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BAKER, Graham (Edited by): Resources of Southern Africa Today and Tomorrow. Proceedings Of A Conference Held By The Associated Scientific And Technical Societies Of South Africa At Johannesburg DU TOIT, Alex L: Our Wandering Continents. An Hypothesis of Continental Drifting VERDUYN DEN BOER, J.H: Schetsen Uit Het Kaapse Leven Van De 18e En 19e Eeuw
FOOTBALL PROGRAMME: Israel F.A. Versus Southern Transvaal. Rand Stadium Johannesburg April 3 1954 FOOTBALL PROGRAMME: Stanley Mathews Exhibition Match the Wanderers Club Illovo. Souvenir Programme 8th June 1957 AMES, Delano: Crime, Gentlemen, Please
MONGLOND, Andre: Le préromantisme Français. Vol.I:Le héros Préromantique. Vol.II:Le maitre des aames sensibles DEHOUX, Emile: Sur Le Chemin De La Colonisation VAN TIEGHEM, Paul: Le sentiment de la Nature dans le Preromantisme Europeen
BEHRMAN, Flora: My Fifty-odd Years in Johannesburg 1906-1960 SIEW, Sari: Fred P. Siew 1930-1981 WILLIAMS, Bryn & D'ALESSIO, Paolo: F1 99 : Behind the Scenes : World Championship Photographic Review
COLLINS, Wilkie: Jezebel's Daughter ROGERS, J.A: From "Superman" to Man MANWELL, J.F.; McGOWAN, J.G.; ROGERS, A.L: Wind Energy Explaines. Theory Design and Application
LAW, Richard: From Kashmir to Galloway: My Childhood Years BATEY, John: The Science of Works Management WENDLAND (Edited by): Der Missions-Freund. Ein Volksblatt, die Liebe zur Mission im deutschen Volke zu wecken und zu erhalten. XLIII. Jahrgang 1888 - XLIX Jahrgang 1994, PLUS Supplements 1887-1892 :
M'CARTER, John: The Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa. With Notices of the Other Denominations. An historical sketch BURBIDGE, Wm. F: Smuts Soldier and World Statesman. An Appreciation SMUTS, J.C: The Folly of Neutrality. Speech .......January 30th 1940
SMAIL, J.L: Monuments and Battlefields of the Transvaal War 1881 and the South African War 1899 to 1902 MORRIS, Michael (Edited by): Poetry South. Collection Three MORRIS, Michael: Lament. A Selection of the War Poetry of Michael Morris. A Poetry South supplement,
VAN ECK, G.J: Huldingsfees Ter Ere Van Anton Van Wouw. Gereel Deur Die Pretoriase Afrikaanse Kultuurvereniging. Nuwe Stadhuis Pretoria 8 Desember 1943 WOODHOUSE, H.C: Themes in the Rock Art of Southern Africa WILSON, A.N. (Edited by): International Diamonds, Number Two, A Review of the World's Diamond Industry and Trade
PHILLIPS, E.P. & PENTZ, J.A: Cultivated Nativer Grasses (Grasses Cultivated at the Pasture Research Station, Prinshof, pretoria) BRUNT, P.A. & MOORE, J.M. (Edited by): Res Gestae Divi Augusti The Achievements of the Divine Augustus VERSFELD, Marthinus: Persons
OLD HAND: The Racing Pigeon and Pigeon Racing for All. A Handbook and Guide for Beginners. VOLUME ONE GOLDBERG, David (Edited by): Apartheid: A Special Double Issue on Racism in South Africa (The Philosophical Forum VOL.XVIII Nos.2-3, Winter-Spring 1987) RUSSELL, Elnor: Bush Life in Nigeria. An Account of the Experiences of the Wife of an Administrative Officer in Northern Nigeria from 1935 to 1944
TIMOL, Razia & MAZIBUKO, Tutuzile: Soweto: A people's response : sample survey of the attitudes of people in Durban to the Soweto violence of June 1976 WELLS, H.G. (Translated J KROMHOUT): Die Onsigbare Man (The Invisible Man) RODNEY, Walter: West Africa and the Atlantic Slave-Trade
