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BOWIE, Paddy: A Vision Realised: The Transformation of a National Oil Corporation
BASHENGEZI, Constantin: Doubase C: Antiretroviral, Anti-HIV Medicine Based on African Traditional Pharmocopoeia Herb Extracts
CHERKAOUI, Mohamed: Morocco and the Sahara. Social Bonds and Geopolitical Issues
BIN KADER, Abdul Halim (and Numerous Other Authors): Fighting Terrorism the Singapore Perspective
GOOSSENS, Martine: The Flemish Parliament
YEW, Lee Kuan: From Third World to First : The Singapore Story: 1965-2000
LIU, Gretchen: Singapore - A Pictorial History 1819-2000
NICOLAU, Irina; ROSU, Georgeta; MOLNAR, Magdalena: Masti. Masks. Masques
HORYNA, Mojmir; HOJDA, Zdenek; ZAHRADNIK, Pavel; FUDLER, Petr; and Numerous Other Authors: The Waldstein Palace in Prague
(COMMONWEALTH GAMES): Abuja 2014. Commonwealth Games Bid Document
KINDL, Vladimir; HREBEJK, Jiri; HORYNA, MOJMIR; SEFCU, Ondrej: Parliament of the Czech Republic: Chamber of Deputies
ROSENBLATT, Murray (Edited by): Proceedings of the Symposium on Time Series Analysis, Held at Brown University, June 11-14, 1962
BICKEL, Peter J. & DOKSUM, Kjell A: Mathematical Statistics. Basic Ideas and Selected Topics
RALSTON, Anthony: A First Course in Numerical Analysis
KALBFLEISCH, John D. & PRENTICE, Ross L: The Statistical Analysis of Failure Time Data
HOGG, Robert V. & KLUGMAN, Stuart A: Loss Distributions
CHIANG, Chin Long: Introduction to Stochastic Processes in Biostatistics
RAO, C. Radhakrishna: Linear Statistical Inference and Its Applications
BILLINGSley, Patrick: Convergence of Probability Measures
CLAY, Richard: Nonlinear Networks and Systems
MALINVAUD, E: Statistical Methods of Econometrics
GELB, Arthur (Edited by): Applied Optimal Estimation
MILLER, Rupert G: Simultaneous Statistical Inference
FISZ, Marek: Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics
GNANADESIKAN, R: Methods for Statistical Data Analysis of Multivariate Observations
ARNOLD, Ludwig: Stochastic Differential Equations. Theory and Applications
SEBER, G.A.F: The Linear Hypothesis: A General Theory
KINGMAN, J.F.C. & REUTER, G.E.H. (Edited by): Probability, Statistics and Analysis
DAHLQUIST, Germund & BJORCK, Ake: Numerical Methods
HARVEY, A.C: Time Series Models
COHN, P.M: Lie Groups
VANMARCKE, Erik: Random Fields. Analysis and Synthesis
NEWMAN, T.G. & ODELL, P.L: The Generation of Random Variates
KENDALL, M.G: A Course in Multivariate Analysis
PRINGLE, R.M. & RAYNER, A.A: Generalized Inverse Matrices with Applications to Statistics
JOHNSON, Norman I. & KOTZ, Samuel: Continuous Univariate Distributions VOLS 1 and 2
CLAERBOUT, John F: Fundamentals of Geophysical Data Processing with Applications to Petroleum Prospecting
ASTLEY MABERLY, C.T: Nature Studies of a Boy Naturalist
DE DIENES, Andre: `sun-Warmed Nudes
ROYE, Harold: Canadian Beauty
BUCHAN, John (Edited By Forbes GRAY): Comments and Characters
MILLER, William: Elements of Chemistry: Theoretical and Practical: Part 1, Chemical Physics Part II: Inorganic Chemistry
BOSTOCK, A.L: A Short History of the South African Institute of International Affairs 1934-1984
STARK, F: Krugersdorp. An Industrial & Commercial Survey
GIRALT-MIRACLE, Daniel & RIBALTA, Marts (Edited by): New Interiors 1 - 3
BAXTER, T.W. (Edited by): Guide to the Public Archives of Rhodesia Volume 1 1890-1923
DUMESNIL, M.J.B. Gardin: Latin Synonyms, with Their Different Significations, and Examples Taken from the Best Latin Authors
LLOYD, Joan Barclay: African Animals in Renaissance Literature and Art
KIRKPATRICK, Diane: Eduardo Paolozzi
TERRY, Carolyn: The Desert Bankers: The Story of the Standard Bank in South West Africa
LINDSEY, Timothy: The Romance of K'tut Tantri and Indonesia: Texts, Scripts, History and Identity
TRAILL, A. (Edited by): Khoisan Linguistic Studies 5
KEYNES, John Maynard: The Means to Prosperity
LEWIS, Charlton & SHORT, Charles: Latin Dictionary Founded on Andrew's Edition of Freund's Latin Dictionary
ARNOLD, Marion: Women and Art in South Africa
THOMPSON, Michael (Compiled by): Hull's Side-Fishing Trawling Fleet 1946-86
FARRANT, Jean: Mashonaland martyr: Bishop Mizeki and the Pioneer Church
PATERSON, James: The History and Development of Road Transposrt
ELLERT, Henrik: The Magic of Makishi. Masks & Traditions in Zambia
BENTLEY: Handbook for Bentley 4 1/4 Litre Car. CONDENSED EDITION
BUTLER, James (Edited By Jane GARNER): Jim's Journal. The Diary of James Butler
VIILMANN, VIIVI: Arnold Akberg
HARRIS, Frank: My Life and Loves. Five Volumes in One. Complete and Unexpurgated
GELDER, Stuart: The Chinese Communists
BENSON, S. Vere: Birds of Lebanon and the Jordan Area
KAHN, Ellison: Law, Life and Laughter. Legal Anecdotes & Portraits
NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL: Vetiver Grass. A Thin Line Against Erosion
MILLER, D.N: Short History of Volksrust 1902-1932
CANNING: The Canning Handbook on Electroplating, Polishing, Bronzing, Lacquering, Enamelling
MINERS' PHTHISIS PREVENTION COMMITTEE: The Prevention of Silicosis on the Mines of the Witwatersrand
MURRAY, Neil Laird: Trachoma in South Africa
LONGHURST, Henry: Never on Weekdays
GARNIER, Peter & ALLPORT, Warren: Rolls-Royce: Seven Decades of Descriptions, Reports and Road Tests in Facsimile
MAUDE, Cyril (SIGNED By Ivor NOVELLO; Rex HARRISON; Ronald COLMAN; Ann TODD; and Other Theatre Stars of the period): Behind the Scenes with Cyril Maude
KRAUSZ, Armin: Sheffield Jewry. Commentary on a Continuity