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NEL, Philip & McGOWAN, Patrick J. (Edited by): Power Wealth and Global Order. An International Relations Textbook for Africa
SAMSON, George Gordon: Every Man His Own Builder. A Book for Everyone Who Owns a Piece of Land
CARRINGTON, Lord: Reflect on Things Past: The Memoirs of Lord Carrington
BRUTON, Eric: The Longcase Clock
DIBB, C. Emily: Ivory, Apes and Peacocks
LOVELL, Mary S: Straight on in the Morning. The Biography of Beryl Markham
SMITH, Dodie: Look Back with Astonishment
FRIEDMAN, Myra: Buried Alive. A Biography of Janis Joplin
MIGDOLL, Ivor: Field Guide to the Butterflies of South Africa
MEREDITH, Martin: The Past is Another Country. Rhodesia 1890 - 1979
ORR, Willie: Deer Forests, Landlords and Crofters. The Western Highlands in Victorian and Edwardian Times
WOOD, Emma: The Hydro Boys. Pioneers of Renewable Energy
LENDVAI, Paul: Anti-Semitism in Eastern Europe
LE GUIN, Ursula: Dancing at the Edge of the World
THUBRON, Colin: The God in the Mountain
HARRIS, Leslie: The Stamps and Postal History of Seychelles
WHITLOCK, Ralph: The Oak
TABACHNICK, Stephen E. & MATHESON, Christopher: Images of Lawrence
CRAIGIE, W.A.; BUCHAN, John; GILES, Peter; BULLOCH, J.M: The Scottish Tongue. A Series of Lectures on the Vernacular Language of Lowland Scotland
DEFOE, Daniel: The History and Remarkable Life of the Truly Honourable Colonel Jack
CHERNOW, Burt: Gabor Peterdi. Paintings
SAYERS, Dorothy L: The Lost Tools of Learning
SECREST, Meryle: Being Bernard Berenson
SOKOLSKY, A.P: The Modern Openings in Theory and Practice
SPEER, Albert: Spandau Te Secret Diaries
HEAD, Bessie: A Bewitched Crossroad
BOWERS, Faubion: Japanese Theatre
NEALE, R.S: Class and Ideology in the Nineteeth Century
SADLEIR, Randal: Tanzania. Journey to the Republic
JOYCE, James (Edited with Notes, Introduction Etc. By John Wyse JACKSON & Bernard McGINLEY): Dubliners. An Annotated Edition
BIGLAND, Eileen: The Story of the W,R.N.S
DAVIDSON, C.P: M.G. Cars. A Practical Guide to Maintenance and Repair Covering Models from 1934
LUCAS, Victor: Tolstoy in London
BLASHFORD-SNELL, John & SNAILHAM, Richard: Kota Mama. RetrAcing the Lost Trade Routes of Ancient South American Peoples
BROCKMAN, John: Digerati. Encounters with the Cyber Elite
SALMON, Robert (Translated By Larry COHEN): The Future of Management. All Roads Lead to Man
VAN DER HEIJDEN, Kees: Scenarios. The Art of Strategic Conversation
PLUNKETT, John & ROSSETTO, Louis: Mind Grenades. Manifestos from the Future
URQUHART, John W: Dynamo Construction. A Practical Handbook for the Use of Engineer Constructors and Electricians in Charge
AZRAEL: Wisdom for the New Age. Teachings of the Great White Brotherhood
JAMES, Peter: The Sunken Kingdom. The Atlantis Mystery Solved
EILERSON, Gillian Stead: Bessie Head. Thunder Behind Her Ears. Her Life and Writing
BLACKWOOD, Mrs. (Edited by): Some Records of the Life of Stevenson Arthur Blackwood K C B
CHALMERS, Robert: A History of Currency in the British Colonies
LOTHIAN, Arthur: Kingdoms of Yesterday
BAILEY, David & EVANS, Peter: Chasing Rainbows
MAHDI, Muhsin: Ibn Khaldun's Philosophy of History. A Study of the Philosophic Foundation of the Science of Culture
MORRIS, Benny: The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem 1947-1949
ROUVE, Pierre: Frank Rosen
HARWOOD, A.C. (Edited by): The Faithful Thinker Centenary Essays on the Work and Thought of Rudolf Steiner,1861-1925:
SAYERS, Dorothy: The Mind of the Maker
HAYWARD, Arthur L: The Book of Pirates
ARCH, Robert: Whence, Whither and Why?
HIRST, Edward W: Self and Neighbour. An Ethical Study
FRANZ, G.H.(Introduction By C.T. LORAM): Tau the Chieftain's Son
FREDERICQ, Paul: Zuid Afrika Verspreide Schetsen
PRELLER, Gustav S: Old Pretoria / Ou Pretoria.. Brief Story of the City's Voortrekker Period
GARDINIER, David H: Cameroon. United Nations Challenge to French Policy
LUDWIG, Emil: The Davos Murder
PEISSEL,, Michel: Mustang. A Lost Tibetan Kingdom
MEYER, Michael: Henrik Ibsen. Vol 1- The Making of a Dramatist 1828-1864. Vol 2 - The Farewell to Poetry 1864-1882. Vol 3 - The Top of a Cold Mountain 1883 - 1906
JAEGER, Henrik: Henrik Ibsen 1828-1888. A Critical Biography
JONES, W. Glun: William Heinesen
JENSEN, Niels Lyhne: Jens Peter Jocobsen
BEAUMONT, Babara (Edited and Translated by): The Road from Decadence from Brothel to Cloister. Selected Letters of J.K.Huysmans
BELLRINGER, Alan W: The Ambassadors
ALLEN, Elizabeth: A Woman's Place in the Novels of Henry James
HARDWICK, Elizabeth (Edited with an Introduction by): The Selected Letters of William James
JOAD, C.E.M: Under the Fifth Rib
ZELLER, Bernhard: Hermann Hess an Illustrated Biography
BLUNDEN, Edmund: Keat's Publisher: A Memoir of John Taylor
COETZEE, A.J: Poesie En Politiek. 'n Voorlopige Verkenning Van Betrokkenheid in Die Afrikaanse Poesie
MUNDY, P.J: The Comparative Biology of Southern African Vultures
MITCHELL, D.A. & TRING, H.T: The Surcharging of Rhodesia's Mail 1965-1971