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HIRST, Graeme: Semantic Interpretation and the Resolution of Ambiguity DOWTY, David; KARTTUNEN, Lauri; ZWICKY, Arnold M. (Edited by): Natural Language Parsing. Psychological, Computational and Theoretical Perspectives RICE, Bill: The Royal Navy in South Africa 1900-2000
HARRISON, Richard & BRYSON, M.M. (Editors): Whales Dolphins and Porpoises BANKS, Mike: Rakaposhi NETTLETON, Anitra (Edited by): Nigerian Art. The Meneghelli Collection
SANTILLANA, Giorgio De & VON DECHEND, Hertha: Hamlet's Mill - An Essay On Myth And the Frame Of Time LEASOR, James: Rudolf Hess the Uninvited Envoy VAN RENSBURG, F.I.J: Sublieme Ambag (AND) Swewende Ewewig. Beskouings Oor Die Werk Van N P Van Wyk Louw I & II
CLAYTON, Michael: The Collector's Dictionary of the Silver and Gold of Great Britain and North America FLETCHER, Rivers: More Motor Racing. The Postwar Years SNYMAN, H.W: Geneeskundige Woordeboek. Engels - Afrikaaans
ATKINSON, Martin: Explanations in the Study of Child Language Development KARMILOFF-SMITH, Annette: A Functional Approach to Child Language. A Study of Determiners and Reference SNYMAN, J.W. (Edited by): Bushman and Hottentot Linguistic Studies 1979
LEGERE, K. (Edited by): Cross-Border Languages. Reports and Studies Regional Workshop on Cross-Border Languages National Institute for Educational Development Okahandja 23-27 September 1996 DIMBLEBY, Richard & BURTON, Graeme: More Than Words. An Introduction to Communication FLETCHER, Paul & GARMAN, Michael: Laguage Acquisition. Studies in First Language Development
ROSENBERG, Sheldon (Edited by): Sentence Production: Developments in Research and Theory LYONS, J. & WALES, R.J. (Edited by): Psycholinguistics Papers PLINIUS, Basilius (Basilija PLINIJA): Slavas Dziesma Rigai 1595 / Der Ruhmgesang Auf Riga / Oditscheskaja Pesne Rigje / the Encomium to Riga
DEWAR, Thomas F: With the Scottish Yeomanry, Being a Reprint, Somewhat Altered and Extended, of Letters Written from South Africa During the War of 1899-1901 DEVA, Krishna & LALL, Darshan: Sculptural Art of Khajuraho PAL, Pratapaditya: Tibetan Paintings: A Study of Tibetan Thankas, Eleventh to Nineteenth Centuries
TAYLOR, Stephen: Livingstone's Tribe. A Journey from Zanzibar to the Cape KINGSFORD, Anna & MAITLAND, Edward: The Perfect Way or The Finding of Christ COLLINS, Paul & STRATTON, Michael: British Car Factories from 1896: a Complete Historical, Geographical, Architectural & Technological Survey
AGAR-HAMILTON, J.A.I. & TURNER, L.C.F: The Sidi Rezeg Battles 1941 COOK, E. Thornton: Justly Dear: Charles and Mary Lamb. A Biographical Novel APOLLINAIRE, Guillaume: The Poet Assassinated
BRATHWAITE, Edward: The Development of Creole Society in Jamaica 1770-1820 (GORDIMER, Nadine: Association item) (BATTEN, H. Mortimer and others): My Best Story for Boys WINTERS, Eleanor: Mastering Copperplate Calligraphy. A Step-by-step Manual
PAUL, John: Modern Harpsichord Makers: Portraits of Nineteen British Craftsmen and Their Work NORTH BRITISH LOCOMOTIVE COMPANY: Standard Specification for 4-8-4 Type Tank Locomotive BRIGHTON, Andrew: David Hockney Prints 1954-77
CHENEVIERE, Antoine: Russian Furniture. The Golden Age 1780 - 1840 HICKS, David: David Hicks on Decoration 5 HICKS, David: Garden Design
