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SKAWRAN, K.M. (Edited by): De Arte #12 October 1972 SKAWRAN, K.M. (Edited by): De Arte #9 May 1971 SKAWRAN, K.M. (Edited by): De Arte #8 October 1970
SKAWRAN, K.M. (Edited by): De Arte #7 May 1970 KAPLAN, Sylvia (Edited by): South African Arts Calendar VOL. 7 Nos.9, 10, 11 COETZEE, J.M: Boyhead. Scenes from Provincial Life
HUNTLEY, Merle: Art in Outline I: An Introduction to South African Art THOMPSON, G. Caton: The Tombs and Moon Temple of Hureidha (Hadhramaut). Reports of the Research Committee of the Society of Antiquaries of London. No. 13 MALAN, Jacques: Die Boere Offisiere 1899-1902
DUGGAN-CRONIN, A.M: The Bantu Tribes of South Africa. Vol.II Section I Plates I -XXVI. The Suto-Chuana Tribes Sub Group I: THE BECHUANA DUGGAN-CRONIN, A.M: The Bantu Tribes of South Africa. Vol.III Section IV. PlatesCXXI. The Nguni Section IV: THE SWAZI DUGGAN-CRONIN, A.M: The Bantu Tribes of South Africa. Vol.III Section V. Plates CLIII-CXCVIII The Nguni Section V: BACA, HLUBI, XESIBE
DUGGAN-CRONIN, A.M: The Bantu Tribes of South Africa. Vol.IV Section I. Plates I - XL THE VATHONGA (The Thonga-Shangaan People) DUGGAN-CRONIN, A.M: The Bantu Tribes of South Africa. Vol.IV Section II. THE VACHOPI of Portuguese East Africa. Plates XLI - LXXX TAYLOR, William P: African Treasures. Sixty Years Among Diqamonds and Gold
WILSON, N.H. (Edited by): NADA. The Southern Rhodesia Native Affairs Department Annual NOS 1 - 5 LAWRIE, Gordon: New Light on South West Africa. Some Extracts from and Comments on the Odendaal Report LEVIN, L.S: Central African Airways Guide to the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland 1961 Edition
HARRIS, John: A Century of Emancipation KEPPEL-JONES, Arthur: Bias in the Presentation of South African History CHAMBER OF MINES: The Native Mineworkers of Southern Africa (Mining Survey Vol.5 No.1 March 1954)
SEYMOUR, John: On My Own Terms GRANT-FRANCIS, George: The Smelting of Copper in the Swansea District, from the Time of Elizabeth to the Present Day THORRINGTON-SMITH, E: Towards a Plan for the Tugela Basin. Second Interim Report of the Regional Survey of the Tugela Basin, Prepared in the Office of the Town and Regional Planning Commission, Natal. 2 Vols
FRANKEN, J.L.M: 'N Kaapse Huishoue in Die 18de Eeu Uit Von Dessin Se Briefboek En Memoriaal VAN WYK, A.J: Lesotho. A Political Study DE VILLIERS, Anna: Barrevoets Oor Die Drakensberg. Pioneersvroue Van Die Neentiende Eeu
RHODESIAN SOCIETY: Brochures Nos.1-7: 1. Mashayamombe's Kraal and Fort Martin; 2: Historic Mazoe; 3: Salisbury's Historic Buildings; 4: Salisbury-Shamva Line. 5: Fort Haynes and Makoni's Stronghold; 6: Chishawasha; 7: Laager Site at Iron Mine Hill Fort Gibbs Nalatale KORSTEN, Ge (Gerard): Aerogram Letter 26 June 1963 to Dotman Pretorius FRIEDMAN, Hazel: Beezy Bailey. Recent Works at Everard Read Johannesburg November 2005
(ANNUAL): South African National Union Annual 1909-1910 LONRHO: Report on the Engineering Aspects of a Northern Rhodesia - Tanganyika Rail Link (Northern Rhodesia Section) ESSOP, Ahmed (Ivasn VLADISLAVIC Association copy): Hajji Musa and the Hindu Fire-Walker
