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MOORE, Dennis: The Himmer of Steel GRANT, Michael: Pompeii and Herculaneum SIMMONS, Jack: The Railways of Britain
NOCK, O.S: Great British Trains. An Evocation of a Memorable Ag in Travel JENKINSON, David: British Railway Carriges of the 20th Century. VOLUME 2: The Years of Consolidation 1923-1953 DOOK: Desert Patrol
BUUS, Aage: Breakaway KENNEDY, Andrew: The Boys in Africa ARIMONDI, Victot: Boyfriends. An Erotic Study of the Male Physique
BENNETT, A.E. & EAGLES, Barry J: Coastal Steam Vessel of the British Isles LINK, O. Winton: America's Last Steam Railroad. Steam Steel & Bars LINK, O. Winton: The Last Steam Railroad in America
ANGELOGLU, Maggie: A History of Make-up CLAYTON, Peter A: Chronicle of the Pharoahs. Th Reign By Reign Record of the Rulers and Dynasties of Ancient Egypt SCARFE, Chris: Chronicle of the Roman Emperors. The Reign By Reign Record of the Rulers of Imperial Rome
LEITER, Samuel L: Frozen Moments. Writings on Kabuki 1966-2001 ANDREWS, Kenneth R: Drake's Voyages. A Re-Assessment of Their Place in Elizabethan Maritime Expansion REDCLIFFE-MAUD, John: Experiences of an Optimist
YORKE, F.R.S. & GIBBERD, Frederick: The Modern Flat SEXTON, R.W: The Logic of Modern Architecture. Exteriors and Interiors of Modern American Buildings STEVENSON, Robrt L: Homes of Character. One Hundred Designs
BRUNO, Vincent J: Form and Colour in Greek Painting FENTON, Terry: Anthony Caro BIANCHI, Tom: Bob & Rod
CARTER, Patricia: Illuminated Designs CARTER, Patricia: Illuminated Calligraphy HARTMAN, A (and Everal Others: Edited by): FAK Sangbundel
EVANS, George: Step By Step Techniques VAIRAMUTTU, R.A: Scientific Unarmed Combat. The Art of Dynamic Self-Defence PLOEGER, J. & SMITH, A.H: Pictorial Atlas of the History of the Union of South Africa / Plateatlas Van Di Geskiednis Van Di Unie Van Suid Afrika
SPEED, H. Fiennes & SPOEED, Maud: Cruises in Small Yachts (and) More Cruise TANGVALD, Peter: Sea Gypsy THUBRON, Colin: The Hills of Adonis
LEVENBERG, S: The Jews and Palestine. A Study in Labour Zionism TREW, Antony: Kleber's Convoy TREW, Antony: Death of a Supertanker
TREW, Antony: The White Schooner MORTIMER, Barrie (Edited by): HFO. Some Personal Perspectives on Harry Frederick Oppenheimer by his Colleagues and Friends DONNELLY, P.J: Blanc De Chine. The Porcelain of Tehua in Fukien
GARNER, Harry: Oriental Blue and White GRAY, Basil: Early Chinese Pottery and Porcelain SMITH, Kathryn (Edited by). (Contributors Include Brenda Atkinson, Colin Richards, Griselda Pollock, Jennifer Law): Penny Siopis
MODIG, Nils: Hosiery machines. their development, technology, and practical use UNITA (UNIAO NACIONAL PARA A INDEPENCIA TOTAL DE ANGOLA): UNITA. Idenditde Duma Angol Livre. Jamba Angola 1985. 1985 Ano Da Mobilizacao Total Contra Os Cubanos Para a Defesa Integridade Territirial Do Pais ROBERTS, David: English Cemetery at Malaga. Presented to William Mark Esqr. H M Consul for the Kingdom of Granada as a Token of Respect for His Meritorious Exertions in Procuring from the Government the First Protestant Burial Place in Spain By His Sincere Friend David R
ALLEN, Geoffrey & David: The Guns of Sacramento COMPTON, Susan (Edited by): British Art in the 20th Cenjtury CHASE, John Centlivres: The Cape of Good Hope and the Eastern Province of Algoa Bay &c &c, with Statistics of the Colony
FORBES, Vernon S: Pioneer Travellers in South Africa HALLGARTEN, S.F: Alsace and Its Wine Grdens WAUGH, Alec: In Praise of Wine
MORRIS, Denis: The French Vineyards YOXALL, H.W: The Wine of Burgundy SNYMAN, Archie: Call from the Sea
GEIGER, Hermann: Geiger and the Alps HANSEN, Hans & WUNDSHAMMER, Benno: Windjammerparade HAAS, Ernst: In America
COHEN, Gerson D: Studies in the Variety of Rabbinic Cultures ROSENBLATT, Julia Carlson & SONNENSCHMIDT, Frederic H: Dining with Sherlock Holmes. A Baker Street Cookbook FROST, Michael: Boadicea CK 213. The Story of an East Coast Fishing Mack
LUCAS, G.H.G. & CRONJE, G J De J: The Marketing of the International Image of South Africa RUSHWORTH-LUND, Anthony: By Way of the Spanish Isles TREW, Antony: The Antonov Project
TREW, Antony: Sea Fever TREW, Antony: Towards the Tamarind Trees TREW, Antony: Ultimatum
TREW, Antony: Running Wild McCREATH, Stuart N: Theirs is the Glory: The Story Of 12 Squadron S.A.A.F GEYSER, O: Jan Smuts nd His International Contemporarie
MARAIS, Eugene N: Die Swart Verraad. 'N Drama in Vyf Bedrywe WESTON, Stephen: The Praise of Paris, or a Sketch of the French Capital in Extracts of Letters from France in the Summer of 1802.... SCHUBERT, Franz: Complete Chamber Music for Strings