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ROBERTSON, A.H: Human Rights in the World: An Introduction to the Study of the International Protection of Human Rights MOTT, L.C: Engineering Drawing and Construction VOLUME ONE (AND) VOLUME TWO VENTER, Al J: War Dog. Fighting Other Peoples' Wars
DE FERRANTI, Gertrude Ziani & INCE, Richard: The Life and Letters of Sebastian Ziani De Ferranti WALLACE, Alfred R: Land Nationalisation - Its necessity and Its Aims, being a comparison of the system of landlord and tenant with that of occupying ownership in their influence on the wellbeing of the people, with an appendix on the nationalisation of house property BYNG, G: Protection: Views of a Manufacturer
HAWTHORN LESLIE & CO: Our Ships at Work A Pictorial Review of Some of Our Post War Products 1946 1952 STEIN, Irmgard: Judischer Baudenkmaler in Hamburg MAYNE, Ethel Colburn: A Regency Chapter. Lady Bessborough and Her Friendships
STEGARU, Irinel (Edited SUI, Claude Wing): Motion WISE, B.R: Industrial Freedom: A Study in Politics HODGES, Frank: Nationalisation of the Mines
SZUHAY, Peter & BARATI, Antonia: Pictures of the History of Gipsies in Hungary in the 20th Century (Kepek a Magyarorszagi Ciganysag 20. Szazadi Tortenetebol) ASHBY, Eric: Universities: British, Indian, African-a Study in the Ecology of Higher Education THOMSON, T.R. (Edited by): A Catalogue of British Family Histories
WALKER, Sydney F: Electric Mining Machinery PADGHAM, Alfred: The Golf Par Swing GORDON, Suzanne: Under the Harrow. The Lives of White South Africans Today
BAILEY, F.G: Tribe, Caste and Nation. A Study of Political Activity and Political Change in Highland Orissa BENSTED-SMITH, Richard: Turn Left for Tangier. The Hard Way for Heralds MOORE, H.C: Omnibuses and Cabs; Their Origin and History
THE TIMES: Printing in the Twentieth Century a Survey Reprinted from the Special Number of the Times October 29, 1929 RASMUSEN, Henry: Printmaking with Monotype ROTHENSTEIN, Michael: Relief Printing. Basic Methods. New Directions
PETERDI, Gabor: Printmaking. Methods Old and New RILEY: Instruction Book of the Riley 9 "Plus Ultra"Series WHITING, John: Photography is a Language
ELLIS, Anthony (Edited by): Ethics and International Relations (Fulbright Papers: Proceedings of Colloquia) DU PISANI, J.A. (Edited by): Divided or Undivided Power. Views on the New Constitutional Dispensation By Prominent South African Political Leaders GAL-OR, Noemi: International Cooperation to Suppress Terrorism
KURZ, Anat (Edited by): Contemporary Trends in World Terrorism CELMER, Marc A: Terrorism, U.S. Strategy and Reagan Policies GUTTERIDGE, William (Edited by): The New Terrorism
CLIFFORD-VAUGHAN, F. McA. (Edited by): International Pressures and Political Change in South Africa VAN PARIJS, Philippe: Evolutionary Explanation in the Social Sciences: An Emerging Paradigm KOMESAROFF, Paul A: Stock Image Objectivity, Science & Society : Interpreting Nature & Society in the Age of the Crisis of Science
CILLIERS, Jakkie & MILLS, Greg (Edited by): From Peacekeeping to Complex Emergencies Peace Support Missions in Africa CILLIERS, Jakkie & MILLS, Greg (Edited by): Peacekeeping in Africa VOLUME 2 WARDLAW, Grant: Political Terrorism: Theory, Tactics, and Counter-Measures
STEIN, Judith (and others): Red Grooms. A Retrospective 1956-1984 MARAIS, C.L: Poultry Houses STRAVINSKY, Vera & CRAFT, Robert: Stravinsky in Pictures and Documents
GARDNER, W.H: Gerard Manley Hopkins 1844-1889. A Study of Poetic Idiosyncrasy in Relation to Poetic Tradition (two volumes) SMITH, Norman: Man and Water: A History of Hydro-Technology VAN NOSTRAND, John: Old Naledi. The Village becomes a Town. An Outline of the old Naledi Squatter Upgrading Project. Gaborone, Botswana
BLOT, Josette (Edited by): Cultures of Peace in Africa (African Geopolitics #28 October-December 2007) REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA: South West Africa Survey 1974 ZAHN, Bert: Silk Screen Methods of Reproduction for Sign Painters, Card Writers, Display Men, Furniture, Decorators, Novelty Manufacturers, Glass Etchers and for Domestic Use. Fully Illustrated by the Author
LAUBSCHER, Joan (Compiled and Edited by): Interfering Women: National Council of Women of South Africa 1909-1999 ROSKIES, Diane K. & ROSKIES, David G: The Shtetl Book BEYERS, A.T: `try Me. Sweetmaking
ELOSUA, Marcelino (Edited by): DICCIONARIO EMPRESARIAL. Con Definicion Del Término ESPAÑOL - INGLES. INGLES - ESPAÑOL TREADWELL, G.B. (Introduction by): Official Souvenir M.C.C. South African Tour 1948 - 1949 COWDEROY, Dudley & NESBIT, Roy C: War in the Air. Rhodesian Air Force 1935-1980
HAUMAN, Riel: Van Riga Tot Drakenstein. Die Verhaal Van Eduardt Christian Haumann En Sy Nasate HALL, D.D: Kirkee 1964-1965. 79 (Kirkee) Commando Light Battery Royal Artillery ROSE, Fabian: Victory March. Dedicated Tio the Officers and Men of the British Army, Navy and Colonial Volunteers Engaged in the Transvaal 1899-1900
THORNTON, Douglas M: Africa Waiting: Or, The Problem of Africa's Evangelization TOUSSAINT, A. (Edited by): Early American Trade with Mauritius VAN BILJON, P: Grensbakens Tussen Blank En Swart in Suid Afrika. 'n Historiese Ontwikkeling Van Grensbeleid En Beleid Van Grondtoekenning Aan Die Naturel Van Suid Afrika
TORREND, J: Specimens of Bantu Folk-Lore from Northeren Rhodesia: Texts (Collected with the help of the Phonograph) and English Translations: With Musical Illustrations TYLER, J. E: The Struggle for Imperial Unity. 1868-1895 MARAIS, J.J. & VAN DER MERWE, J.C.S: Van Wyk's Vley Estates 1880 Tot Vanwyksvlei 1980
COHEN, Roger: Hearts Grown Brutal: Sagas of Sarajevo BUTLER, B.C: The Idea of the Church ROBINSON, Richard: An Atheist's Values
WEINBERG, Paul: Once We Were Hunters. A Journey with Africa's Indigenous People TSHOMBE, Moise (SIGNED): Le Docteur Moise Tshombe. Grand Leader Africain. Serviteur Du Congo SHAW, Ben (Introduction by): Ford Madox Brown 1821-1893
BERGER, John: The Foot of Clive FEIFFER, Jules: Harry, the Rat with Women GILL, John: The Listener
CARNEGIE, Sacha: Noble Purpose HAYWARD, Williqam: It Never Gets Dark All Night GREY, Beryl: Beryl Grey on Ballet