JORDAN, A.C: Towards an African Literature. The Emergence of Literary Form in Xhosa FLOWER, Ken: Serving Secretly. Rhodesia's CIO Chierf on Record GRODZINSKI, Paul: Diamond Technology. Production Methods for Diamonds and Gem Stones
BAILEY, Brett: The Plays of Miracle & Wonder: Ipi Zombi?/ Imumbo Jumbo/ The Prophet: Bewitching Visions and Primal High-Jinx From the South African Stage POTTER, Beatrix (Edited By Judy TAYLOR): Beatrix Potter's Letters. A Selection BLOOMBERG, Charles (Edited By Saul DUBOW): Christian Nationalism and the Rise of the Afrikaner Broederbond in South Africa, 1918-48
RHYS, Jean (Introduction By Diana ATHILL): The Early Novels: Voyage in the Dark - Quartet - After Leaving Mr Mackenzie - Good Morning, Midnight MENDELSSOHN, E. (Edited by): Transactions of the Geological Society of South Africa VOLUME XL (1937) McINTYRE, Thomas: Dreaming the Lion: Reflections on Hunting, Fishing, and a Search for the Wild
BERRIDGE, P.S.A: Couplings to the Khyber: The Story of the North Western Railway DREESBACH, Anne; KAMP, Michael; SCHREIBER, Maximilian: On the Move for 90 Years. MAN Nutzfahrzeuge and Its History from 1915 to 2005 BAKER, Anthony: Battle Honours of the British and Commonwealth Armies
JACKSON, Robert: Combat Aircraft Prototypes Since 1945 BATTISS, Walter: The Serigraph or Screen Print (in DE ARTE ISSUE #1) BATTISS, Walter: What is Art? (in DE ARTE ISSUE #6)
SCULLY, W.C: A Vendetta of the Desert HUMAN, Linda: The Chinese People of South Africa OLSEN, Rider Fraser (Edited by): Who's Who in Natal With Which is Incorporated Women of Natal
HORSLEY, Victor: Description of the Brain of Mr. Charles Babbage F.R.S MIYATEV, Krustyu: The Boyana Murals POTTER, S.R. (Edited by): South African Mining & Engineering Year Book 1949-1950, Incorporating the Rhodesian Mining Year Book
SLABBERT, F. Van Zyl & WELSH, David: South Africa's Options. Strategied for Sharing Power LEROUX, Etienne: Seven Days at the Silbersteins LEROUX, Etienne: One for the Devil
KURTH, Ernst: Grundlagen des Linearen Kontrapunkts - Bachs Melodische Polyphonie DE GRAZIA, Alfred (Edited by): The Velikovsky Affair MORTON, Anthony (Pseud. John CREASEY): Black for the Baron
MARITAIN, Raissa: Chagall ou l'orage enchante VILJOEN, Deon & RABE, Pier: Cape Furniture and Metalware SWILLING, M.; HUMPHRIES, R.; SHUBANE, K. (Edited by): Apartheid City in Transition
WELSH, David: The Roots of Segregation: Native Policy in Natal (1845-1910) MONCKTON COMMISSION REPORT: Report of the Advisory Commission on the Review of the Constitution of Rhodesia and Nyasaland FARRELL, James T: Fellow Countrymen : Collected Stories
STEVENSON, Robert Louis: The Master of Ballantrae STEVENSON, Robert Louis: The Weir of Hermiston STEVENSON, Robert Louis & OSBOURNE, Lloyd: The Wrecker
STEVENSON, Robert Louis & OSBOURNE, Lloyd: The Ebb Tide STEVENSON, Robert Louis & OSBOURNE, Lloyd: The Wrong Box STEVENSON, Robert Louis: In the south seas. Being an account of experiences and observations in the Marquesas, Paumotus and Gilbert Islands in the course of two cruises on the yacht 'Casco' (1888) and the schooner 'Equator' (1889)
HAUSER, Heinrich: Opel - Ein deutsches Tor zur Welt SIM, Thos. R: Botanical Observations on Forests of Eastern Pondoland (reprinted from the Agricultural journal of January 4 and 18, 1900. No. 28, 1899 ) LEYDEN, Jock: 100 Not Out