vols
UNITED STATES PHILIPPINES: Joint Preparatory Committee on Philippine Affairs: Report of May 20, 1938. Volume III: Briefs Submitted to the Committee; Group 1: Briefs Submitted in Printed Form; Group Two: Briefs Submitted in Typewritten Form
OKANO, Isao: Vital Judo Grappling Techniques
HOLDEN, Paul & VAN VUUREN, Hennie: The Devil in the Detail. How the Arms Deal Changed Everything
LEVITT, Ruth: George Eliot the Jewish Connection
VAN DER WATT, J.S: Het Leven Der Boeren Krijgsgevangenen Op Ceylon
CHOW, Ven Te: Open-Channel Hydraulics
BRINK, Andre P.; COETZEE, A.J.; LINDENBERG, E.; VAN DER MERWE, Annari; DIS, Adriaan Van; VAN DER MERWE, P.P: Woorde Teen Die Wolke. Vir Breyten
VAN WARMELO, N.J. & PHOPHI, W.M.D: Venda Law PART 5: Property
VAN WARMELO, N.J. & PHOPHI, W.M.D: Venda Law. PART 2: Married Life
ADLER, Hermann: Anglo-Jewish Memories and Other Sermons
FRELIMO: Eduardo Mondlane
PILLAY, Gerald J: Religion at the Limits? Pentecostalism Among Indian South Africans
RAWSON, K.J. & TUPPER, E.C: Basic Ship Theory Volume 1 (AND) Volume 2
NEAL, B.G: Structural Theorems and Their Applications
FABER, John & JOHNSON, Brian: Foundation Design Simply Exoplained
MANN, P.T. (and Numerous others): Association of Mine Resident Engineers Papers and Discussions July 1993
MEER, Fatima; SKWEYIYA, Sayo; JOLOBE, Sheila; WESTMORE, Jean; MEER, Shamin: Black - Woman - Worker
HUSSEY, Christopher: Clarence House The Home Of Her Royal Highness The Princess Elizabeth Duchess Of Edinburgh And Of His Royal Highness The Duke Of Edingburgh K.G
MICHELL, Lewis: The Life and Times of the Rt. Hon Cecil J. Rhodes - 1853-1902
BLAU, Esther: The Spice and Spirit of Kosher-Jewish Cooking
SUMMERS-SMITH, J.D: An Introductory Guide to Industrial Tribology
HORNGREN, K.O: Southern African Steel Construction Handbook (Limit States Design)
MARPLES, Peter Ntroduction by): The Fourth South African International Corrosion Conference. CONFERENCE PAPERS