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HARRIS, J.R: An Angler's Entomology
BARKAN, Hans (Translated and Edited by): Johannes Brahms and Theodor Billroth. Letters from a Musical Friendship
KLINE, M. Franklin (Edited by): Official Guide for Shippers and Travellers to the Principal Ports of the World, Osaka Mercantile Steamship Company . Twelfth Edition 1925-1926
IWAGO, Mitsuaki: Serengeti. Natural Order on the African Plain
LAWRENCE, D.H: Phoenix. The Posthumous Papers of....
LEAVIS, F.R: D.H. Lawrence the Novelist
RAPPAPORT, S: Perspectives on Judaism. Essays on Jewish Culture and Personalities
ABRAMSON, Glenda (Edited by): Essays in Honour of Salo Rappaport Onthe Occasion of His Eightieth Birthday
ARNSBERG, Paul: Die Jüdischen Gemeinden in Hessen. Anfang. Untergang. Neubeginn
COLLINS, Norman: The Bat That Flits
HINDESS, Barry & HIRST, Paul Q: Pre-Capitalist Modes of Production
THOMPSON, Jack (Edited by): From Nyassa to Tanganyika - The Journal of James Stewart CE in Central Africa 1876 - 1879
SMITH, Cecil B: Railway Engineering
CARR, D.P. & SAMSON, T: Edgar Allen Trackwork Engineering
GRAMSCI, Antonio (Translated Quinton HOARE): Selections from Political Writings (1921-1926)
FLETCHER, S.W: Strawberry Growing
KENNEDY, Neil: Surveying with the Tacheometer. A Practical Manual for the Use of Civil and Military Engineers and Surveyors
BENSON, Lyman: The Native Cacti of California
MICHEL, Claude: Birds of Mauritius
SANGER, Marjory Bartlett: Billy Bartram and His Green World
WHITE, Gilbert (Notes By Frank BUCKLAND), Illustrated by P.H.Delamotte: The Natural History of Selborne
AIR MINISTRY METEOROLOGICAL OFFICE: The Meteorological Observer's Handbook 1939 Edition
LEIGHTON, Ann: American Gardens in the Eighteenth Century "For Use or Delight"
ALBRIGHT, David; BERKHOUT, Frans; WALKER, William: World Inventory of Plutonium and Highly Enriched Uranium 1992
YARRELL, William: A History of British Birds VOLUME I Only
YARRELL, William: A History of British Birds VOLUME III Only
FRANK, Steven A: Foundations of Social Evolution
HENRY, Alan: Twenty-five Years of Williams F1. The Authorised Photographic Biography
NEWCOMBE, Freda: Missile Wounds of the Brain. A Study of Psychological Deficits
WEEKS, Jeffrey: Coming Out. Homosexual Politics in Britain, from the Nineteenth Century to the Present
GRANT, Marjorie: Verdun Days in Paris
TRUU, M.L. (Edited by): Public Policy and the South African Economy. Essays in Memory of Desmond Hobart Houghton
(SPANISH NEWSPAPER): Diario De Sevilla De Commercio, Artes Y Literatura #1396 Lunes 18 De Febrero
TYSON, P.D.; GARSTANG, M.; EMMITT, G.D: The Structure of Heat Islands
VON GOGH, R.G.; TYSON, P.D: Aspects of Wintertime Mesoscale Temperature Structure Over Johannesburg
TYSON, P.D. Et al: The Local Climate of Johannesburg I
VON GOGH, R.G: Elements of the Wintertime Temperature and Wind Structure Over Pretoria
JACKSON, S.P. & TYSON, P.D: Aspects of Weather and Climate Over Southern Africa
TYSON, P.D.; DIAB, R.D.; PRESTON-WHYTE, R.A: Stability Wind Roses for Southern Africa
WALKER, D.A. & OSMOND, C.B. (Edited by): New Vistas in Measurement of Photosynthesis
KRIEG, Paul A. (Edited by): A Laboratory Guide to RNA. Isolation. Analysis and Synthesis
