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SCHNITZLER, Arthur: Fink Und Fliederbusch
WILSON, Monty: Adventures of Intambo and Mafuta, The ; Or the Vicissitudes of the Botshongweni Family [Book Two]
"AURIGA" (The War Time Workshops Officer and Peace Time Fleet Engineer): This Man of Purpose. A Biography of James Liege Hulett
REEVES, Ambrose; LEWSEN, J.; CUTTEN, A.J.; XUMA, A.B.; HARRIS, E.E: The "Western Areas" Removal Scherme. Facts and Viewpoints Presented at a Conference Convened By the S.A. Institute of Race Relations at the University of the Witwatersrand 22nd August 1953
TRANSVAAL CHAMBER OF MINES / GOLD PRODUCERS COMMITTEE: Witwatersrand Mine Native Wages Commission on Remuneration and Conditions of Employment of Natives on the Witwatersrand Gold Mines. Statements of Evidence, Statistics and Memoranda the Gold Producers Committee
SAVAGE, Michael; HELLMANN, Ellen; HELMAN, Henry; MOKOATLE, B.N.; SIBIYA, Johannes; TAU, John; PHATUDI, C.N.; MABILETSA, Deborah; PHILIPS, Joan; BURNETT, B.B: African Family Life. Papers Given at a Regional Conference Organised By the Southern Transvaal Region of the South African Institute of Race Relations and the Witwatersrand Christian Council November 1967
BOLINK, Pieter: Towards Church Union in Zambia a Study of Missionary Co Operation and Church Union Efforts in Central Africa
HOFMEYER, Harold O. (Compiled by): Rotary in the Tavern of the Seas. A Short History of the Rotary Club of Cape Town
THOMPSON, W.R: Moisture & Farming in South Africa
KARROO KOESTER (Pseud): 'm Pala. Poems of Rest
KAY, George: The Distribution of African Population in Southern Rhodesia. Some Preliminary Notes
DART, Raymond A: African Serological Patterns and Human Migrations. Presidential Address 1950 Delivered Before the South African Archaeological Society at Cape Town on 6 Mqrch 1951
CELLIERS, Jan F.E: Die Groot Geheim
VAN BREMAAT, Wilma & PERSONS, Theo: Genealogie van het geslacht Bremaet, Bremaat, Breemaat, van Breemaat nazaten in 14 generaties 1555-1995
POPPER, Karl R. & ECCLES, John C: The Self and Its Brain. An Argument for Interactionism
TYKOCINSKI, H: Die Gaonaischen Verordnungen
MANSFIELD, Charlotte: Gloria. A Girl of the South African Veld
BOKHORST, Matthys (Introduction by): S.A. Women Artists / S.A. Kunstenaresse. An Exhibition Organised to Coincide with the 1965 Congress, in Cape Town, of the South African Federation of Business and Professional Women
GENERAL STAFF U.D.F: Small Arms Training Volume 1 Pamphlet No.4. Light MacHine Gune 1937
EINEM DEUTSCHEN AUS SUD-AFRIKA: Sud-Afrika Englisch Oder Deutsch-Hollqandisch?
BENSON, Ivor: Truth Out of Africa. Lessons for All Nations
TAYLOR, Henry (Edited Peter HADLEY): Doctor to Basuto, Boer and Briton 1877-1906. Memoirs of Dr. Henry Taylor
JOWITT, H. (Edited by): Uganda Teachers' Journal VOL.I No.I
DE WET, Samp1e: The Monkeys' Wedding and Other Stories for Children
HORTOR, W.E: Hortor's Legal Diary and Directory for South Africa 1906, Containing Extracts from the Laws of General Interest; Tables of Government Fees; Government Offices and Names of Officials; Sittings of the Various Courts ...; Directory Solicitors...; Maps Etc.,
ROMPEL-KOOPMAN, I: Wat Mevrouw Generaal Joubert Vertelt
ATKINS, Peter: Buffoon in Flight. Some Misadventures of an Observer 24 Squadron S.A.A.F
GOSCHEN, G.J: Mental Training and Useful Knowledge. An Address Delivered at the Victoria Rooms on the 15th of January 1879
(PERIODICAL) SPINK & Son: The Numismatic Circular VOL. LXXII January - December 1964
(PERIODICAL) SPINK & Son: The Numismatic Circular VOL. LXXIII January - December 1965
