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BALIE, Isaac: Die Geskiedenis Van Genadendal 1738-1988
GOLDBLATT, Michael & GORDON, Adele (Edited by): Contact Vol 6 No.1
CAPE OF GOOD HOPE: Report of the General Manager of Railways for the Year 1902, with Appendices
CAPE OF GOOD HOPE: Report of the General Manager of Railways for the Year 1901, with Appendices
CAPE OF GOOD HOPE: Report of the General Manager of Railways for the Year 1898, with Appendices
ZUID AFRIKAANSCHE REPUBLIEK: Notulen Eener Conferentie Gehouden Tr Pretoria En Aanvange3nde Op Den 4dennovember 1895 in Zake Een Gemeenschappelijke Regeling Van Spporweaangelegenheden in Zuid Afrika./ Minutes of the Proceedings of a Conference... Concerning a Mutual Arrangement ....
SCHOEMAN, Karel: Uit Die Iers. Middeleeuse Gedigte Vertaal
VAN DER VYVER, Marita: Rhinocephants on the Roof
MINERS PHTHISIS COMMISSION: Report of the Miners' Phthisis Commission 1902-1903, with Minutes of Proceedings and Minutes of Evidence
BOONZAIER, D.C: Politieke Prente Uit Die Burger 1919
SABATINI, Richard: Kimberley Tramways. A History of Kimberley's Tramways 1887-1985
KASSMAN, Jeff: Chemists of Old Johannesburg
GABTSHWANE, S.M: Seretse Khama and Botswana
PHILIP, Peter: Discharged Soldiers and Sailors Who Were Granted Permission to Remain at the Cape: 1815-1824 (Supplementa Ad Familia I)
VAN RENSBURG, Chris: Johannesburg One Hundred Years
CAPE TIMES: The Cape Times Xmas Number 1903: In Days of Old
ORTENBURGER, Dennis: Legend of the Lotus Seven
STATHAM, F. Reginald: Paul Kruger and His Times
FISHER, John: Paul Kruger His Life and Times
STEINBECK, John: Of Mice and Men; The Long Valley; Cup of Gold,; In Dubious Battle; Tortilla Flat; The Grapes of Wrath
CALLINICOS, Luli: Working Life 1886-1940. Factories, Townships, and Popular Culture on the Rand. (A People's History of South Africa: Volume Two )
SEAVER, George: Edward Wilson Nature Lover
MAILLARD, Robert (Chief Editor): Diamonds : Myth, Magic, and Reality
HUGO, Francois & Pierre: Picasso, 19 Plats En Argent
NAON, Alejandro Excurra & MERIZALDE, Luis Daniel: SWA / Namibia Dawn or Dusk?
TAYLOR, Eric: `a Method of Aural Training PART I (AND) PART II
MASON, F. Van Wyck: Golden Admiral
CHERNOW, Ron: The Warburgs. A Family Saga
MACCHIAVELLI, Niccolo (Edited By J.R. HALE): Literary Works of Machiavelli: Mandragola, Clizia, A Dialogue on Language, Belfagor with Selections from the Private Correspondence
SUTHERLAND, James (Edited by): The Oxford Book of English Talk
WIEDEL, Janine: Irish Tinkers
(BEST AUTHORITIES (Compiled from): A Popular History of Newcastle Upon Tyne........., With a Similar Account of the Borough of Gateshead
DAY, Holliday T: Shape of Space: The Sculpture of George Sugarman; with contributions by Irving Sandler and Brad Davis
BROWNE, Montagu: Practical Taxidermy: A Manual of Instruction to the Amateur in Collecting, Preserving, and Setting up Natural History Specimens of all Kinds. To Which is Added a Chapter Upon The Pictorial Arrangement of Museums With Additional Instructions in Modelling.
