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SMAIL, J.L: From the Land of the Zulu Kings
KENRICK, Tony: The Only Good Body's a Dead One
BLOCK, Lawrence: Ronald Rabbit is a Dirty Old Man
DESJARDINS, Arnaud: The Message of the Tibetans
TABORI, Paul & UNDERWOOD, Peter: The Ghosts of Borley. Annals of the Haunted Rectory
HALL, Manley Palmer: Adventures in Understanding
HALL, Manley Palmer: First Principles of Philosophy
MOORE, Harrison: The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia
BLEEK, Dorothea F. ; VAN DER RIET, Joyce and Molly: More Rock Paintings In South Africa, from the coastal belt between Albany and Piquetberg
McMANUS, Leslie (Pseud. James MOFFATT): Jack Boot Girls
AMES, Clyde: Bang the Doll Slowly
PATTERSON, Harry (Pseud Jack HIGGINS): The Graveyard Shift
DE SADE, Marquis: Eugenie De Franval and Other Stories
FELICIOLI, Riccardo: Alfa Romeo Design 1910 - 1995. La Bellezza Necessaria. The Essence of Beauty. La Beaute Necessaire
MARSH, John: Skeleton Coast
BLACK, Brian: The Teenie Boppers of Cool Street
GUICHARD, Ami: Automobile Year 20 (1972-73)
CALVERT, Albert F: Spain
MAZZUCCHELLI, Mario: The Nun of Monza
GRANT, Vic: Floating Bedroom
BROWN, Beth: The Profession of Marie Simone
WELLS, John Warren: Eros and Capricorn. A Cross-Cultural Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Techniques
MEYER-BOHE, Olinde & Walter: Neue Wohnhauser
BESSET, Maurice: New French Architecture / Nouvelle Architecture Francaise
VAHLEFELD, Rolf & JACQUES, Friedrich: Garages and Service Stations
FAWCETT, Chris: The New Japanese House - Ritual and Anti-Ritual - Patterns of Dwelling
HALL, Norman (Edited by): Gallery
STARK, Richard: Lemons Never Lie
NOVOTNY, Mariella: King's Road
DONOSO, Jose: The Obscene Bird of Night
MORTIMER, Penelope: The Home
GILL, John: The Tenant
HAYES, Douglas: The War of '39
BUECHNER, Frederick: Lion Country
JOHNS, W.E. (Pseud William EARLE): The Camels are Coming
DE KOONING, Mil: Horta and After. 25 Masters of Modern Architecture in Belgium
DUNBAR, Michael: Windsor Chairmaking
ZAEHNER, R.C: Our Savage God
DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION: The Progress of the Bantu Peoples Towards Nationhood
PRIBRAM, Karl & GILL, Merton: Freud's 'Project' Re-Assessed: Preface to Contemporary Cognitive Theory and Neuropsychology
COX, Harvey: The Seduction of the Spirit. The Use and Misuse of People's Religion
JOHNSTON, William: Silent Music. The Science of Meditation
EASTON, Burton Scott: Early Christianity. The Purpose of Acts and Other Papers
MITCHELL, Basil (Edited by): Faith and Logic. Oxford Essays in Philosophical Theology
SLARKE, W.K. Lowther: Liturgy and Worship. A Companion to the Prayer Books of the Anglican Communion
PRESTIGE, G.L: God in Patristic Thought
FOWLE, Percy; GERDENER, T.J.A.; MAYTOM, Margaret; LUTTRELL-WEST, L.L.; PITCHER, W.H.; HOWES, W.L: Natal Municipal Association Diamond Jubilee 1904 1964
DARKE, Bob: The Communist Technique in Britain. A Working Man's Diary
REX, Hermann: Die voorgeskiedenis en geskiedenis van die Nederduitsch Hervormde Gemeente Zeerust (Marico) vanaf die predikantskap van ds. Daniel Lindley (1840-1844) tot dié van ds. Samuel Young (1947-1971)
DE VRIES, Roalnd: Mobiele Oorlogvoering. 'n Perspektief Uit Suider-Afrika
HARTE, Chris: The History of the South Australian Cricket Association
NAUDE, Eduan & SHALKOFF, Brian: EGOLI Recipe Book
HOARE, Philip & HEATH, Chris: Pet Shop Boys Catalogue
PAUW, Anton & JOHNSON, Steven: Table Mountain. A Natural History
MURDOCH, Iris: The Sandcastle
GILLESPIE, William M: A Treatise on Surveying - Part 1: Land Surveying and Direct Leveling
SOUTH AFRICAN DEFENCE FORCE: Militere Woordeboek S A Weermag / Military Dictionary S A Defence Force
REVELLI, George: Resort to War
McKAY, W.B. (Revised J.K. McKAY): Building Construction Vols 1-4
HAMILTON, George Rostrevor: The Greek Portrait
TIDYMAN, Ernest: The Last Shaft
GALLEZ, Jules: 101 Methods
BURROWS, J.H.J.; HEMP, R.; LANCASTER, F.H.; QUILLIAM, J.H: The Ventilation of South African Gold Mines
THE WAR OFFICE: Manual of Military Law 1929 (Reprinted December 1939)
WOODS, Shadrach: Candilis-Josic-Woods; building for People
DANNATT, Trevor: Modern architecture in Britain. Selected examples of recent buildings with an introduction by J. Summerson
SPICER, Bart: Act of Anger
IMPEY, Robert Lance & IMPEY, Adele (Jan SMUTS Association item): Personal Reminiscences
WATSON, David: Arendt (Fontana Modern Masters)
RAUBENHEIMER, Braam: My Afrikaner Pad En Nalatenskap
VAN DER MERWE, Floris J G: Matie Atletiek 1885-1985
SMITH, Robert C: The Art of Portugal 1500-1800
THOMAS, E.J: The Road to Nirvana. A Selection of the Buddhist Scriptures
RAMACHARAKA, Yogi: Fourteen Lessons in Yogi Philosophy
EISENMAN, R. & WISE, M: The Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered