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CORTES, Luis: Salamanca. Libro Fotografico CLEVELAND, William L: A History of the Modern Middle East COUGHLIN, Con: Saddam. The Secret Life
GRANDSAIGNES d'HAUTERIVE, R: Dictionnaire D'Ancien Francais. Moyen Age et Renaissance MUNITZ, Milton K. (Edited by): Theories of the Universe from Babylonian Myth to Modern Science SUTHERLAND, Douglas: The English Gentleman's Wife
CHING, Frank: Ancestors. 900 Years in the Life of a Chinese Family BROWN, Archie & KASER, Michael (Edited by): Soviet Policy for the 1980's STEELE, Jonathan: Eternal Russia. Yeltsin, Gorbachev and the Mirage of Democracy
McHUGH, R.J.M: The Siege of Ladysmith HAMILTON, J. Angus: The Siege of Mafeking DOKE, C.M.; MALCOLM, D.M.; SIKAKANA, J.M.A.; VILAKAZI, B.W. (Compiled by): English-Zulu Zulu-English Dictionary
STAFFORD-DEITSCH, Jeremy: Mangrove. The Forgotten Habitat HICKSON, Sydney J: An Introduction to the Study of Recent Corals MATHEWS, Anthony: Freedom State Security and the Rule of Law
GESS, Sarah K: The Pollen Wasps. Ecology and Natural History of the Masarinae EICHLER DE SAINT JORRE, Maryse; ARDILL, Nelly; BOSSU-PICAT, Christian: Island Homes: Seychelles STEWART, J. & HENNESSY, E.F: Orchids of Africa: A Select Review
DELCOMMUNE, Alexandre: L'Avenir Du Congo Belge Menace. Bilan Des Dix Premieres Annees (1909-1918) D'administration Coloniale Gouvermentale. Le Mal Le Remede SEEFF, Sydney (Compiled By Joyce LEVIN & Con PAKTER): Portals of Memory REID, Howard & CROUCHER, Michael: The Way of the Warrior: The Paradox of the Martial Arts
MORGAN, Dave: My Feeing for Fauna DE MONTCLOS, Xavier: Les Chretiens Face Au Nazisme et Au Stalinisme. L'epreuve Totalitaire 1939-1945 GALLO, Max: La Cinquieme Ce Fut La Deficite De 40
MUNSAMY, Shireen Sarojini: Sunrise to Sunset. A History of the Contributions of Indentured and Free Indians to the Economy of Natal 1860-1910 MUFUKA, Ken: Dzinbahwe. Life and Politics in the Golden Age 1100 - 1500 A.D RANSFORD, Oliver & STEYN, Peter: Historic Rhodesia
HENDLER, Paul: Paths to Power WILLCOX, A.R: The Drakensberg Bushmen and Their Art. With a Guide to Rock Painting Sites AZHAYEV, Vasili: Far from Moscow
COOK, Bridget & STOTT, Geraldine: Introduction to Bobbin Lace Stitches (BRITISH GOVERNMENT BLUE BOOK) (JOHNSTON, H.H.): Despatch from His Majesty's Special Commissioner in Uganda Relating to Travellers in the Protectorate (BRITISH GOVERNMENT BLUE BOOK): South Africa Despatches. Despatch By General Lord Kitchener, Dated 8th April 1902, Relative to Military Operations in South Africa
(BRITISH GOVERNMENT BLUE BOOK): South Africa Despatches. Despatch By General Lord Kitchener, Dated 23rd June 1902, Relative to Military Operations in South Africa (BRITISH GOVERNMENT BLUE BOOK): South Africa. Further Correspondence Relative to the Treatment of Natives By the Boers (BRITISH GOVERNMENT BLUE BOOK): South Africa. Correspondence Relative to the Treatment of Natives By the Boers
(BRITISH GOVERNMENT BLUE BOOK): South Africa. Correspondence Relating to the Appeal of the Boer Generals to the Civilized World (BRITISH GOVERNMENT BLUE BOOK): South African War. Telegrams from Field Marshal Lord Roberts to the Secretary of State for War, Reporting (1) A Telegram Addressed By Him to the State Reference to the Abuse of the White Flag, and (2) The Reply..... (BRITISH GOVERNMENT BLUE BOOK): South Africa. Correspondence Respecting Terms of Surrender of the Boer Forces in the Field
