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HASLUCK, Paul N. (Edited by): Engraving Metals
BREYTENBACH, Jan: Eagle Strike! The Controversial Airborne Assault on Cassinga 04 May 1978
WERTH, A.J: Johan Van Heerden
GENET-VARCIN, E: Les Singes Actuels et Fossiles
COOK, P. A. W: Kwane. An African Saga
JENSMA, Wopko; ABRAHAMS, Lionel; SEPAMLA, Sydney; HORN, Peter (and Several othrs): Contribute Poems to "OPHIR 20"
PATEL, Essop; CRONIN, Jeremy; NICOL, Mike; JENSMA, Wopko (and Several others): Contribute Poems to "OPHIR 21"
CULLINAN, Patrick; ABRAHAMS, Lionel; FUGARD, Sheila; NICOL, Mike; JENSMA, Wopko (and Several others): Contribute Poems to "OPHIR 23 Final Issue"
HATTERSLEY, Alan F: Pietermaritzburg Panorama. A Survey of One Hundred Years of an African City
BADENHORST, W.J.; COETZEE, J.C.; JENKINS, E.H: Potchefstroom 1838 - 1038
WALTON, Henry: Livingstone Fifty Years After
WATSON, W: Tribal Cohesion in a Money Economy - a Study of the Mambwe People of Northern Rhodesia
WEBER, Otto Von: Geschichte Des Schutzgebietes Deutsch Sudwest Afrika
WEEKS, George: W. Spencer Walton: "Approved of God to be intrusted with the Gospel"
UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA: ARRANGEMENTS: Visit of His Majesty the King, Her Majesty the Queen and Their Royal Highnesses the Princess Elizabeth and the Princess Margaret to the Union of South Africa 1947 / Besoek Van Sy Majesteit Die Koning,..........
KENT, L.E. & ROGERS, A.W: Diatomaceous Deposits in the Union of South Africa with Special Reference to Kieselguhr. Part 1: The Geology and Economic Aspects. Part 2: The Diatom Flora
STRATFORD, Dennis O. & COLLINS, Hazel M: Military Nursing in South Africa 1914-1994
ARIS, G. (Edited By DURTNELL, C.S.): The Fifth British Division 1939-1945. Being an Account of the Journey and Battles of a Reserve Division in Europe, Africa and Asia
ALLEN, Vivien: Du Val Tonight! The Story of a Showman
WILLIAMS, William C: Motoring Mascots of the World
VAN VUUREN, C.J: Die Vestingspatroon Van Die Suid Ndebele
CLERKE, Shadwell H: Constitutions of the Antient Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons, Under the United Grand Lodge of England. 1884, with Amendments to January 1888
KENNEDY, R.F: The Government Notes of the South African Republic
FRIEDE, H.M: Notes on the Composition of Pre-European Copper and Copper-Alloy Artefacts from the Transvaal
FRIEDE, H.M: Iron Age Metal Working in the Magaliesberg Area
FRIEDE, H.M. & STEEL, R.H: Notes on Iron Age Copper Smelting Technology in the Transvaal
FRIEDE, H.M. & STEEL, R.H: An Experimental Study of Iron-Smelting Techniques Used in the South African Iron Age
FRIEDE, H.M. & STEEL, R.H: Tin Mining and Smelting in the Transvaal During the Iron Age
STEEL, R.H: Ingot Casting and Wire Drawing in Iron Age Southern Africa
FREER, Percy: Charles Christie
WOODHOUSE, H.C: San Rock Art. University of Pretoria Woodhouse Exhibition
PAGER, H: Rock Paintings in Southern Africa Showing Bees and Honey Hunting
VAN DER WAAL, Cornelis Seakle: Die Woning En Woonwyse Onder Die Venda
MEYER, A: 'N Interpretasie Van Argeologiese Terreine in Die Nasionale Krugerwildtuin
LE ROUX, Schalk (Edited by): Plekke En Geboue Van Pretoria. 'n Oorsig Van Hulle Argietektoniese En Stedelike Belang. VOLUME EEN
SYKES, Alan: Tariff Reform in British Politiocs 1903-1913
