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PATERSON, Frances E: Memories, Published on the Occasion of Her One Hundredth Birthday 16th July 1991 VILLIERS, Alan: The War with Cape Horn BRISTOW, Robert: Cochin Saga: A History of Foreign Government and Business Adventures in Kerala South India By Arabs, Romans, Venetians, Dutch and British, Together with the Personal Narrative of the Last Adventurer and an Apilogue
RANDELL, George and Dorothy: "We All Lived Here" 1822-1977 BERLIOZ, Hector: La Damnation De Faust MASSON, Colette & MANNONI, Gerard: Maurice Bejart
WRIGHT, Frank Lloyd (Edited By Bruce Brookes PFEIFFER): Collected Writings Volume 5. 1949-1959 ELISCU, Frank: Slate and Soft Stone Sculpture WOODCOCK, George: Herbert Read the Stream and the Source
WESSELS, A.B: Spineless Prickly Pears CARLSON, John F: Carlson's Guide to Landscape Painting JAMES, Geoffrey (Edited and Translated by): The Enochian Magick of Dr. John Dee
BURTON, Clive M: Settlers to the Cape of Good Hope: Organisation of the Nottinghamshire Party 1819-1820 MARTIN, H.G: Sundet from the Main (ANON): President M.T.Steyn. Lewe En Strewe Van Die Groot Afrikaner Staatsman
TREVOR, Elleston: Gale Force RAFF & ARMSTRONG, Anthony: More Nice Types UTTLEY, Alison, Illustrated by C. F, Tunnicliffe: Ambush of Young Days
BARTHOLOMEW, John (Edited by): The Times Atlas of the World. MID-Century Edition. Volume 1: The World, Australasia & East Asia; Volume 2: South-West Asia & Russia; Volume 3: Northern Europe; Volume 4: Southern Europe and Africa; Volume 5: The Americas LAMOND, John: Arthur Conan Doyle. A Memoir BUHRMANN, M. Vera: Living in Two Worlds. Communication Between a White Healer and Her Black Counterparts
DALY, Augustin (Adapted and Revived by) (COWLEY, Mrs.; CENTLIVRES, Mrs; KNOWLES, Sheridan; SHAKESPEARE, William; GARRICK, David: The Belle's Stratagem; The Wonder; The Hunchback; Love's Labor's Lost; Twelfth Night; the Tempest; the Country Girl; the Merchant of Venice; Henry IV BLOCH, Marc: The Royal Touch. Sacred Monarchy and Scrofula in England and France CAMERON, Hector (and others): Lister Centenary Exhibition at the Wellcome Historical Medical Museum. Handbook
LADY, A: Life at Natal a Hundred Years Ago JOHNSON, Donald McI: Indian Hemp. A Social Menace WALLACE, Henry A. & BROWN, William L: Corn and Its Early Fathers
(PERIODICAL) (FACULTY OF ACTUARIES): Transactions of the Faculty of Actuaries VOLUME I (1901-1903) - VOLUME VII (1913 - 1915) SAGGERSON, E.P: Identification Tables for Minerals in Thin Sections HARRY, Ralph G. (Revised By J B WILKINSON; William W. MYDDLETON): The Principles and Practice of Modern Cosmetics. I: Modern Cosmeticology; II: Cosmetic Materials, Their Origin, Characteristics, Uses and Dermatological Action
POULTNEY, C.B: Cold Noses EMANUEL, Walter: A Dog Day KORNGOLD, E.W: Die Tote Stadt. Opus 12
HOGBEN, Lancelot: The Nature of Living Matter YANG, Martin C: A Chinese Village. Taitou, Shantung Province FOOTBALL PROGRAMME: Manchester City V. Tottenham Hotspur. Final Tie. Wembley Stadium 9th May 1981