SILVERSTEIN, Robert M. & WEBSTER, Francis X: Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds
FOGAZZI, G.B.; PASSERINI, P.; PONTICELLI, C.; RITZ, E: The Urinary Sediment. An Integrated View
CHAPMAN, G.P. (Edited by): Desertified Grasslands. Their Biology and Management
BUOL, S.W.; HOLE, F.D.; McCRACKEN, R.J.; SOUTHARD, R.J: Soil Genesis and Classification
GREENWOOD, N.N. & EARNSHAW, A: Chemistry of the Elements
BECKER, Wayne M.; REECE, Jane B.; POENIE, Martin F: The World of the Cell
COLLETT, Diane M. & AULTON, Michael E: Pharmaceutical Practice
BRYDEN, Colin & COLLEY, Mark (Edited by): Springboks Under Siege : The New Zealand Tour / Pioneering in America / Irish in South Africa / Beaumont's Lions : an Illustrated Record of Springbok Rugby in 1980 and 1981
ELDER DEMPSTER SERVICES: Colonial West Africa 1926
BRANDT, Johanna: The Paraclete or Coming World Mother
BLODGETT, Omer W: Design of Welded Structures
ANDERSON, C.F: Hymns for Little Children
NICHOLS, T.L: Esoteric Anthropology. (The Mysteries of Man): A Comprehensive and Confidential Treatise on the Structure, Functions, Passional Attractions and Perversions, True and False Physical and Social Conditions, and the Most Intimate Relations of Men and Women
HASKINS, J.P: THE CHARTER OF HENRY III (1227), With a Translation Revd. Canon Chr. Wordsworth, M.A. A Summary of the Translation of the Nine other Royal Charters in the Corporation Muniments. New Sarum in the Middle Ages and the History of St. Edmund’s College, Salisbu
POWER, Eileen: Medieval English Nunneries 1275-1535
ELLISON, Dorothy F: God's Highwaymen. The Story of the South African Church Railway Missionh
DRIVER, S.R. & SANDAY, W: Christianity and Other Religions. Three Short Sermons
SORLEY, W.R: Moral Values and the Idea of God
KILLICK, D.J.B. (Edited by): Bothalia VOLUME 12 No.3 April 1978
KILLICK, D.J.B. (Edited by): Bothalia VOLUME 12 No.4 June 1979
ROSS, J.H: Mimosoideae (Flora of Southern Africa Volume 16 Part 1)
ROSS, J.H: Caesalpinoideae (Flora of Southern Africa Volume 16 Part 2)
HILLIARD, O.M. (Edited O.A. LEISTNER): The Flora of Southern Africa. VOL.33 Asteraceae, Part 7 Inuleae, Fascicle 2 Gnaphaliinae (first part)
LEISTNER, O.A. (Edited by): Flora of Southern Africa Voloume 27 Part 4
BULLOCK, A.A. (LEISTNER, O.A., Edited by): Bibliography of South African Botany Up to 1951. Flora of Southern Africa
MAGILL, Robert E. (LEISTNER, O.A., Edited by): Bryophyta. Part 1: Mosses. Fasc.1. Sphagnaceae - Grimmiaceae; Fasc.2: Gigaspermaceae - Bartramiaceae. Flora of Southern Africa
EPSTEIN, I. (EDited by): Essays in Honour of the Very Rev. Dr. J.H. Hertz, Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the British Empire on the Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday, September 25 1942 (5703)
STEELE, James,: Schnabel House. Frank Gehry
DREW, Philip: The Museum of Modern Art, Gunma. Arata Isozaki
BOSLEY, Edward R: University of Pennsylvania Library. Frank Furness
STEELE, James: California Aerospace Museum. Frank Gehry
(S S GREAT BRITAIN): The Cabinet: A Repository of Facts, Figures, and Fancies Relating to the Voyage of the "Great Britain" S. S. from Liverpool to Melbourne, with the Eleven of all England and Other Distinguished Passengers
ROYAL NAVY: H M S DIDO: Leander Class General Purpose Frigates