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HEESE, Hans Friedrich: Genealogie as Hulpwetenskap Van Geskiedenis Met Verwysing Na Die Boeretydperk in Angola 1881-1928
HUXLEY, Julian: Man's New Vision of Himself. (National Conference on Education July 1960)
ENGLISH, J.M: The Warthog Story
ENGLISH, J.M: The Story of Buck Horns
KONIG, A. & KEANE, H. (Edited by): The Meaning of History. Problems in the Interpretation of History with Possible Reference to Examples from South African History Such as the Battle of Blood River
SMIT, Kobus: Laura Rautenbach, Fotobiografie Van a Beeldhouster / a Photobiography of a Sculptress
HAENGGI, F.F: Zoltan Borbereki Sculptures in Semi-Precious Stones A Pictorial Review
KRESS, Fritz: Das technische und mechanische Rechnen des Zimmermanns. Ein Fachbuch für die tägliche Praxis mit Aufgaben und Lösungen für die Gesellen- und Meisterprüfung im Zimmerhandwerk
BEHRINGER, Anton & REK, F: Das Maurerbuch. Ein Fachbuch für Geselle, Polier und Meister. Ein Buch der Praxis für Baumeister, Architekten und Lehrer
BERRY, Hu; BURGER, Pompie (and Numerous Other authorts): Etosha 100, Celebrating a Hundred Years of Conservation
PERIODICAL: The Leisure Hour 1857 : A Family Journal of Instruction and Recreation - Volume VI No. 262-314
PERIODICAL: The Leisure Hour 1856 : A Family Journal of Instruction and Recreation - Volume V No. 210-261
PERIODICAL: The Leisure Hour 1859 : A Family Journal of Instruction and Recreation - Volume VIII No. 367-418
PERIODICAL: The Leisure Hour 1858 : A Family Journal of Instruction and Recreation - Volume VII No. 315-366
PERIODICAL: The Leisure Hour 1860 : A Family Journal of Instruction and Recreation - Volume IX No. 419-470
PERIODICAL: The Leisure Hour 1863: A Family Journal of Instruction and Recreation - Volume XII No. 575-626
PERIODICAL: The Leisure Hour 1865: A Family Journal of Instruction and Recreation - Volume XIV No. 680-731
PERIODICAL: The Leisure Hour 1872: A Family Journal of Instruction and Recreation - No. 1045-1096
NOWAK, Herbert & ORTNER, Sigrid & Dieter: Felsbilder Der Spanischen Sahara
HILL, W. Osman: Primates Comparative Anatomy and Taxonomy. 1: STREPSIRHINI
HILL, W. Osman: Primates Comparative Anatomy and Taxonomy. 2: HAPLORHINI TARSIOIDEA
HILL, W. Osman: Primates Comparative Anatomy and Taxonomy. 3: PITHECOIDEA Platyrrhini-Hapalidae
HILL, W. Osman: Primates Comparative Anatomy and Taxonomy. 4: CEBIDAE Part A
CARTER, Gwendolen: Separate Development the Challenge of the Transkei
MARENHOLTZ-BULOW, Bertha Von: Das Kind und sein Wesen. Beiträge zum Verständnis der Fröbelschen Erziehungslehre
POWELL, Arthur E: The Causal Body and the Ego
WRIGHT, R.V.S. (Edited by): Stone tools as Cultural Markers: Change, Evolution and Complexity
NICOLSON, Benedict: Hendrik Terbrigghen
STEAD, W.T. (Edited by): The Last Will and Testament of Cecil John Rhodes: With Elucidatory Notes to Which Are Added Some Chapters Describing the Political and Religious Ideas of the Testator
HUNTER, John Kelso: The Retrospect of an Artist's Life - Memorials of West Countrymen and Manners of the Past half Century
PYE, Dasvid: The Nature and Art of Workmanship