SMUTS, J.C. (Introductory Message by): East London Centenary 1848-1948. Official Souvenir Broschure LEONARD, Emile G. (Edited By H H ROWLEY): A History of Protestantism. VOLUME ONE: The Reformation REWALD, John & VON MATT, Leonard: Degas Sculpture the Complete Works
SCHNEEWIND, Wolfgang Edited by) & HOBERMANN, Gerald (Photography by): Numismatic Essays By Members of the South African Numismatic Society 1986 WICKRAMASIGHE, Priya & RAJAH, Carol Selva: The Food of India GORDON, Jan & BATEMAN, H.M: Art Ain't All Paint
DE MONTEBELLO, Philippe (and others): Monet a Giverny: Au-dela De L'impressionisme LAWSON, Joan & REVITT, Peter: Ballet Class: Principles and Practice TUTE, Warren: The Golden Greek
CLARKE, D.H: An Evolution of Singlehanders CAMERON, Ian: Lodestone and Evening Star. The Saga of Exploration By Sea CHAET, Bernard: The Art of Drawing
MOMPOU, Federico: Musica Callada Pour Piano 2e Cahier BACH, Johan Sebastian: Sechs Partiten, Nach Dem Originaldruck Von 1731 Herausgegeben Von Rudolf STEGLICH; Fingersatz Von Hans-Martin THEOPOLD BACH, Johan Sebastian: Franzosische Suiten, Nach Dem Eigenschrift Und Abschriften Aus Bachs Familien Und Schulerkreis Von Rudolf STEGLICH; Fingersatz Von Hans-Martin THEOPOLD
SCHUBERT, Franz: Klaviersonaten Band II, Nach Eigenschriften Und Erstausgaben Herausgegeben Von Paul MIES; Fingersatz Von Hans-Martin THEOPOLD HERTZOG, J.B.M. (Edited By SPIES, F.J. Du Toit; KRUGER, D.W.; OBERHOLSTER, J.J: Die Hertzogtoesprake HANNSMANN, Margarete: Spuren
NAPAL, Dayachand: British Mauritius 1810-1948 TILLEY, Bruce: N.S.W. Private Buses (A Pictorial Review) JUNOD, H.A: The Fate of the Widows Amongst the Ba-Ronga
WEST, Oliver: The Vegetation of Weenen County Natal LOUW, W.J: An Ecological Account of the Vegetation of the Potchefstroom Area DYER, R.A: The Vegetation of Divisions of Albany and Bathurst
MUIR, John: The Seed-Drift of South Africa and Some Influences of Ocean Currents on the Strand Vegetation STORY, R: A Botanical Survey of the Keiskammahoek District GALPIN, Ernest E: The Native Timber Trees of the Springbok Flats
DOIDGE, E.M. & BOTTOMLEY, A.M. (Compiled by): A Revised List of Plant Diseases in South Africa MOSTERT, J.W.C: Studies of the Vegetation of Parts of the Bloemfontein and Brandfort Districts FOURCADE, H.G: Check-list of the Flowering Plants of Divisions of George, Knysna, Humansdorp and Uniondale
PENTZ, J.A: Die Waarde Van 'n Plantkundige Opname (en) Die Karteer Van Plantegroei Soos Van Toepassing Op Boerderystelsels in Suid-Afrika BEWS, J.W. & AITKEN, R.D: Researches on the Vegetation of Natal Series I (AND) Series II ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR THE BOTANICAL SURVEY OF SOUTH AFRICA: A Guide to Botanical Survey Work
SCHONLAND, S: Phanerogamic Flora of the Divisions of Uitenhage and Port Elizabeth SANDOW, Eugen: Curative Physical Culture VAN DYK, J.H: The Paardekraal Monument 1890-1936
DE PROROCK, Byron Khun: Digging for Lost African Gods. The Record of Five Years Archaeological Excavation in North Africa FROMAN, Simon: This and That. A Collection of Short Stories MTSAKA, Makwedini Julius: Not His Pride: A Play