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SMYTH, Marie & ROBINSON, Gillian: Researching Violently Divided Societies: Ethical and Methodological Issues TRUETA, J: Gathorne Robert Girdlestone MAYER, Ralph: The Artist's Handbook of Materials and Techniques
MATHEWS, Vera Laughton: Blue Tapestry FURSE, George Armand: Information in War Its Acquisition and Transmission ASQUITH, Cynthia (Edited by) (Contributors Include Algernon BLACKWOOD; L P HARTLEY; Hugh WALPOLE; Arthur MACHEN; D H LAWRENCE; Walter DE LA MARE; Mary WEBB: The Ghost Book: Sixteen New Stories of the Uncanny
SAUNDERS, Christopher (Edited by): Studies in the Hitory of Cape Town VOL.1 SAUNDERS, Christopher (Edited by): Studies in the Hitory of Cape Town VOL.5 FOLEY, Charles: Commando Extraordinary
HOLLENBACH, George M: More Workbench Silencers BEAUMONT, Richard: Purdey's. The Guns and the Family SKENNERTON, Ian: British Small Arms of World War 2. The Complete Reference Guide to Wepons, Makers' Codes & 1936-1946 Contracts
AYOOB, Massad F: Fundamentals of Modern Police Impact Weapons HATCHER, Julian S.; JURY, Frank J.; WELLER, Jac. (Edited Thomas G. SAMWORTH): Firearms Investigtion Identification nd Evidence WOOLF, Virginia: A Letter to a Young Poet
JOYCE, P.W: The wonders of Ireland : and other papers on Irish subjects LONG, Duncan: Super Shotguns. How to Make Your Shotgun Into a Do-Everything Weapon GROVER, Jim: Stock Photo Street Smarts, Firearms, and Personal Security: Jim Grover's Guide to Staying Alive and Avoiding Crime in the Real World
LAUCK, Dave M: Advanced Tactical Marksman: More High-Performance Techniques for Police, Military, and Practical Shooters MILNER, Robert: Retriever Training for the Duck Hunter PODRAZA, Reg: Where Elephants go to Die
LA GARDE, Louis A: Gunshot Injuries. How They are Inflicted. Their Complications and Treatment PETRILLO, Alan M: The Number 5 Jungle Carbine KUHNHAUSEN, Jerry: The Ruger Revolvers. A Shop Manual Vol.I
STEVENS, R. Blake: UK and Commonwealth FALs STEVENS, R. Blake & VAN RUTTEN, Jean E: The Metric FAL SKENNERTON, Ian: The British Service Lee. Lee-Metford and Lee-Enfield Rifles and Carbines 1880-1980
ANTARIS, Leonardo M: Astra Automatic Pistols LONG, Duncan: Smith & Wesson's Autos MARSHALL, Evan P. & SANOW, Edwin J: Stopping Power. A Practical Analysis of the Latest Handgun Ammunition
MARSHALL, Evan P. & SANOW, Edwin J: Street Stoppers. The Latest Handgun Stopping Power Street Results CHARRETT, Sheldon: Electroniccircuits and Secrets of an Old-Fashioned Spy NEWMAN, Marc: Civil War Knives
DWYER, John B: Commandos from the Sea. The History of Amphibious Special Warfare in World War II and the Korean War TURPIN, Tom: Modern Custom Guns. Walnut, Steel and Uncommon Artistry WRIGHT, Graeme: Shooting the British Double Rifle
ZAGT, Roderick J: Tree Demography in the Tropical Rain Forest of Guyana STIFF, Peter: Nine Days of War. Namibia Before, During and After KANNEMEYER, J.C: Kroniek Van Klip En Ster. 'N Studie Van Die Oeuvre Van D.J.Opperman
SOUTHWORTH, James: Walking the Roman Roads of Cumbria MARAIS, Eugene N: The Soul of the Ape SIMMONS, George: A British Rifle Man Journals and Correspondence during the Peninsular War and the Campaign of Wellington
HUON, Jean: Military Rifle and MacHine Gun Cartridges DE VRIES, G. & MARTENS, B.J: The K98k Rifle MADAUS, Howard M: The Guns of Remington. Historic Firearms Spanning Two Centuries
BEZDEK, Richard H: American Swords and Sword Makers VOLUME II MOWBRAY, E. Andrew: The American Eagle-Pommell Sword. The Early Years 1794-1830 GAYLORD, Chic: Handgunner's Guide, Including the Art of the Quick Draw and Combat Shooting
LONG, Duncan: Streetsweepers. The Complete Book of Combat Shotguns LONG, Duncan: Modern Combat Ammunition (Combat Ammo of the 21st Century) ANON: Marlin .22 Exotic Weapons System
PROTHERO, Walt: Safari: A Dangerous Affair SMITH, Gary R. & MAKI, Alan: Death in the Jungle. Diary of a Navy SEAL ELIOPULOS, Louis N: Death Investigator's Handbook
LLOYD, Harvey: Sacred Lands of the Southwest MROZ, Ralph: Defensive Shooting for Real-life Encounters. A Critical Look at Current Training Methods VASSOLO, Michael: Desperate Measures. Unarmed Self-Defense Against Guns, Knives and Clubs
HABERMAS, Jurgen (Translated By Thomas McCarthy): Reason and the Rationalization of Society (The Theory of Communicative Action Volume One) TOOKE, Jean: Bygoner Caterham GOETHE, W: Goethes Italianische Reise. Mit den Zeichnungen Goethes seiner Freunde und Kunstgenossen mit Unterstutzung des Goethe-National Museums herausgegeben von George von Graevenitz,
GOTTLIEB, Alan M: Gun Rights Fact Book GOTTLIEB, Alan M: Politically Correct Guns BENSON, Ragnar: Modern Weapons Caching
STANFORD, Andy: Surgical Speed Shooting. How to Achieve High-Speed Markmanship in a Gunfight STEPHENS, Charles: Advanced Master Handgunning. Secrets and Surefire Techniques to Make You a Winner ASKINS, Charles: Unrepentant Sinner. The Autobiography of....
THOMAS, Duane: The Truth About Handguns MAY-HAYES, Gila: Effective Defense. The Woman, The Plan, The Gun MALCOLM, Joyce Lee: To Keep and Bear Arms. The Origins of an Anglo-American Right
TANNER, Mack: The Armed Citizen Solution to Crime in the Streets. So Many Criminals, So Few Bullets VAN WYK, Charl: Shooting Back. The Right and Duty of Self-Defence LOTT, John R: More Guns Less Crime. Understanding Crime and Gun Control Laws
STEINER, Bradley J: No Second Chance! Disarming the Armed Assailant VANCOOK, Jerry: Real World Self-Defense. A Guide to Staying Alive in Dangerous Times WEAVER, Randy & Sara: The Federal Siege at Ruby Ridge