ISAACSON, Joel: Monet Le Dejeuner Sur L'herbe
LAVIN, Marilyn Aronberg: Piero Della Francesca The Flagellation
SPECTOR, Jack J: Delacroix The Death of Sardanapalus
SMITH, Ian Douglas: The Great Betrayal. The Memoirs
WALKER, Dick: Dick Walker's Angling. Theories And Practice, Past, Present And To Come
HOWES, W.J: Fly-Fishing for Coarse Fish
GILMOUR, Garth: Run for Your Life. Jogging with Arthur Lydiard
CLARKE, Ron & HARRIS, Norman: The Lonely Breed
THURSTON, R.H: The Animal as a Machine and a Prime Motor, and the Laws of Energetics
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: Alcoholics Anonymous The Story of Hoe Many Thousands of Men and Women Have Recovered from Alcoholism
BISHOP, Edward: The Guinea Pig Club
ROSE, Steven (Edited by): C B W : Chemical and Biological Warfare. Its Scope, Implications and Future Development
SMITH, Kenneth M: The Virus. Life's Enemy
MARSH, Arnold: Smoke. The Problem of Coal and the Atmosphere
BEKKER, Johan: Ons Dien Die Kind. Gedenkboek Uitgegee By Geleentheid Van Die Een En Twintigste Bestaan Van Die Vaderland Se Strandfonds
COETZEE, Christo: The Last Artist
BADEN POWELL, R. S. S: The Great Trek of the Early Scouts of South Africa
MORITZ, Walter: Uit Die Ou Dae in Suidwes: BOEK I: Die Ossewa Vertel
WELLINGTON, John H: A New Development Scheme for the Okavango Delta, Northern Kalahari
VAN DEN BORREN, Charles: The Sources of Keyboard Music in England
WOLFF, Konrad: The Teaching of Artur Schnabel. A Guide to Interpretation
EHRLICH, A: Berühmte Klavierspieler der Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. Eine Sammlung von 116 Biographien und 114 Porträts
GERSON, Max: A Cancer Therapy. Results of Fifty Cases
VON MISES, Ludwig: Human Action. A Treatise on Economics
PATON, Alan (Edited By Colin GARDNER): Knocking on the Door : Shorter Writings
SCHOLES, Percy A: The Life and Activities of Sir John Hawkins Musician, Magistrate and Friend of Johnson
NEIL, C. Land (& STURGESS, W,J, ; GRIFFIN, W.): Walking. A Practical Guide to Pedestrianism for Athletes and Others
MOORE, Jerrold Northrop: A Voice in Time: The gramophone of Fred Gaisberg 1873-1951
DAVIES, W. J. A: How to Play Rugby Football
BROOK, Barry S. (Edited By, with Introduction and Indexes): The Breitkopf thematic Catalogue. The six parts and sixteen supplements 1762-1787
WILSON, Michael: The English Chamber Organ. History and Development 1650=1850
STEBBING, Lionel (Compiled by): Music Its Occult Basis and Healing Value
WOOD, C. & SUITTERS, B: The Fight for Acceptance: a History of Contraception:
TRUSCOTT, Harold: Beethoven's Lat String Quartets
KENDRICK, A.F. & TATTERSALL, C.E.C: Hand-Woven Carpets Oriental and European
KENDRICK, A.F. & TATTERSALL, C.E.C: Hand Woven Carpets Oriental and European
WOOLF, Virginia (Edited By Nigel NICOLSON): The Question of Things Happening The Letters of Virginia Woolf 1912-1922
NEWTON, Sterlla Mary: Health, Art and Reason : Dress Reformers of the 19th Century
BALINT, Michael: Primary Love and Psycho-analytic Technique
FRANCIS, Anne: A Guinea a Box
LINDSTROM, F.E: Pliers & Nippers. Hammers Wall and Brick Drills. Hand Vices.
WICK, Denis: Trombone Technique
THURSTON, Frederick: Clarinet Technique