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CLARKE, Sonia: 'Vanity Fair' in Southern Africa, 1869 - 1914
VINEY, Graham & SIMONS, Phillida Brooke: The Cape of Good Hope 1806 to 1872. Aspects of the Life and Times of British Society in and Around Cape Town
MITCHELL, Diana: African Nationalist Leaders in Zimabwe Who's Who 1980
RASMUSSEN, R. Kent & RUBERT, Steven C: Historical Dictionary of Zimbabwe
RANSFORD, Oliver: The Rulers of Rhodesia
HARDINGE, George (Edited by) (Contribs. Include Edmund CRISPIN; Joan FLEMING; Michael GILBERT; Ellis PETERS; JUlian SYMONS): Winter's Crimes I
SMITH, John Thomas: The Cries of London, Exhibiting Several of the Itine4rant Traders of Antient and Modern Times, Copied from Rare Engravings or Drawn from the Life
POLLNITZ, Baron De: Lettres et mémoires, contenant les observations qu'il a faites dans ses voyages, et le caractère des personnes qui composent les principales cours de l'Europe. VOLS 1-3 (?of 5)
CARRUTHERS GOULD, F.C: Froissart's Modern Chronicles
BROWN, John Crombie (Compiled by): Water Supply of South Africa and the Facilities for the Storage of it
ENGELENBURG, F.V: Belangrijke Samenspraak. Brieven, Opstellen, Rijmpies Enx. In Verband Met De Presidents-Elektie
TOUSSAINT VAN BOELAERE, F.V: De Doode Die Zich Nhiet Verhing
HILLIER, Alfred P: Raid and Reform, By a Pretoria Prisoner
WATSON, Patrick Campbell MacDougall: I Remember it Well
BARBOUR, Michael G; BURK, Jack H.; PITTS, Wanna D: Terrestrial Plant Ecology
WILKINS, Hubert & SHERMAN, Harold M: Thoughts Through Space. A Remarkable Adventure in the Realm of Mind
PRICE, Alfred: Aircraft Versus Submarine. The Evolution of the Anti-Submarine Aircraft 1912 to 1972
MACMILLAN, Norman (Edited by): The Art of Flying
LOVETT, Richard: United States Pictures Drawn with Pen and Pencil
FLEMING, Ian: Rus Eers James Bond (Thunderball)
SOTHERN, J.W.M: Notes and Sketches on Marine Diesel Oil Engines. A Manual of Marine Oil Engine Practice
COMMITTEE FOR PUBLICATION IN HONOR OF THE RETIREMENT OF PROFESSOR K. INOKUCHI: My Life in Surgical Science in Memory of the Retirement of Prof. Kiyoshi Inokuchi
BARCLAY, Alfred E: The Digestive Tract. A Radiological Study of Its Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology
DOSS, Manfred (Edited by): Porphyrins in Human Diseases. First International Porphyrin Meeting Freiburg I Br. 1975
WILSON, John R. (Edited by): Plant Relations in Pastures
BENSON, G.K. & PHILLIPS, J.G: Hormones and the Environment (Memoirs of the Society for Endocrinology #18)
NYE, J.F: Physical Properties of Crystals: Their Representation By Tensors and Matrices
O'BRIEN, Charles P. & JAFFE, Jerome H. (Edited by): Addictive States
MOYNAC, Leon: Elements De Pathologie et De Clinique Chirurgicales
OPPENHEIM, H: Lehrbuch De Nervenkrankheiten Fur Artzte Und Studirende
POLITZER, Adam: Lehrbuch Der Ohrenheilkunde Fur Praktische Artzte Und Studirende
GELFAND, Michael: A Service to the Sick. A History of the Health Services for Africans in Southern Rhodesia (1890-1953)
KOLLNER, Hans: Die Storungen Des Farbensinnes. Ihre Klinische Bedeutung Und Ihre Diagnose
HAJEK, M.`: Pathologie Und Therapie Der Entzundlichen Erkrankungen Der Nebenhohlen Der Nase
NKETIA, J.H. Kwabena & DJEDJE, Jacqueline Cogdell (Editors): The Music of Africa