HOBSON, R.H: Rubber. A Footnote to Northern Rhodesian History GWASSA, G.C.K. & ILIFFE, John: Records of the Maji Maji Rising, PART ONE BLUNT, J.J: Undesigned Coincidences in the . Old Testament and New Testament, an Argument of Their Veracity: With an Appendix Containing Undesigned Coincidences Between the Gospels and Acts, and josephus
ROSNER, Charles: The Growth of the Book Jacket KASABOV, George (Edited by): Buildings the Key to Energy Conservation PHILBY, H. St.J. B: Arabian Jubliee
DE VILLIERS, A.O: Rapport Van De Gouvernments Inspecteur Te Koffiefontein Over Her Dienst-jaar 1894-5 JONES, J.D. Rheinhalt & SAFFERY, A.L: Social and Economic Conditions of Native Life in the Union of South Africa. Findings of the Native Economic Commission 1930-1932 Collated and Summarised ANDOR, L.E. / BARRATT, John/ VAN DER POST, Laurens: The Personal Address Book of Jan Christian Smuts
STILLMAN, Marshall: Boxing Manuals: 1.5 "Short-Cut" Lessons to Good Boxing Mass Boxing Success Through Boxing; 2. Scientific Blows and Guards; 3: Great Fighters and Boxers. Psychology of the Ring; 4: Shadow Boxing Etc; 5: Daily Exercises and Home Development; 6. (Jiu Jitsu) ALBERTON: Alberton. Die Gees Van Vooruitgang / the Spirit of Progress. Golden Anniversary 1904-1954 VERWOERD< Hendrik Frensch: The Full Texts of All Statements Made in London By the Prime Minister of South Africa. Dr. The Hon..F. Verwoerd Following His Decision to Withdraw Douth Africa's Application for Continued Commonwealth Membership. London March 15-18 1961
LEWIS, Clara (pseudonym for Edward Harold Begbie, J. Stafford Ransome, and M. H. Temple),: Clara in Blunderland NARAYAN, R.K: The Guide HART, Clive (Edited by): James Joyce's Dubliners: Critical Essays
HOLMQUIST, Bengt M. & GRIPSTAD, Birger: Swedish Weaponry Sincew 1630 D'AUREVILLY, Jules Barbey (Edited By Joel DUPONT): Valognes Dans Les Ecrits Intimes De Jules Barbey d'Aurevilly D'AUREVILLY, Jules Barbey (Edited By Joel DUPONT): Trois Inedits
MAITLAND, F.W. (Revised By John BRUNYATE): Equity: A Course of Lectures NICOLL, A. (Attributed to) (Edited By A.H. MILLAR): The First History of Dundee 1776 BOUILLAGUET, Annick: Marcel Proust Bilan Critique
MILLY, Jean: Proust Dans Le Texte et L'avant Texte SETBON, Rasymond: Libertes D'une Ecriture Critique Charles Nodier ROGERS, Brian: Charles Nodier Eet La Tentation De La Follie
DE LATTRE, Alain: Le Personnage Proustien FINNEY, Ben R. & HOUSTON, James D: Surfing, the Sport of Hawaiian Kings MENON, Krishna: Delhi-Chungking. A Travel Diary
BOUWER, Alba; ROTHMANN, Anna; VAN REENEN, Rykie (Compiled by): M.E.R. 'n Kosbare Ergenis. Briewe Van MER 1916-1975 KRIGE, Uys (Edited By J C KANNEMEYER): Uit Die Skatkis Van Die Goue Seun DU PLESSIS, I.D: Mens En Ster. Verse 1925-1978
PINKNEY, Robert: Ghana Under Military Rule 1966-1969 SULLY, Thomas (Introduction By Faber BIRREN): Hints to Young Painters WOLFF, Eugene: Anatomy for Artists
ANDERSSON, Charles John: Notes of Travel in South Africa FABIAN, Paul; McGURK, Ella; McGUIGAN, Rosemary (Edited by): Delhi Post. DAK Edition. The Bedside Delhi Post FRANKL, Viktor E: The Will to Meaning
PAALMAN, Anthony: Training Showjumpers KIPLING, Rudyard: Soldiers Three / Story of the Gadsbys / in Black and White KIPLING, Rudyard: The Jungle Book