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CRAMER, Harald & LEADBETTER, M.R: Stationary and Related Stochastic Processes. Sample Function Properties and Their Applications
COCHRAN, William G: Sampling Techniques
EPSTEIN, Bernard: Partial Differential Equations. An Introduction
COLE, H.S.D.; FREEMAN, Christopher; JAHODA, Marie; PAVITT, K.L.R. (Edited by): Thinking About the Future. A Critique of 'THE LIMITS TO GROWTH'
KENNEY, J.F. & KEEPING, E.S: Mathematics of Statistics. Parts One and Two
BARTLETT, M.S: An Introduction to Stochastic Processes, with Special References to Methods and Applications
TABACHNICK, Barbara G. & FIDELL, Linda S: Using Multivariate Statistics
EATWELL, John; MILGATE, Murray; NEWMAN, Peter (Edited by): Time Series and Statistics
HILDEBRAND, David K.; LAING, James D.; ROSENTHAL, Howard: Prediction Analysis of Cross Classifications
GREVILLE, T.N.E. (Edited by): Theory and Applications of Spline Functions
KOWALIK, J. & OSBORNE, M.R: Methods for Unconstrained Optimization Problems
WATANABE, Satosi (Edited by): Methodologies of Pattern Recognition
ARNDT, E.H.D: The South African Mints (AND) Peoples Banks in South Africa (AND) An Experiment in Agricultural Credit. The Union Agricultural Credit Act 1926
NIVEN, Ivan: An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers
DE JAGER, J. S. L. (Introduction by): Die Drakensberger Hand Boek
MEIRING, J.G: Meedelings omtrent en 'n reisbeskrywing deur Arnoldus Mauritius Meiring : die eerste predikant van 't Land van Waveren en die stamvader van die Meiring-geslag in Suid-Afrika, by geleentheid van die Dubbel Eeufees van die Gemeente Tulbagh en die Meiring .
OBERHOZER, G. & RYKE, P.A.J: Medies Belangrike Parasite, Draers En Gifdiere Van Suider-Afrika
LAURENCE, Perceval: The Life of John Xavier Merriman
RITTLINGER, Herbert: From the Red Sea to the Blue Nile
DAS, Asok Kumar (Edited by): Mughal Masters. Further Studies
ADMIRALTY, LORDS COMMISSIONERS OF THE: Royal Naval Handbook of Field Training 1926
THIELEN, Benedict: Dinosaur Tracks and Other Stories
WRIGHT, John: Libya, Chad and the Central Sahara
CAMPORESI, Piero: Exotic Brew: The Art of Living in the Age of Enlightenment
COMBRINK, A.J.; MELLET, A.C.J. & BARNARDO, J.H. (Compiled by): Eeufees Potgietersrust Centenary (1854-1954)
SERRA, J: Enchantillonage et Estimation Locale Des Phenomenes De Transition Miniers
HUXLEY, Elspeth: No Easy Way : A History of the Kenya Farmers' Association and Unga Limited
MENDELSSOHN, Sidney: The Jews of Africa: Especially in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
PLUMER, Herbert: An Irregular Corps in Matabeleland
HABERMAN, Shelby J: The Analysis of Frequency Data
PRESS, S. James: Applied Multivariate Analysis
DAVIES, P.M. & COXON, A.P.M. (Edited by): Key Texts in Multidemensional Scaling
SPRENT, Peter: Models in Regression
GORDIMER, Nadine; DUGARD, John; SMITH, Richard; Etc: What Happened to Burger's Daughter or How South African Censorship Works
MASHABELA, Harry: Townships of the PWV
JONES, Stuart & MULLER, Andre: The South African Economy 1910-90
NIELSEN, Peter: The Black Man's Place in South Africa
DE JAGER, D.M: Gedenkboek Van Die Gemeente George, By Geleentheid Van Die Honderdjarige Herdenking Van Die Kerkinwyding, 1842-1942
SMITH, Denis (Edited by): Cradock 1814-1964. 150th Anniversary
STEYN, W.K. (Edited by): Keetmanshoop 100 Jare / Years / Jahre
RAUPERT, J. Godfrey: Modern Spiritism; a Critical Examination of Its Phenomena, Character, and Teaching, in the Light of the Known Facts
MARGRIE, W: A Cockney's Pilgrimage in Search of Truth
OLIPHANT, Andries Walter (Edited by): Staffrider VOL.7 No.1
OLIPHANT, Andries Walter (Edited by): Staffrider VOL.7 No.2
OLIPHANT, Andries Walter (Edited by): Staffrider VOL.8 No.1
RAJNEESH, Bhagwan Shree: The True Sage. Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh Talks on Hassidism
PAKENHAM, W.T.T: Naval Command and Control (Brassey's Sea Power : Naval Vessels, Weapons Systems and Technology Series, Vol. 8)
LLOYD, P.C: Africa in Social Change. Changing Traditional Societies in the Modern World
LEHMANN, E.L. (Assisted By H.J.M. D'ABRERA): Nonparametrics. Statistical Methods Based on Ranks
O'BRIAN, Patrick: Master and Commander
BRUES, Charles; MELANDER, A.L.; CARPENTER, A.M: Classification of Insects: Key to the Living and Extinct Families of Insects, and to the the Living Families of Other Terestrial Arthopods
KRIGE, E. Jensen & KRIGE, J.D: The Realm of the Lovedu. A Study of the Pattern of Lovedu Society
ORWELL, George: Critical Essays
STURGEON, Theodore: Venus Plus X
MURTHY, V.K: General Point Process: Applications to Structural Fatigue, Bioscience and Medical Research
DAVEY, Arnold & MAY, Anthony: Lagonda. A History of the Marque
HARMAR, Hilary: The Complete Chihuahua Encyclopedia
BANHAM, Reyner: Guide to Modern Architecture
WERTH, A.J: Art from the State Archives
TREW, Peter: The Boer War Generals
HUMPHREYS, Glyn W. & RIDDOCH, M. Jane (Edited by): Visual Object Processing. A Cognitive Neuropsychological Approach
ABRAHAM, Garth: The Catholic Church and Apartheid. The Response of the Catholic Church to the First Decade of National Party Rule 1948-1957
HALDANE, A. R. B: The Drove Roads of Scotland
INGLIS-JONES, Elisabeth: The Lord of Burghley
MARITAIN, Raissa: Arbre Patriarche - Patriarch Tree: Thirty Poems in French with an English Translation by a Benedictine of Stanbrook. Preface by Robert Speaight
BENEDICTINES OF STANBROOK: Christmas Lyrics Fifteenth Century
DONNE, John: Anatomie of the World Wherein By occasion of the Untimely death of Mistris Elizabeth Drury the Frailtie and the decay of This Whole World is Represented
BEERBOHM, Max: The Illustrated Zuleika Dobson
BUTLER, Samuel (Association: Thomas Morland HOCKEN): Erewhon
DODD, Alfred: The Immortal Master
MEADE, L.T: Girls Old and New
CARR, Frank G.G: The Yacht Master's Guide
WEISS, Ruth & PARPART, Jane L: Sir Garfield Todd and the Making of Zimbabwe
MACDONALD, G.F. (Edited by) (AYER, A.J., Replies by): Perception & Identity: Essays Presented to A.J. Ayer with His Replies to Them