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SPILHAUS, M. Whiting: They Planted the Cape. The Story of the Introduction of Agriculture to the Cape; of European Forest Trees, Fruits and Viticulture 1652-1662 NOTCUTT, H.Clement: An Interpretation of Keat's Endymion MULLER, Charles R. & RIEMAN, Timothy D: The Shaker Chair
VAN WARMELO, N.J: Kinship Terminology of the South African Bantu REISFELD, A: Warp Knit Engineering WOOLF, Virginia (Edited By Nigel Nicolson & TRAUTMANN, Joanna: The Letters of Virginia Woolf. . 1888-1941. 1. The Flight of the Mind. 2. The Question of Things Happening. 3. A Change of Perspective. 4. A Reflection of the Other Person. 5. The Sickle of the Moon. 6. Leave the Letters Till We’re Dead
WOOLLEY, C. Leonard: The Sumerians GUINNESS: The Guinness Legends and Other Verses GUINNESS (Lewis CARROLL PARODY): The Guinness Alice
BAKALCZUK-FELIN, M. (Edited by): Yisker-bukh fun Rakishok un Umgegnt / Yizkor book of Rakishok and Environs ZANGWILL, I: Without Prejudice LEVINE, Elias: The Coinage and Counterfeits of the Zuid-Afrikanische Republiek
DU TOIT, A.E: The Earliest South African Documents on the Education and Civilization of the Bantu JORDAN, A.C. (Translated By the Author and Priscilla JORDAN): The Wrath of the Ancestors HARRIS, Abram M: The Negro as Capitalist: A Study of Banking and Business Among American Negroes
GREGORY, J.R: Under the Sun. A Memoir of Dr. R.W. Burkitt of Kenya) BOESEKEN, A.J: Van Oorloe En Vrede. Onder Die Suidersterre 1795-1910 MARITAIN, Raissa: Marc Chagall
SALMI, Mario: Eglises Romanes De Toscane BASUTOLAND: Basutoland Constitutional Handbook, LABUSCHAGNE, G.S; THULU, Gibson; KNOETZE, J.C.; SUZMAN, Helen; KOORNHOF, P.G.J.; MULDER, C.P.; RAJBANSI, A. (and Several others): The Urbanized Black
HUND, John (Edited by): Law and Justice in South Africa NON-EUROPEAN AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT: Soweto. A City Within a City. Johannesburg;'s South Western Bantu Townships GLOERFELT-TARP, Kirsten: Women in the Community. Denmark
BANTON, M.P: The Coloured Quarter. Negro Immigrants in an English City GOSCINNY, R. & UDERZO, A: Asterix. Operation Getafix. The Book of the Film GOSCINNY, R. & TABARY: Iznogoud on Holiday!
GOSCINNY, R. & MORRIS: Lucky Luke. Jesse James GOSCINNY, R. & MORRIS: Lucky Luke. Ma Dalton GOSCINNY, R. & MORRIS: Lucky Luke. The Dashing White Cowboy
GOSCINNY, R. & MORRIS: Lucky Luke. Curing the Daltons GOSCINNY, R. & UDERZO, A: Le Cadeau De Cesar JOHANNESBURG: Visitors' Guide to Johannesburg
CAPE TOWN: Official Hotel Guide Cape Town. Cape Peninsula. South Western Cape 1958-1959 VACUUM OIL: Sixty Years of Service to South Africa 1897-1957 SUNDMAN, Per Olof: The Flight of the Eagle
VAN REENEN, Rykie (Introduced by): Die Wereld Van Jansje Wissema HUNT, John: Everest Oorwin MOISEIWITSCH, Maurice: The Sleeping Tiger
SOTHEBY SOUTH AFRICA AUCTION CATALOGUE: Selected South African Paintings, Drawings, Watercolours, Prints, Books and Sculpture of the 19th and 20th Centuries. Wednesday 24th November 1971 VON FREYHOLD, Michaela: Ujamaa Villages in Tanzania: Analysis of a Social Experiment CHEIRO (Pseud. Louis HAMON): If We Only Knew, and Other Poems. AUTOGRAPHED EDITION
