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McSHANE, E.J: Stochastic Calculus and Stochastic Calculus
DeGROOT, Morris H: Optimal Statistical Decisions
JOHNSON, Norman L. & KOTZ, Samuel: Discrete Distributions. Distributions in Statistics
SILVEY, S.D: Optimal Design. An Introduction to the Theory for Parameter Estimation
ASSOCIATION OF MINE MANGERS OF THE TRANSVAAL (WITWATERSRAND): Some Aspects of Deep Level Mining on the Witwatersrand Gold Mines with Special Reference to Rock Bursts
MATHERON, G: Random Sets and Integral Geometry
MORAN, P.A.P: An Introduction to Probability Theory
MENDELSON, Bert: Introduction to Topology
KUPERMAN, I.B: Approximate Linear Algebraic Equations
GIBBONS, Jean Dickinson; OLKIN, Ingram; SOBEL, Milton: Selecting and Ordering Populations. A New Statistical Methodology
GOLDFIELD, S.M. & QUANDT, R.E: Nonlinear Methods in Econometrics
ARIS, Rutherford: Vectors, Tensors and the Basic Equations of Fluid Mechanics
CLARK, Colin W: Mathematical Bioeconomics: The Optimal Management of Renewable Resources
BROCKETT, Roger W: Finite Dimensional Linear Systems
ROBERTSON, A.P. & ROBERTSON, W.J: Topological Vector Spaces
JOHNSON, Norman L. & KOTZ, Samuel: Distributions in Statistics: Continuous Multivariate Distributions
HALMOS, Paul R: Finite-Dimensional Vector Spaces
ROSENBLATT, Murray: Random Processes
DAVID, H.A: Order Statistics
RAO, C. Radhakrishna & MITRA, Sujit Kumar: Generalized Inverse of Matrices and Its Applications
GIBBONS, John Dickinson: Nonparametric Statistical Inference
HARRIS, Theodore E: The Theory of Branching Processes
SCHEFFE, Henry: The Analysis of Variance
AITCHISON, J. & DUNSMORE, I.R: Statistical Prediction Analysis
PLACKETT, R.L: Principles of Regression Analysis
DIGGLE, Peter J: Statistical Analysis of Spatial Point Patterns
BERKOVITZ, L.D: Optimal Control Theory
DU TOIT, S.J. (Intro By Paul ROOS): Atletiek Op Ons Skole
DE FREITAS, Frank (Compiled and Edited by): The Golden City. Tourist Profile of Johannesburg
MILLER, A.J: Subset Selection in Regression
COX, D.R. & SNELL, E.J: Analysis of Binary Data
PURI, Madan Lal & SEN, Pranab Kumar: Nonparametric Methods in Multivariate Analysis
DOOB, J.L: Stochastic Processes
COX, D.R. & LEWIS, P.A.W: The Statistical Analysis of Series of Events
DAVIES, B: Integral Transform and Their Applications
OWENS, D.H: Multivariate and Optimal Systems
BOX, George E.P. & TIAO, George C: Bayesian Inference in Statistical Analysis
KSHIRSAGAR, Anant M: Multivariate Analysis
CHUNG, Kai Lai: A Course in Probability Theory
GREENACRE, Michael J: Theory and Applications of Correspondence Analysis
KILLINGBECK, J. & COLE, G.H.A: Mathematical Techniques and Physical Applications
GHOSH, B.K: Sequerntial Tests of Statistical Hypotheses
GARABEDIAN, P.R: Partial Differential Equations
GOLDBERG, Richard R: Fourier Transforms
PAPOULIS, Athanasios: Probability, Random Variables and Stochastic Processes
TAPIA, Richard A. & THOMPSON, James R: Nonparametric Probability Density Estimation
MONTGOMERY, Douglas C. & JOHNSON, Lynwood A: Forecasting and Time Series Analysis
WESTLAKE, Joan R: A Handbook of Numerical Matrix Inversion and Solution of Linear Equations
HORMANDER, Lars: An Introduction to Complex Analysis in Several Variables
VON MISES, Ludwig: Theory & History
BHARUCHA-REID, A.T: Random Integral Equations
EDWARDS, A.W.F: Likelihood: An account of the statistical concept of likelihood and its application to scientific Inference
BHAT, U. Narayan: Elements of Applied Stochastic Processes
ROACH, S.A: The Theory of Random Clumping
WONG, Eugene: Stochastic Processes in Information and Dynamical Systems
McCULLAGH, P. & NELDER, J.A: Generalized Linear Models
ROACH, G.F: Green's Functions. Introductory Theory with Applications
BRIGHAM, E. Oran: The Fast Fourier Transform
LEAMER, Edward E: Specification Searches. Ad Hoc Inference with Nonexperimental Data
BOX, George E.P. & JENKINS, Gwilym M: Time Series Analysis Forecasting and Control
BELSLEY, David A.; KUH, Edwin; WELSCH, Roy E: Regression Diagnostics. Identifying Influential Data and Sources of Collinearity
PARZEN, Emanuel: Stochastic Processes
NEVEU, Jacques: Mathematical Foundations of the Calculus of Probability
CARATHEODORY, C: Algebraic Theory of Measure and Integration
MINORSKY, Nicolai: Theory of Nonlinear Control Systems
ANDERSON, T.W: The Statistical Analysis of Time Series
HARVEY, A.C: The Econometric Analysis of Time Series
BHATTACHARYA, R.N. & RAO, Ranga: Normal Approximation and Asymptotic Expansions
PRENTER, P.M: Splines and Variational Methods
GREUB, W.H: Multilinear Algebra
NAYLOR, Arch W. & SELL, George R: Linear Operator Theory in Engineering and Science
HADLEY, G: Non Linear and Dynamic Programming
MILNE-THOMSON, L.M: The Calculus of Finite Differences
EVERITT, B.S: The Analysis of Contingency Tables
BRILLINGER, David R: Time Series. Data Analysis and Theory