FITZPATRICK, J. Percy (Introduction Peter RANDALL): The Outspan
Hadfield, John (Edited by): The Saturday Book 34
VIVIAN, R. Gwinn; DODGEN, Dulce N.; HARTMANN, Gayle H: Wooden Ritual Artifacts from Chaco Canyon New Mexico. The Chetro Ketl Collection
ALPERS, Antony: Katherine Mansfield. A Biography
VINCENT, S.F: Flying Fever
LAYMAN, Taylor (and Many others): Machining Difficult Alloys. A Compendium on the MacHining of High-Strength Steels and Heat-Resistant Alloys
PALAY, M: Metal-Cutting Tool Production
QUINTON, J.C. & ROBINSON, A.M. Lewin (Edited by): Francois Le Vaillant: Traveller in South Africa and his collection of 165 water-colour paintings 1781-1784
BONDI, Inge: George Rodger
PRESSLY, G.N. (Edited by): Parish Church of St. Mary the Virgin. Barkly West C.P. Centenary 1971-72
O'SULLIVAN, Vincent (Edited by): Katherine Mansfield's New Zealand
SONNTAG, Christoph: My Friend Maleboch. Chief of the Blue Mountains
ROSS, J.J: Die Sending Te Witzieshoek. Paulus Mopeli En Andere Sake Rakende Die Sending Aldaar
NEL, O.L: Agter Die Doringdraad in Koffiefontein
BEETHOVEN, Ludwig Von (Edited By Harold CRAXTON; Commentaries and Notes By Donald TOVEY): Sonatas for Pianoforte. Associated Board Edition Vols 1/2/3
HANDEL, Georg Friedrich (Edited By Fritz VOLBACH): The Messiah. Oratorio
DELPORT, Adriaan Bernardus: Die Koranna Oorlog in Wes-Transvaal 1885
PEEL, Heather L: Sobantu Village. An Administrative History of a Pietermaritburg Township 1924-1959
GEORGIADIS, Evgenia: Nicholas Georgiadis
HOW, James: Epistolary Spaces. English Letter Writing from the Foundation of the Post Office to Richardson's 'Clarissa'
HERDAN, Innes & Gustav (Translated from the German, and with an Introdustion by): Lichtenberg's Commentaries on Hogarth's Engravings
GONIN, H.L. & LUBBE, W.J.G: Lexicon Latin-English Institutionum Gai et Institutionum Justiniani
STEWART, Gail (edited by): The Cabinet of Natural History and American Rural Sports
RATTRAY, Gillian: Cape Country Chronicle
ROGERS, Howard & LEE, Sherman E: Masterworks of Ming and Qing Painting from the Forbidden City
INTERNATIONAL LABOUR ORGANIZATION: International Labour Conventions and Recommendations 1919-1991
JONES, H. Lewis: Medical Electricity. A Practical Handbook for Students and Practitioners
HEINZE, Lieschen & OLDORF, Uschi: Painters SWA / Namibia Kunstmaler
LOWE, Bobby: Mas Oyama's Karate as Practised Ion Japan
BIRKBY, Carel: Close to the Sun. Th Story of South Africa's "Warrior Squadron" and the Sudan Squadron, R.A.F
WOODING, Robert R: Channel Setting Diamonds, with Illustrated Procedures
WOODING, Robert R: Bead Setting Diamonds, with IPave Applications
AUSTIN, Brian: Schonland Scientist and Soldier
STEENKAMP, Willem: South Africa's Border War, 1966-1989
KLEE, Ernst & MERK, Otto: Damals in Peenemunde. An Der Geburtsstatte Der Weltraumfahrt
MUNNINGS, Alfred: An Artist's Life
MUNNINGS, Alfred: The Second Burst
"AURIGA" (The War Time Workshops Officer and Peace Time Fleet Engineer): Woorden-tolk of Verklaring Der Voornaamste Onduitsche En Andere Woorden in De Hedendaagsche En Aaloude Rechtspleginge Voorkoomende, Mitsgaders Korte Schets Van Den Oorspronk En Het Departement Der Hoven Van Justitie En Andere Voorname Staats-Collegien
PINDER, Wilhelm: Deutsche Burgen Und Feste Schlosser
LANGWIESCHE, Karl Robert: Tore Turme Und Brunnen