(PERIODICAL) SPINK & Son: The Numismatic Circular VOL. LXXIV January - December 1966
(PERIODICAL) SPINK & Son: The Numismatic Circular VOL. LXXV January - December 1967
(PERIODICAL) SPINK & Son: The Numismatic Circular VOL. LXXVI January - December 1968
(PERIODICAL) SPINK & Son: The Numismatic Circular VOL. LXXXI January - December 1973
(PERIODICAL) SPINK & Son: The Numismatic Circular VOL. LXXXIV January - December 1976
GEORGE, Aklexander (Edited by): Western State Terrorism
DAUVILLIER, A: Cosmic Dust
AUCTION CATALOGUE: The Karl Gustaf Collection of Swedish Coins, Commemorative Medals and Banknotes. Thursday 25 and Friday 26 May 2000
AUCTION CATALOGUE: The ' Viking' Collection
AUCTION CATALOGUE: The Edward D. J. Van Riekel Collection of English and Scottish Silver Coins
AUCTION CATALOGUE: The Colin Adams Collection of British Pennioes, Other English Coins, Foreign Coins and Commemorative Medals
AUCTION CATALOGUE: The Colin Adams Collection of Halfcrowns
AUCTION CATALOGUE: The Clive of India Treasure
AUCTION CATALOGUE: The Dr. Anton C. R. Dreesmann Collection of Ancient Coins, Part II: Byzantine and Early European Gold coins/
AUCTION CATALOGUE: The Marshall Collection
CAHN, Irvin: A Defense Manual of Commando Jiu-Jitsu
COMARNESCU, Petru: Tuculescu
VAN DER KELLEN, D. (Compiled by): Illustrated international Architecture Index / Internationale Architektur Dokumentation / Documentation internationale D'Architecture / Internationale Architectuur Documentatie. VOLS.1-3
PERREGAUX, H: Edmond Perregeaux Missionaire. D'après sa correspondance 1868 - 1905
WIRTH, A. & DIRR, Adolf (Edited by): Die Erschliessung Japans. Erinnerungen des Admirals Perry von der Fahrt der amerikanischen Flotte 1853/54
LEECH, Geoffrey: Principles of Pragmatics
LIVERSIDGE, Richard: The Birds Around Us
DEWLEN, Al: Twilight of Homour
NEZOS, Renna: Judicial Graphology. Authentication of Handwritten Documents
MUNOZ, Miguel L. (Edited by): Memorias De La Academia Mexicana De Estudios Numismaticos VOL.1 No.1
MUNOZ, Miguel L. (Edited by): Memorias De La Academia Mexicana De Estudios Numismaticos VOL.2 No.3
CHURCHILL, Winston: The River War. An Account of the Reconquest of the Sudan
ERNST, J: Anton Van Wouw. 'n Biografie
MASON, Stuart: Oscar WIlde Art and Morality: A Record of the Discussion Which Followed the Publication of "Dorian Gray"
GASTER, Moses: The Ma'aseh Book. Book of Jewish Tales and Legends Translated from the Judeo-German
RADCLIFFE, Ann (Intro. Austin FREEMAN): The Mysteries of Udolpho VOLS. 1 and 2
UNITED NATIONS: The Charter and Judgment of the Nürnberg Tribunal. History and Analysis. (Memorandum submitted by the Secretary-General)
KUNERT, Dirk: Glasnost. New Thinking and the ANC-SACP Alliance. A Parting of the Ways
BAIKOFF, Jill: A History of the Vineyard
CARSON, R.A.G: A History of the Royal Numismatic Society
MARCUSE, Herbert: Five Lectures. Psychoanalysis Politics and Utopia
MacCRONE, I.D: Race Attitudes in South Africa. Historical Experimental and Psychological Studies
ALEXANDER, Lucy & HARDY, Patricia (Compiled by): Natale Labia Museum. An Account of the History of 'The Fort' & Its Conversion to a Museum and Cultural Centre
DEBYE, P: The Interference of Electrons
GOODMAN, David & REDCLIFT, Michael: From Peasant to Proletarian: Capitalist Development and Agrarian Transitions
KENNEDY, Kerry: Speak Truth to Power. Human Rights Defenders Who are Changing Our World
KEARNEY, Mary-louise & RONNING, Anne Holden: Women and the University Curriculum. Towards Equakity, Democracy and Peace
SEREBRIAKOFF, Victor: A Mensa Analysis and History
ARASTEH, A. Reza: Rumi the Persian, the Sufi
GUITRY, Sacha: 18 Avenue Elisee Reclus