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DAY, Philip: Land: The Elusive Quest for Social Justice, Taxation Reform and a Sustainable Planetary Environment
TEMKIN, Joan: Charting for Profit
ANDELSON, Robert V. (Edited by): Land Value Taxation Around the World
DUNKLEY, Godfrey: That All May Live: Guidelines Towards a Better Society
WENZER, Kenneth C: Land-value Taxation: The Equitable and Efficient Source of Public Finance
MEEK, Ronald L. (Edited by): Precursors of Adam Smith
DUNKLEY, Godfrey: Land Tenure A Time Bomb Ticking in South Africa
COUZYN, Heather: The Cosmic Microbe. Towards a Becoming Life on Planet Earth
SHUTTE, Augustine: Ubuntu: An Ethic for a New South Africa
MACLAREN, Leon: Nature of Society
ANDELSON, R.V: Commons Without tragedy
HILL, Malcolm: The Roots of Protectionism
STEENBERG, D.H: Sestigerproblematiek
MOIR, Sydney & CRITTENDEN, H.T: Namib Narrow Gauge
JOHNSON, John & LONG, Robert A: British Railways Engineering 1948-1980
VAN ONSELEN, Charles: The Seed Is Mine: The Life of Kas Maine, a South African Sharecropper 1894-1985
ANDERSON, David M. & KILLINGRAY, David (Edited by): Policing the Empire: Government, Authority and Control, 1830-1940
CHALLES, Robert (Edited By A. AUGUSTIN-THIERRY): Voyage Aux Indes D'une Escadre Française ( 1690-1691 )
GUTSCHE, Thelma: The History and Significance of Motion Pictures In South Africa 1895 - 1940
HILLCOURT, William & BADEN-POWELL, Lady Olave: Baden-Powell the Two Faces of a Hero
BUTLER, Guy: An Autobiography: 1. Karoo Morning 1918-35; 2. Bursting World 1936-45; 3. A Local Habitation 1945-90
HUFFMAN, Thomas N: Iron Age Migrations. The Ceramic Sequence in Southern Zambia. Excavations at Gundu and Ndonde
ST. JOHN, Charles: A Tour in Sutherlandshire, with Extracts from the Field-Books of a Sportsman and Naturalist
JAEGER, J.C: Elasticity, Fracture and Flow with Engineering and Geological Applications
COX, D.R: Renewal Theory
LENIN, V.I: The Proletarian Revolution and the Renegade Kautsky
HUDDLESTON, Sarah: Against All Odds, George Pemba: His Life and Works
JUTA, H.C: The History of the Transvaal Scottish December 1902 to July 1932
ZOLLNER, Linda: Die Nasate Van Die Rynse Sendelinge in Suid Afrika
COOK, S.A.; ADCOCK, F.E.; CHARLESWORTH, M.P. (Edited by): The Augustan Empire 44 B.C. - A.D. 70 (The Cambridge Ancient History VOLUME X)
COOK, S.A.; ADCOCK, F.E.; CHARLESWORTH, M.P. : BAYNES, N.H. (Edited by): The Imperial Crisis and Recovery A.D. 193 - 324 (Cambridge Ancient History VOLUME XII)
BURY, J.B.; COOK, S.A.; ADCOCK, F.E.. (Edited by): Macedon 401-301 B.C. (Cambridge Ancient History VOLUME VI)
ERKKILA, Antti & SIISKONEN, Harri: Forstry in Namibia 1850-1990
CHUDECKI, Paul: Aston Martin V8 Race Cars
FLOYD, T.B: The Boer Nation's English Problem: The Story of a Small White Nation in Southern Africa and Its Struggle to Exist
DOWNES, Stephen & KNOWELDEN, Martin: The New Compleat Angler
CAESTECKER, Frank & MOORE, Bob (Edited by): Refugees from Nazi Germany and the Liberal European States
GILMAN, Lisa: The Dance of Politics. Gender, Performance, and Democratization in Malawi
DE VRIES, David: Diamonds and War: State, Capital, and Labor in British-Ruled Palestine