FORSTER, E.M: The Life to Come and Other Stories (ABINGER Edition VOL.8) KINGSFORD, A.R: Night Raiders of the Air, Being the Experiences of a Nightflying Pilot Who Raided Hunland on Many Dark Nights During the War ZIEGLER, Mano: Rocket Fighter: The Story of the Me163
FAURE, P.E.; HOFMEYR, S.; MURRAY, J. And Others (Edited by) (: Elpis. Algemeen Tijdschrift. Vol. IV. No.1 ORPEN, J.M: A Glimpse Into the Mythology of the Maluti Bushmen (in The Cape Monthly Magazine Vol. IX No.49 New Series) WASSERSTEIN, Bernard: Britain and the Jews of Europe 1939-1945
HANNAY, Margaret P. (Editor): Philip's Phoenix. Mary Sidney Countess of Pembroke LYON, Mrs. Massey: Etiquette. A Guide to Social and Public Life HILL, Les R. (Compiled by): Eighty Not Out. The Story of Arthur Richardson of Sevenhills, A Former International Cricketer
OWEN, Bryn: The Glamorgan Regiments of Militia (Welsh Militia and Volunteer Corps 1757-1908 VOL.2) COOK, Albert E: Uganda Memories (1897-1940) TOMKINS, Calvin & BOURDON, David: Christo, Running Fence: Sonoma and Marin Counties, California, 1972-1976
GANS-RUEDIN, E: Chinese Carpets BOWNESS, Alan; READ, Herbert; SYLVESTER, David: Henry Moore: Sculpture & Drawings; volume I, 1921 - 1948, 4th edition; volume II, 1949 - 1954, 2nd edition; volume III, 1955 - 1963; Volume IV: 1964-73; Vol.5 1974-1980 STEARN, William T: Botanical Latin. History Grammar Syntax Terminology and Vocabulary
TUCHMAN, Maurice and BARRON, Stephanie, organized by: David Hockney. A Retrospective BURTON, Richard F. & DRAKE, Charles F. Tyrwhitt: Unexplored Syria. Visits To The Libanus, The Tulul El Safa, The Anti-Libanus, The Northern Libanus and the 'Alah LINNE, Carl. V. (Linnaeus) (Edited WILDENOW, C. L.): Species Plantarum Exhibentes Plantas Rite Cognitas Ad Genera Relatas Cum Differentiis Specificis, Nominibus Trivialibus, Synonymis Selectis, Locus Natalibus Secundum Systema Sexualie Digestas
SMYTH, C. Piazzi: Teneriffe, an Astronomer's Experiment, or Specialities of a Residence Above the Clouds MILL, James and WILSON, Horace Hayman: The History of British India (AND) The History of British India from 1805 to 1835 BACON, Francis (Edited SPEDDING, James; ELLIS, Robert Leslie & HEATH, Douglas Denon): The Works of Francis Bacon Baron of Verulam, Viscount St.Alban and Lord High Chancellor of England
MAITLAND, William: The History and Survey of London from Its Foundation to the Present Time (GOLD MINING REGULATIONS): English Version of Mining Regulations for the South African Republic. The Only Translation Authorised and Accepted By the State Minig Engineer PONCEAU, Amedee: Paysages Et Destins Balzaciens
WHITE, Eustace E: The Complete Hockey Player DOMMISSE, Hermien / VAKTAALBURO VAN DIE SUID-AFRIKAANSE AKADEMIE VAN WETENSKAP EN KUNS: Teaterwoordeboek. Theatrical Dictionary. Afrikaans - Engels. English - Afrikaans NICOLAIDES, P.L: Grammatika Van Die Afrikaanse Taal '
MARINOVICH, Greg & SILVA, Joao: The Bang-bang Club. Snapshots from a Hidden War ROHMER, Sax: The Wrath of Fu Manchu and Other New Stories GRAY, Stephen (Edited by): Market Plays
BEETON, Ridley: The Landscape of Requirement FALLER, Francis: Weather Words SIENAERT-VAN REENEN, Marilet: Die Franse Bydrae Tot Africana-Litertuur 1622-1902
REITZ, Hj: The Conversion of a South African Nationalist DUTCH REFORMED CHURCH: The Doctrinal Standards and Liturgy of the Reformed Dutch Church NOLUTSHUNGU, Sam C: Changing South Africa. Political Considerations