MACDONALD, A. James (Edited by): Gold '86 - An International Symposium on the Geology of Gold Deposits, Proceedings Volume
REDFIELD, Robert; HERSKOVITS, Melville J.; EKHOLM, Gordon F: Aspects of Primitive Art
SVOBODA, J: Magnetic Methods for the Treatment of Minerals (Developments in Mineral Processing)
BINGHAM, Barry: Falklands, Jutland and the Bight
HEWITT, Gwen: The Call of St John in the Transvaal
WHALLEY, A. Denney (Edited by): The Wheels of Progress, Being the History of the Williams Hunt Prganisation Over the Past Fifty Years
JONES, Clifford W: Rugby Football
MALORY, Thomas: Chronicles of King Arthur. I. The Tale of King Arthur. II. Sir Tristram de Lyonesse. III. The Morte D’Arthur. Revised and with an Introduction by Sue Bradbury. Foreword by Kevin Crossley-Holland. Lino-cuts by Edward Bawden
WAMBERG, Jacob: The Labyrinthine Nest-the Art of Doris Bloom
WIRTH, Albrecht: Der Balkan Seine Länder und Völker in Geschichte, Politik, Volkswirtschaft und Weltverkehr
DE LA ROCHE, Mazxo: Chronicles of the Whiteoak Family of Jalna: The Building of Jalna; COMPLETE SET IN 16 Vols
MACKENZIE, Donald A: Scottish Folk-lore and Folk Life. Studies in Race, Culture and Tradition
JONES, D. Caradog (Edited by): Full Employment and State Control. A Symposium on Nthe Degree of Control Essential
ANDERSON, Atholl: Prodigious Birds: Moas and Moa-Hunting in New Zealand
FITZSIMONS, F.W: Pythons and Their Ways
EMMONS, Robert: The Life and Opinions of Walter Richard Sickert
CAMPBELL, Jean: A Directory of Southern African Contemporary Art Practices. VOLUME II: Ceramics, Sculpture and Works of Art 1998/1999 Incorporating a Feature on Zimbabwe Stone Culture
BASUTOLAND BLUE BOOK: Report of the Hon'ble the Secretary for Native Affairs on His Visit to Basutoland in June 1881
BURKE, Sandra: Fashion Artist: Drawing Techniques to Portfolio Presentation
PUTZ;, Joachim; VON EGIDY, Heidi; CAPLAN, Perri: Political Who's Who of Namibia
CLASQUIN, M.; FERREIRA-ROSS, J.D.; MARAIS, D.; SADOWSKY, R: Myth and Interdisciplinary Studies
HITTENKOFER, M: Das Entwerfen Von Facaden. Eine Populare Darstellung Der Modernen Facadenbildung
HAMMERTON, J.A. (Edited by): Universal History Of The World Written By One Hundred And Fifty Of The Foremost Living Authorieties In All Branches Of Historical Knowledge. Complete Eight Volume Set
DOYLE, Gerald A: I Remember. Trials, Tribulations and Triumphs, with Some History By Way of Background
DOYLE, Gerald A: The Dawn of Human Behaviour. The Behaviour of Early Man
ALTERMAN, L.; DOYLE, Gerald A; IZARD, M. Kay (Edited by): Creatures of the Dark. The Nocturnal Prosimians
DETHIER, Jean (Edited by): Chateaux Bordeaux: Wine, Architecture, and Civilization
TAUNTON, Nerylla: Antique Needlework Tools and Embroideries
LAWSON, Joan: European Folk Dance. Its National and Musical Characteristics
YOUNG, Arthur Primrose: Across the Years. The Living Testament of an Engineer with a Mission
YOUNG, Arthur Primrose (Edited By Sidney ASTER): The 'X' Documents
KLEIN, Celia Weissmann: All But My Life
MILNE, Rob: Anecdotes of the Anglo-Boer War
DU PLESSIS, P.G: Kooperasie-Stories, Die Omnibus
SEFTEL, Adam (Edited by): Uganda. The Rise and Fall of Idi Amin
HART, Sue (Compiled by): Cries of the Heart. Poems of Africa
D'ASSONVILLE, V.E: Blood River
D'ASSONVILLE, V.E: Kruger En Rhodes Van Jameson Tot Milner (1895-1899)
CALVERT, Geof M. (Foreword By David SHEPHERD): Sitimela ; a History of the Zambesi Saw Mills Logging Railway 1911-1972
RAILWAYS: Suid Afrikaanse Spoorwee / South African Railways. Afstandboek / Book of Distances No.5