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JONES, Thom: Cold Snap
WYNNE-THOMAS, Peter: The History of Lancashire County Cricket Club
SHARPE, James: Instruments of Darkness. Witchcraft in England 1550-1750
CORBETT, Margery & LIGHTBOWN, R.W: The Comely Frontispiece. The Emblematic Title-page in England 1550-1660
MISHIMA, Yukio: Thirst for Love
ANON: Lives of the British Reformers from Wickliff to Fox
MOLONY, Rowland; WRIGHT, David; EPPEL; BRETTELL, Noel: Four Voices. Poetry from Zimbabwe
ARDENER, E. (and others): Victoria Southern Cameroons 1858-1958
WHILEY, Geo M: Goldbeating and the Standard of Gold Leaf
BUKHARIN, Nicolai: Economics of the Transformation Period
RODIN, Auguste (Preface Herbert READ): Cathedrals of France
BRASHEAR, William R: The Living Will. A Study of Tennyson and Nineteenth Century Subjectivism
BELL, William Stewart: Proust's Nocturnal Muse
DOVER, A.T: Electric Traction. A Treatise on the Application of Electric Power to Tramways and Railways
JOHNSON, Ralph P: The Steam Locomotive. Its Theory, Operation and Economics, Including Comparisons with Diesel-Electric Locomotives
SANNES, G.W: African 'Primitives'. Function and Form in African Masks and Figures
AUSTIN, Robert; LEVY, Dana; UEDA, Koichiro: Bamboo
GOOSSEN, E.C: Helen Frankenthaler
VENTER, Fanie and Julye-Ann: Making the Most of Indigenous Trees
SHAH, Sayed Idries: Destination Mecca
BROUWER, Dirk & CLEMENCE, Gerald M: Methods of Celestial Mechanics
SEIFERT, Howard S. (Edited by): Space Technology
ADAMS, John Couch (Edited By R.A. SAMPSON): Lectures on the Lunar Theory
ALLER, L.H: Gaseous Nebulae
NASCIMBENE, Yan: Du Cote De Chez Swann De Marcel Proust
IRAN CARPET COMPANY: Masterpieces of Persian Carpet VOLUME 2
KAUFMANN, Jeffrey C: Greening the Great Red Island. Madagascar in Nature and Culture
ALDEN, Chris: Mozambique and the Constructio of the New African State. From Negotiations to Nation Building
CRITCHLEY, Macdonald & HENSON, R.A. (Edited by): Music and the Brain. Studies in the Neurology of Man
VON RINTELEN, Captain: The Return of the Dark Invader
STEIN, Gertrude: Everybody's Autobiography
PIERSON, Donald: Negroes in Brazil. A Study of Race Contact at Bahia
CESBRON, Georges: Actes Du Colloque Ouest et Romantismes Des 6,7,8 et 9 Decembre 1990
BAYNES, Ken & PUGH, Francis: The Art of the Engineer
MPHAHLELE, Ezekiel: The African Image
PROUST, Marcel (Edited Florence CALLU & Antoine COMPAGNON): Carnets
ROBERT, Pierre-Edmond / BRUN, Bernard (Edited by): Marcel Proust I: "A La Recherche Du Temps Perdu" Des Structures Aux Personnages / Marcel Proust II & !!!: Nouvelles Directions De La Recherche Proustienne I / II
HEMANS, H.N: The Log of a Native Commisioner
LEONARD, A.G: How We Made Rhodesia
BAKER, Herbert & STEAD, W.T: Cecil Rhodes the Man and His Dream
DELPECHIN, H. & CROONENBERGHS, C (Translated By Moira LLOYD): Journey to Gubuluwayo. Letters of Frs. H. Delpechin and C. Croonenberghs 1879, 1880, 1881
KNIGHT, E.F: Rhodesia of Today. A Escription of the Present Condition and the Prospects of Mashonaland & Matabeleland
MACDONALD, J.F: The War History of Southern Rhodesia 1939-45
ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MONUMENTS ENGLAND: An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in the County of Herefordshire Volume 1 [South-West]
LOGAN, Malcolm: The Civil Air Guard Book
UNCLE BOB: How to Strengthen the Heart
SCHWANEKE, Ulrich: Tsammas. Fruits of the Desert
ATHOLL, Justin: Shadow of the Gallows
VALLANCE, Aylmer: Very Private Enterprise. An Anatomy of Fraud and High Finance
KEETON, G.W: Trial for Treason
PLAYFAIR, Giles & SINGTON, Derrick: The Offenders. Society and the Atrocious Crime
BABINGTON, Anthony: The Power to Silence. A History of Punishment in Britain
JACKSON, Robert: The Chief. The Biography of Gordon Hewitt Lord Chief Justice of England 1922-40
HIBBERT, Christophrer: The Road to Tryburn. The Story of Jack Sheppard and the 18th Century Underworld
HARRELL, Mary Ann & ANDERSON, Burnett (BURGER, Warren E.): Equal Justice Under Law. The Supereme Court in American Life
BEDFORD, Sybille: The Best We Can Do. An Account of the Trial of John Bodkin Adams
HIRSCHBERG, W: Die Kunstlerstrasse. Auf Studienreise Durch Kamerun
HOLLOWAY< W.H: Northamptonshire and the Great War 1914-1918
AGUET, Isabelle: A Pictorial History of the Slave Trade
EDWARDS, A. Cecil: The Persian Carpet. A Survey of the Carpet-Weaving Industry of Persia
MERCIER, Andre: Analytical and Canonical Formalism in Physics
OPIK, Ernst J: Physics of Meteor Flight in the Atmosphere
NEWTON, Isaac: A Treatise of the System of the World
CROSLAND, M.P: Historical Studies in the Language of Chemistry
MORSE, Philip M: Queues, Inventories and Maintenance. The Analysis of Operational Systems with Variable Demand and Supply
SMITH, David Eugene & KARPINSKI, Louis Charles: The Hindu-Arabic Numerals
JOLLEY, L.B.W: Summation of Series
BOOLE, George: Studies in Logic and Probability
CAJORI, Florian: A History of Elementary Methematics
FORSYTHE, George E. & WASOW, Wolfgang R: Finite-Difference Methods for Partial Differential Equations
DONALDSON, Lois: One Hundred Fairy Tales
YOUNG, Percy M: Vaughan Williams
WILSON, Andrew: The Abode of Snow. Observations on a Journey from Chinese Tibet to the Indian Caucasus, Through the Upper Valleys of the Himalaya
VON SYBEL, Heinrich: History of the French Revolution
RAYLEIGH, Lord & RAMSAY, William: Argon. A New Constituent of the Atmosphere