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PICKWORTH, Charles N: The Slide Rule A Practical Manual MACLEAN, J.S: The Locomotives of the North Eastern Railway 1854-1922 RANDALL, Peter (Edited by): Apartheid and the Church
RANDALL, Peter (Edited by): Power, Privilege and Poverty RANDALL, Peter (Edited by): Some Implications of Inequality NAUDE, Beyers (and Other authors): Management responsibility and African employment in South Africa;: Report of a panel investigation
WILSON, Francis: Migrant Labour in South Africa SCARBOROUGH, Ann & McLINDEN, Derek (Edited by): Further Memories of Malawi: Expatriate Recollections BALLEN, Roger: Platteland: Images from Rural South Africa (
JOYCE, Michael D: Site Investigation Practice VAN DER BIJL, H.J: The Thermionic Vacuum Tube and Its Applications WATKINSON, Harold: Turning Points. A Record of Our Times
NABOKOV, Peter: Indian Running BIBLE (Edited By Edwin PALMER): H KAINH AIAOHKH. The Greek Testament with the Readings Adopted By The Revisers of the Authorised Version GOEBBELS, Josef (Edited By Fred TAYLOR): The Goebbels Diaries 1939-41
ATHENAEUS (With Translation By Charles Burton GULICK): The Deipnosophists Vols 1 - VII ISOCRATES (English Translation By George NORLIN): Works I , II, III NEWBURY, Colin: The Diamond Ring: Business, Politics, and Precious Stones in South Africa, 1867-1947
DIODORUS OF SICILY (With English Translation By C. H. OLDFATHER): Books I and II 1 - 34 DIODORUS OF SICILY (With English Translation By C. H. OLDFATHER): VOL. II: Book II Continued, 35 - Iv58 DIODORUS OF SICILY (With English Translation By C. H. OLDFATHER): VOL. III: Book IV Continued, 59 - VIII
DIODORUS OF SICILY (With English Translation By C. H. OLDFATHER): VOL. IV: Books IX - XII,40 DIODORUS OF SICILY (With English Translation By C. H. OLDFATHER): VOL. V: Books XII,41 - XIII DIODORUS OF SICILY (With English Translation By C. H. OLDFATHER): VOL. VI: Books XIV - XV, 19
DIODORUS OF SICILY (With English Translation By Charles L. SHERMAN): VOL. IX: Books XVIII and XIX, 1-65 DIODORUS OF SICILY (With English Translation By Russell M. GEER): VOL. X: Books XIX, 66-110 and XX DIODORUS OF SICILY (With English Translation By Russell M. GEER): VOL. XI: Fragments of Books XXI - XXXII
BERNIER, Georges, and BERNIER, Rosamond (editors): The Selective Eye 1956-1957 An Anthology of the Best from L'Oeil, the European Art Magazine FRANCO, Rachel Oler & BLUM, Maureen: Greenwich Beaches to Backcountry PUTNAM, James: Egyptology. An Introduction to the History, Art and Culture of Ancient Egypt
RODARI, Florian: De Cezanne a Dubuffet. Collection Jean Planque XENOPHON (With English Translation By E. C. MARCHANT): Memorabilia and Oeconomicus XENOPHON (With English Translation By Carleton BROWNSON): Hellenica Books I - V (AND) Hellenica Books VI - VII; Anabasis Books I - III
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JEFFERY, Arthur (Translated by): The Koran: Selected Suras WISTER, Owen: The Virginians CAESAR, Julius: The Gallic Wars
BALZAC, Honore De: Old Goriot SAXO GRAMMATICUS: The History of Amleth Prince of Denmark STEVENSON, Robert Louis: The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
MAUPASSANT, Guy De: A Woman's Life ( "Une Vie") MILTON, John: The Masque of Comus MILTON, John: L' Allegro / Il Penseroso
FAIRBRIDGE, Dorotheas: Historic Farms of South Africa. The Wool, the Wheat, and the Wine of the 17th and 18th Centuries HART, Liddell: "T.E.Lawrence'. In Arabia and After CARTWRIGHT, A. P: Strenue the Story of King Edward VII Schoo
RYAN, Vincent W: Mauritius and Madagascar: Journals of an Eight Years' Residence in the Diocese of Mauritius, and of a Visit to Madagascar FREEMAN, Joseph John & JOHNS, D: A Narrative of the Persecution of the Christians in Madagascar; With Details of the Escape of Six Christian Refugees Now in England: KEANE, A.H: The Gold of Ophir: Whence bought and by Whom?
LE VAILLANT, F: Le Drongri LE VAILLANT, F: La Touterelle Maillee, Male LE VAILLANT, F: Le Gobe Mouches a Cordon Noir: Fig 1. Le Male; Fig.2 La Femlle
LE VAILLANT, F: Le Gobe Mouches Mantele Fig.1 Le Male; Fig.2 La Femlle LE VAILLANT, F: Le Gobe Mouches a Lunettes. Fig 1. Le Male; Fig.2 La Femlle LE VAILLANT, F: Le Gobe Mouches Azur a Calotte et a Collier Noir. . Fig 1. Le Male; Fig.2 La Femlle
LE VAILLANT, F: Le Gobe Mouches Mignard . Fig 1. Le Male; Fig.2 La Femlle LE VAILLANT, F: Le Gobe Mouches Oranor . Fig 1. Le Male; Fig.2 La Femlle LE VAILLANT, F: Le Gobe Mouches Ondule . Fig 1. Le Male; Fig.2 La Femlle
LE VAILLANT, F: Le Gobe Mouches Etoile . Fig 1. Le Male; Fig.2 La Femlle LE VAILLANT, F: Le Gobe Mouches Azourou . Fig 1. Le Male; Fig.2 La Femlle LE VAILLANT, F: Le Gobe Mouches a Capuchon Blanc. Fig 1. Le Male; Fig.2 La Femlle
LE VAILLANT, F: Le Gobe Mouches Molenar Fig 1. Le Male; Fig.2 La Femlle LE VAILLANT, F: Le Gobe Mouches Pririt Fig 1. Le Male; Fig.2 La Femlle LE VAILLANT, F: Le Echeniller Gris Male
LE VAILLANT, F: Le Echeniller Gris Femelle LE VAILLANT, F: Le Echeniller Saune Male LE VAILLANT, F: Le Echenilleur Noir Male
LE VAILLANT, F: Le Drongo LE VAILLANT, F: Le Drongear LE VAILLANT, F: Le Grignet. Fig.1 Le Male; Fig.2 Variete Du Grignet
LE VAILLANT, F: Le Citrin. Fig.1 Le Male; Fig.2 La Femelle LE VAILLANT, F: La Fauvette a Double Sourcil . Fig.1 Le Male; Fig.2 La Femelle LE VAILLANT, F: Le Nid et La Femelle Du Capolier