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CAINE, Mary: The Glastonbury Zodiac. Key to the Mysteries of Britain PACKHAM, Richard: They Came to Build a Pier. An Illustrated Family History BURTON, Richard: The Source of the Nile : The Lake Regions of Central Africa
PARK, Mungo: Travels in the Interior of Africa CARTER, Angela: Expletives Deleted: Selected Writings DEACON, Sidney H: Show Bulldogs
PENMAN, Sharon: Falls the Shadow GRINSELL, L.V: Dorset Barrows STANLEY, Henry Morton (Edited By Frank McLYNN): Into the Dark Continent : The Travels of Henry Morton Stanley
HAGGARD, H. Rider (Edited By D.S. HIGGINS): The Private Diaries of Sir Henry Rider Haggard WHITE, D.J: Decision Theory HARVEY, John: Mediaeval Craftsmaen
HARRISON, Tom: Savage Civilisation ALLEN, James S: The Negro Question in the United States AVEDON, Richard: In the American West
GIROUARD, Mark: Robert Smythson and the Elizabethan Country House WORST, B.G,: The Great Dyke of Southern Rhodesia SEYMOUR, S.M: Bantu Law in South Africa
CLINGMAN, Stephen: Regions and Repertoires. Topics in South African Politics and Culture MATHU, Mohamed Recorded and Edited By Don BARNETT): The Urban Guerrilla PIKE, Douglas: War, Peace and The Viet Cong
FRANK, Leonhard: Mathilde SPENCER, Edmund: Sketches of Germany and the Germans, with a Glance at Poland, Hungary & Switzerland in 1834, 1835 and 1836 SHAKESPEARE, William: Der Sturm (The Tempest)
GROPIUS, Walter: Rebuilding Our Communities COETZEE, J.M: Youth. Scenes from Provincial Life II CAMOENS, Luis De (Translated By William MICKLE): THE LUSIAD (LUSIADS); or the Discovery of India. An Epic Poem. Translated from the Original Portuguese of Luis De Camoens by William Julius Mickle
HEATON, Paul: Lamport & Holt Line WEISSMANN, Adolf: Der Virtuose KERR, Alfred: Yankee-land
SIMMEL, Georg: Lebensanschauung. Vier Metaphysische Kapitel PLANCK, Max: Das Prinzip Der Erhaltung Der Energie MANN, Heinrich: Lidice
SEGHERS, Anna: Das Siebte Kreuz. Roman Aus Hitlerdeutschland VAN HUYSSTEEN, Ters: Hugenoteland. Deel Twee Van Hart Van Die Boland Die Franse Verbintenis LIND, Jakov: Soul of Wood
HARROW, Leonard & FRANSES, Jack: From the Lands of Sultan and Shah NOOTER, Robert H: Flat Woven Rugs and Textiles from the Caucasus DODDS, Dennis R. & EILAND, Murray L. (Editors): Oriental Rugs from Atlantic Collections. Eighth International Conference on Oriental Carpets Philadelphia 1996
BUTTERWECK, Georg & ORASCH, Dieter: Handbook of Anatolian Carpets / Das Standardwerk des anatolischen Knüpfteppichs SABAHI, Taher: Qashqai. Tappeti Tribali Persiani REINISCH, H: Saddle Bags / Sattel Taschen
O'BANNON, George W: Tribal and Village Rugs from Arizona Collections AZADI, Siawosch & ANDREWS, Peter A: Mafrash. Gewebte Transporttaschen als textile Bilder des Orients - Arbeiten der Schahsawan und anderer Stämme Persiens. Woven transport packs as an art from among the Shahsevan and other nomads in Persia TZAREVA, Elena: Rugs & Carpets from Central Asia. The Russian Collections
BOUCHER, Jeff W: Baluchi Woven Treasures FRAUENKNECHT, Bertram: Schahsavan Sumakh Taschen WALKER, Daniel: Flowers Underfoot. Indian Carpets of the Mughal Era
ELMBY, Hans: Antikke Turkmenske Taepper / Antique Turkmen Carpets HACKENBROCH, Yvonne: Meissen and Other Continental Porcelain, Faience and Enamel in the Irwin Untermyer Collection NORMAN, C.B: The Corsairs of France
MARSHALL, Logan: The Tragic Story of the Empress of Ireland DUMPLETON, Bernard & MILLER, Muriel: Brunel's Three Ships COTTON, Evan (Edited By Charles FAWCETT): East Indiamen. The East India Company's Maritime Service
RAWSON, Geoffrey: Life of Admiral Sir Harry Rawson CONCARO, Edoardo & LEVI, Alberto (Edited by): Sovereign Carpets. Unknown Masterpieces Frtom European Collections PURDON, Nicholas: Carpet and Textile Patterns
GREGORIAN, John B: Oriental Rugs of the Silk Route. Culture, Process and Selection PETSOPOULOS, Yanni (Edited by): Tulips, Arabesques & Turbans. Decorative Arts from the Ottoman Empire COOTNER, Cathryn M: Anatolian Kilims. The Caroline and H. McCoy Jones collection
BALPINAR, Belkis & HIRSCH, Udo: Flatweaves of the Vakiflar Museum Istanbul = Flachgewebe des Vakiflar-Museums Istanbul WERTIME, John T: Sumak Bags of Northwest Persia and Transcaucasia PETSOPOULOS, Yanni & BALPINAR, Belkis: Kilims Masterpieces from Turkey
KALMER, Harry: Die Waarheid En Ander Stories BARNES, W: Excavating Machinery as Represented By Power Shovels, Drag Lines & Grabbing Cranes MOREHOUSE, Brian: Yastiks. Cushion Covers and Storage Bags of Anatolia
EILAND,Murray (ited by): A World of Carpets and Textiles PINNER, Robert: The Rickmers Collection. Turkoman Rugs MOSHKOVA, V. G: Carpets of the People of Central Asia
SABAHI, Taher (Edited by): Cavalieri d'Oriente, Coperte da cavallo e da sella dal XVII al XX secolo (Horsemen from the Orient, Horse and Saddle Covers) BESIM, Adil: Mythos und Mystik: Alte und Antike Textilkunst, Band 3 / Myth and Mystique: Old and Antique Textile Art, Vol. I HEGENBART: Seltene Webtaschen Aus Dem Orient / Rare Oriental Woven Bags
BRUGGEMANN, Werner: Yayla. Form Und Farbe in Turkischer Textilkunst AZADI, Siawosch & BESIM, Adil: Teppiche in Der Belutsch Tradition / Carpets in the Baluch Tradition SABAHI, Taher: Shahsavan Jajim