HERMANN, Bruce P. & SEIDENBERG, Michael (Edited by): Childhood Epilepsies: Neuropsychological, Psychosocial and Intervention Aspects
GESCHWIND, Norman & GALABURDA, Albert M: Cerebral Lateralization Biological Mechanisms, Associations, and Pathology
SHAW, George A: Madagascar of To-Day. An Account of the Island, It's People, Resources and Development
LLOYD, B.G: Kitchen-Kafir Grammar & Vocabulary
NEWDIGATE, Katherine: Honey, Silk and Cider. A Life Portrrait of Henry Barrington
CHADWICK, W.S: Mother Africa Hits Back. The Native Problem and Its Solution
HOBSON, Sarah: Through Persia in Disguise
ZWARENSTEIN, H; SAPEIKA, N.; SHAPIRO, H.A. (Compiled by): Xenopus laevis. A bibliography
DAVEY, Arthur (Edited by): Breaker Morant and the Bushveldt Carabiners
BARNARD, Anne (Edited By A. M. Lewin ROBINSON; LENTA, Margaret; DRIVER, Dorothy): The Cape Journals of Lady Anne Barnard 1797 - 1798
LIVINGSTONE, David (Edited By I. SCHAPERA): David Livingstone - South African Papers 1849 - 1853
MOTORING PROGRAMME: Ninth Total International South African Rally Official Programme 31st Aug - 3rd Sept 1966
MOTOR RACING PROGRAMME: Kyalami. Fifth S.A. Republic Trophy Motor Races May 28 1966
PRELLER, Gustav S: Geskiedenis Van Die Kruger-Standbeeld
NIENABER, G.S: Afrikaans in Die Vroeer Jare
COATES, Austin: Myself a Mandarin. Memoirs of a Special Magistrate
LEE, C.Y: A Corner of Heaven. My Burmese Reminiscences
GITEAU, Madeleine: Khmer Sculpture and the Angkor Civilization
BEILES, Sinclair: The Painter and a Woman in a Restaurant (AND) Computer Date. Two Poems in "DE ARTE" Issue #13
ALEXANDER, Mary and Frances: A Handbook on Chinese Art Symbols
CHAO-JUN, Liu: Suzhou Gardens
FISKE, David L. (Editor in Chief): The Refrigerating Data Book,. VOLUME 1: Refrigerating Principles and Machinery . VOLUME II: Refrigeration Applications
ADAM, W. B., And Numerous Others (Compiled by): Food Industries Manual a Technical and Commercial Compendium on the Manufacture, Preserving, Packing and Storage of All Food Products
BUCHANAN, John: The Shire Highlands (East Central Africa Its Colony And Mission
CALLIMACHUS (Translated with Introduction and Notes, By Stanley LOMBARDO & Diane RAYOR): Hymns, Epigrams, Select Fragments
WAKASHE, Themba (Edited by): Art Dialogue South Africa Germany
GHYKA, Matila C: Le Nombre d'Or, Rites et Rythmes Pythagoriciens dans le Developpement de la Civilisation Occidentale, Tom I: Les Rythmes, precede d'une lettre de M Paul Valery ; TOME 2: Les Rites
McQUISTON, Liz: Women in Design: A Contemporary View
BOESEKEN, Anna: Onder Suidersterre. Tussen Die Ooste En Die Weste 1652-1795
CONSIDINE, Joan & RAWLINS, John (Edited by): Childhood Memories from Colonial East Africa
GOLDING, J.A: Colonialism the Golden Years
BAILLIEU, Lord (Introduction by): Fiftieth Anniversary Central Mining & Investment Corporation Limited
HUFFMAN, Thomas M: An Arab Coin from Zimbabwe
KEHOE, Vincent J-R: The Technique of the Professional Make-up Artist for Fil, Television and Stage
MASTAI, Boleslaw & Marie Louise D'Otrqange: The Stars and Stripes. The American Flag as Art and History from the Birth of the Republic to the Present
SULSER, Wilhelm: Bally Exhibition Felsgarten Schonenwerd
MILHAUD, Darius: Notes Sans Musique
WERTH, A.J. & SCHOONRAAD, Murray: `walter Battiss Comprehensive Exhibition / Omvattende Tentoonstelling