JORISSEN, E.J.P: Transvaalsche Herinneringen 1876-1896 HOFMEYR, Annie: Die Laan En Sy Mense FENSHAM, Charles (Edited by): Die Stellenbosse Heemkring. Tien Jaar Oud
HILKEN, T.J.N: Engineering at Cambridge University 1783-1965 DU PLESSIS, E: The Pilchard of South West Africa (Sardinops Ocellata). Seasonal Occurrence of Thermoclines Off Walvis Bay, South West Africa 1959-1965 HOFFMAN, Berchmans: The Founder of Mariannhill. A Short Biography of Abbot Francis Pfanner
WALD, M: Echo of Ther Soul. Selected Addresses Delivered During the Second World War McCLURE, H.R: Land-Travel and Seafaring. A Frivolous Record of Twenty Years' Wanderings FRANKEL, S. Herbert (Introduction Jan HOFMEYR): THE RAILWAY POLICY OF SOUTH AFRICA. An Analysis of the Effects of Railway Rates, Finance and Management on the Economic Development of the Union
RICHELIEU, Peter: From the Turret. The Occlult Journeys BATTALIOU, Hector A: Letters on South Africa WHYMPER, Edward (Revised and Edited By H. E. G. TYNDALE): Scrambles Amongst the Alps. . With Additional Material from the Author's Unpublished Diaries
NEETHLING, ....: Ella Neethling Deur Haar Suster DE VILLIERS, J. L. (Introduction By J. L. DE VILLIERS): Hoe Ek Ontsnap Het. 'n Verhaal Van 'n Merkwaardige Ontsnapping Van 'n Boer Uit Engels-Indie GRAVES, C.L: The Green Above the Red: More Blarney Ballads
WATKINS-PITCHFORD, D.J: The Countryman's Bedside Book VENTER, Al J: Terroris. 'n Ooggetuie Veldslag NOBLE, M.A: The Fight for the Ashes 1928-29. A Critical Account of the English Tour of Australia
SHAW, Christina Byam (Edited by): Pigeon Holes of Memory. The Life and Times of Dr John Mackenzie (1803-1886) DAWSON, A.J: In the Bight of Benin ROBERTSON, R.M: Specification of Works to be Executed, Andmaterials Required in the Erection of Village School, According to Plans Prepared at the Request of the Superintendent General of Education
BERRY, J: The Pronunciation of Ewe BERRY, J: The Pronunciation of Ga HARDWICK, Michael & Mollie: The Charles Dickens Companion
DRAYTON, Michael: Nimphidia : The Court of Fayrie. Newly printed from the Folio of 1627 GREEN, Lawrence: Lords of the Last Frontier. The Story of South West Africa and Its People of All Races VAN AS, B.S.; BECKER, P.L.W.; STRYDOM, F.W: Die Volkere Van Suid Afrika (Volkekundige Studie Vir St. VIII)
SOTHEBY PARKE BERNET SOUTH AFRICA: Important South African Paintings, Drawings, Watercolours, Prints, Books and Sculpture of the 18th, 19th and 20th Centuries. Friday 31st October 1975 HEESE, J. De V. (Association Copy W H COETZER): Van Penkop Tot Hoofleier. 'n Kort Lewenskets Van Wyle Dr. N.J. Van Der Merwe. In Lewe Hoofleier Van Die Voortrekkers POWELL, F. Whinchcombe: Hancock's Drift. The Story of the Great Wagon Road
STEVENSON, Robert Louis (Translated By A. E. CARINUS-HOLZHAUSEN): Skat-Eiland (Treasure Island) CAPE TOWN: The New Graving Dock and the Port and Harbour of Cape Town, Union of South Africa BUTLER, David (and Other Crew members): Golden City. First Race Capetown to Rio De Janeiro 16 January to 12 February 1971