(BRITISH GOVERNMENT BLUE BOOK): South Africa. Returns of Farm Buildings &c., In Cape Colony and Natal, Destroyed By the Boers (BRITISH GOVERNMENT BLUE BOOK): Correspondence Relating to the Recent Political Situation in South Africa (BRITISH GOVERNMENT BLUE BOOK): Correspondence Relating to Proposed Changes in the Administration of the British South Africa Company
VINDEX: Light Invisible. The Freemasons Answer to Darkness Visible HOIJTINK, Mirjam / SCHAT, Anneke: In Het Teken Van Satyridae / the Sign of the Satyridae AMOS, Alden: The Alden Amos Big Book of Handspinning
WEST, Martin & MORRIS, Jean: Abantu. An Introduction to the Black People of South Africa RATCLIFFE, Dorothy Una: Hoops of Steel. An Anthology of Dedicatory Poems, Beingt a Farewell Supplement to the Microcosm WHINNEY, M. Dickens: The Interrelation of the Fine Arts in England in the Early Middle Ages
DONALDSON, Ken (Edited by): South African Who's Who (Social and Business) 1933 (RAILWAY TIME TABLES): Glasgow and South-Western Time Tables January , March, May, June, July, August, October 1874 FLEURE, H.J.; HUTTON, J.; THOMAS, N.W.; HADDON, A.C.; MOIR, J. Reid; SELIGMAN, C.G.; PARSONS, F.G.; BUXTON, L.H. Dudley; CLARK, W.E. Le Gros; JENNESS, D.; MURRAY, G.W.; SANDERSON, Meredith; JONES, Neville; ROUTLEDGE, Mrs. Scoresby; KROEBER, A.L: Contribute to The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland Vol.L (!920)
EVANS, Arthur; HOCART, A.M.; GRIFFITH, C.L.T.; HORNELL, James; MOIR, J Reid; FIRTH, Raymond; MALCOLM, L.W.G.; WILLIAMS, F.E.; PITT-RIVERS, George Henry Lane Fox; McCONNELL, R.E.; GATES, R.RUGGLES; SELIGMAN, C.G.;,: Contribute to The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland Vol.LV (January-June 1925) PEAKE, Harold; COMPTON, R.H.; CROOKE, W.; HOCART, A.M.; MIGEOD, F.W.H.; CHINNERY, E.W. Pearson; STRONG, W.M.; BREWSTER, A.B.; RAY, S.H.; WARREN, S. Hazzledine: Contribute to The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland Vol.XLIX (July - December 1919) BRUWER, J.P. Van S: South West Africa: The Disputed Land
SHAW, George Bernard: Music in London 1890-94 SHAW, George Bernard: London Music in 1888-89 as Heard By Corno Di Bassetto (Later Known as Bernard Shaw) with Some Further Autobiographical Particulars JOYCE, Robey: Die Wedvlugduif. 'n Doeltreffende En Volledige Handleiding Vir Die Liefhebber in Suid Afrika
FARIS, Nabih Amin (Tranlated By (AL-GHAZZALI): The Book of Knowledge, Being a Translation with Notes of the Kitab al-'ILM of Al-Ghazzali's "Ihya' 'Ulum al-Din" THOMPSON, Kenneth R: The Mental Side of Golf IACOVOU, George: Cyprus: A Question of Occupation, Colonization and Expansionism
URMSON, J. O. (Edited by): The Concise Encyclopaedia of Western Philosophy and Philosophers BULL, George: Inside the Vatican SWART, Jill: Malunde. The Street Children of Hillbrow
ROSSITER, A.P: Angel with Horns and Other Shakespeare Lectures BARRETT, Wilson: On Stage for Notes. The Story of the Wilson Barrett Company ADAM, Helen Douglas: Charms and Dreams from the Elfin Pedlar's Pack
HENN, T.R: The Lonely Tower. Studies in the Poetry of W B Yeats BERRICHON, Paterne: La Vie De Jean-Arthur Rimbaud VOLLARD, Ambroise: Auguste Renoir (1841-1919)
HAMILTON, W.H: John Masefield: A Critical Study LAMB, Charles (Edited By A C WARD): Everybody's Lamb, Being a Selection from the Essays of Elia, the Letters and the Miscellaneous Prose of Charles Lamb ADAMS, Ansel: Artificial Light Photography (Basic Photo 5)
McINTOSH, I C: Successful Freelance Photo-Journalism MORTENSEN, William: Flash in Modern Photography NURNBERG, Walter: Lighting for Photography