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GRANADOS, E: Ecos De Parranda (No.2 Seis piezas Sobre Cantos espanola)
GRANADOS, E: Vascongada (No.3 Seis piezas Sobre Cantos espanola)
GRANADOS, E: Marcha Oriental (No.4 Seis piezas Sobre Cantos espanola)
GRANADOS, E: Zambra (No.5 Seis piezas Sobre Cantos espanola)
FAURE, Gabriel: Vingt Melodies Chant et Piano. 2eme Recueil.. Edition Mezzo Sop / Baryton
RUBINSTEIN, Anton: Fifty Nine Songs By Rubinstein (Royal Edition)
SCHMITT, Aloys / BERTINI, Henri / LACK, Th: Exercises Preparatoires Pour Piano (AND) 24 Etuden Op.32 (AND)Les Classiques Favoris Du Piano 1er Volume
HANON, C.L: Le Pianiste Virtuose En 60 Exercises
ABT, Franz: Praktische Gesangschule. Op 474. Soprano Oder Tenor
CLEMENTI, M.(Edited Adolf RUTHARDT): Sonatinen Fur Pianoforte Solo (Op.36/37/38) (AND) Sammlung Beruhmter Sonaten Band 1
DELECLUSE, Jacques: Vingt Etudes Pour Timbales / Twenty Studies for Timpani / Zwanzig Ubungen Fur Pauke / Veinte Estudios Para Timbales
HUBBARD, L. Ron: Handbook for Preclears
HUBBARD, L. Ron: Dianetics the Original Thesis
HUBBARD, L. Ron: The Way to Happiness
HUBBARD, L. Ron: Scientology 8 - 80
HUBBARD, L. Ron: Scientology a New Slant on Life
HUBBARD, L. Ron: Dianetics the Evolution of a Science
HUBBARD, L. Ron: Scientology 0 - 8 the Book of Basics
HUBBARD, L. Ron: Scientology the Fundamentals of Thought
HUBBARD, L. Ron: Self Analysis
HUBBARD, L. Ron: Advanced Procedure and Axioms
HUBBARD, L. Ron: The Creation of Human Ability
HUBBARD, L. Ron: Science of Survival
WITTKOWER, Rudolf: The Sculptures of Gian Lorenzo Bernini. The Sculptor of the Roman Baroque
GARNETT, David (Chosen with an Introduction by): Carrington. Letters and Extracts from Her Doaries
IRAQ PETROLEUM COMPANY: An Account of the Construction in the Years 1932 to 1934 of the Pipe-line Ofthe Iraq Petroleum Company Limited from Its Oilfields in the Vicinity of Kirkuk Iraq to the Mediterranean Ports of Haifa (palestine) and Tripoli (Lebanon)
KENEALY, Maurice Edward: The Tichborne Tragedy, Being the Secret and Authentic History of the Extraordinary Facts and Circumstances Connected with the Claims, Personality, Identification, Conviction and Last Days of the Tichborne Claimant
EGGS, Georg Joseph: Pontificium Doctum, seu, Vitae, res gestae, obitus, aliaque scitu ac memoratu digna summorum pontificum Romanorum
STENGER, Jean (Introductionh by): La Conference De Geographie De 1876 Recuieil d'Etudes / Bijdragen Over De Aardrijkskundige Conferentie Van 1876
SNYMAN, J.P.L: The South African Novel in English (1880-1930)
WILMOT, A. & CHASE, John Centlivres: History of the Colony of Cape of Good Hope from Its Discovery to the Year 1819; from 1820 to 1868
CURREY, Ronald: Rhodes: A Biographical Footnote
VAN JAARSVELD, Albert: Mtunzini. A History from Earliest Times to 1995
CRONE, Rainer: Andy Warhol
DAVIS, F.A: The Care of a Tennis Racket
ENDEMANN, Karl: Versuch Einer Grammatik Des Sotho
BLOK, Thos: Die Adendorff Trek
SUNDERLAND, Septimus: Old London's Spas Baths and Wells
WILLIAMS, W. Matthieu: A Vindication of Phrenology
PUNCH: Punch's Pocket Book for 1872
ROCHEFOUCAULT, Duke De La: Maxims and Moral Reflections. An Improved Edition
MOTHERLY, Mrs: Nursery Tales
GENLIS, Madame De (Stephanie Felicite Ducrest de Saint Aubin, Comtesse de): La Botanique Historique et Litteraire TOME SECOND
YONGE, Charlotte: The Christmas Mummers
M'INTOSH, Maria J: The Cousins. A Tale of Early Life
FRAIRHOLT, F.W: Tobacco: Its History & Associations, Including an Account of the Plant and Its Manufacture; with Its Modes of Use in All Ages and Countries
PERIODICAL: The Churchman's Monthly Penny Magazine. Vol.II, New Series January to December 1868
LANG, Mrs. (Edited By Andrew LANG): The Red Book of Heroes
LANG, Mrs. (Edited By Andrew LANG): The All Sorts of Stories Book
YANAGI, Soetsu (Adapted Bernard LEACH): The Unknown Craftsman. A Japanese Insight Into Beauty
ROBERTSON, Percy: London: Etchings By Percy Robertson
TABLER, E.C: The Far Interior. Chronicles of Pioneering in the Matabele and Mashona Countries 1847-1879
HARVEY, Cyril Pearce & BLAGDEN, J. Basil: Quia Examinatores. A Few Verses for Students of the Law
McGAHERN, John: Nightlines
HARRIS, W.C. (Introduction By Edward C. TABLER; Zoological Note Richard LIVERSIDGE): Portraits of the Game and Wild Animals of Southern Africa
DE KLERK, Willem (Edited by); COETZER, Piet (Compiler): Krugersdorp 100 Jaar / Years
RAINIER, Margaret (Edited by): The Journals of Sophia Pigot
MERRILL, George P: A Treatise on Rocks, Rock-Weathering and Soils
SAMARIAN, Sergiu: Queen's Gambit Declined
DESMOND, Judy: Traditional Cookery of Southern Africa
YADIN, Yigael: The Message of the Scrolls
BENEDICT, Julius: The Lily of Killarney. Opera in Three Acts
BEHNKE, Kate Emil: Singers' Difficulties: How to Overcome Them
KITSON, C.H: Applied Strict Counterpoint
ELGAR, Edward: Scenes from the Saga of King Olaf
DUNNE, J.W: Intrusions?
FEATHERSTONE, Donald F: War Games. Battles and Manoeuvres with Model Soldiers
FOOTE, Edward B: Oakmont Country Club. The First Seventy Seven Years
PERKINS, F: Workshop Manual and Instruction Book for Perkins Diesel Engines P6 P4 and P3 Series
NEWMAN, James R: The World of Mathematics. A Small Library of the Literature of Mathematics from A'h-mose the Scribe to Albert Einstein, Presented with Commentaries
TYLDEN, G: The Armed Forces of South Africa, with an Appendix on the Commandos
WHITE, Newman Ivey: Shelley. A Biography
ENKE, Stephen (Edited by): Defense Management
ANONYMOUS: The Story of Delville Wood. Told in Letters from the Front
BRUCE, George (Revised by): Harbottle's Dictionary of Battles