DOLAN, Chris: Social Torture: The Case of Northern Uganda, 1986-2006 (Human Rights in Context)
LOLLINI, Andrea: Constitutionalism and Transitional Justice in South Africa
WAINWRIGHT, Elaine M: Women Healing / Healing Women: The Genderization of Healing in Early Christianity
VICKERS, Michael: Sophocles And Alcibiades: Athenian Politics In Ancient Greek Literature
TAHERZADEH, Adib: The Revelation of Baha'u'llah; Adrianople 1863-68
TAHERZADEH, Adib: The Revelation of Baha'u'llah; Vol. 4 - Mazra'ih & Bahji 1877-92 -
GAMBLE, Helen: Mariannhill 1882- 1982 . A Cebntury of Prayer and Work
WARDMAN, Alan: Religion and Statecraft among the Romans,
HARAND, Irene: His Struggle. An Answer to Hitler
NAUDE, Louis: Dr. A. Hertzog, Die Nasionale Party En Die Mynwerker
OSUNTOKUN, Akinjide: Nigeria in the First World War
LEIPOLDT, C. Louis (Edited By E. M. SANDLER): Dear Dr. Bolus: Letters from Clanwilliam, London, New York and Europe Written Mainly During His Medical Education By C. Louis Leipoldt to Harry Bolus in Cape Town Form 1897 to 1911
BRYANT, A. T: Zulu Medicine and Medicine Men
RHIND, David & WALKER, Michasel: Historical Railway Postcard Journeys in Southern Africa
HERZFELD, Friedrich (edited by): Berliner Philharmonisches Orchester 1882 - 1942. Mit Beiträgen von Fred Hamel, Heinz Joachim und Friedrich Herzfeld. Herausgegeben im Auftrag des Berliner Philharmonischen Orchesters
TARLANOV, M: Latif Kerimov
ANON: Beknop Histories Oorsig Van Die Werkstaking in Die Goud En Steenkoolmijne Van Transvaal 1Januarie - 16 Maart 1922 ; Die Indiervraagstuk in Suid Afrike Deur H J B; (and Three Other Titles on the National Party, Ossewa Brandwag, Boer War)
DANIELL, Samuel (Engraved By William DANIELL): Sketches Representing the Native Tribes, Animals and Scenery of Southern Africa
MANAKA, Mak: In Time
BUCKLEY, K. & KLUGMAN, K: The History of Burns Philp, The Australian Company in the South Pacific
RAFTOPOULOS, Brian & MLAMBO, Alois (Edited by): Becoming Zimbabwe. A History from the Pre-colonial Period to 2008
LE CORDEUR, Basil & SAUNDERS, Christopher: The War of The Axe. 1847. Correspondence Between the Governor of the Cape Colony, Sir Henry Pottinger, and the Commander of the British Forces at the Cape, Sir George Berkeley and Others
MUENDANE, Ngila Michael: The Leader South Africa Never Had. The Remarkable Pilgrimage of Vusumzi Make
LANDAU, Julia (Compiled and Edited by): Journey to Myself. Writings By Women from Prison in South Africa
KHUMALO, Fred: Zulu Boy Gone Crazy
BEATY-POWNALL, S (Compiled by): Fish SERIES I
BEATY-POWNALL, S (Compiled by): Soups
BEATY-POWNALL, S (Compiled by): Household Hints
BEATY-POWNALL, S (Compiled by): Vegetables
BEATY-POWNALL, S (Compiled by): Pickles and Preserves
BEATY-POWNALL, S (Compiled by): Ices
BEATY-POWNALL, S (Compiled by): Sweets PART I
ALEXANDER, Peter; DAWSON, Marcelle C.; ICHHARAM, Meera (Edited by): Globalisation and New Identities: A View from the Middle
HOAD, Neville; MARTIN, Karen; REID, Graeme (Edited by): Sex and Politics in South Africa
NKABINDE, Nkunzi Zandile: Black Bull, Ancestors and Me: My Life As a Lesbian Sangoma