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Rathbun, M.J., 1904-1906 (1965): Les crabes d'eau douce (Potamonidae)
Rathbun, M.J., 1910: Brachuyra. (The Danish Expedition to Siam 1899-1900. V.) [Kgl. Danske Vidensk. Skrift., 7. R., Nat. Afd., 5(4).]
RATHBUN, Richard: The United States National Museum: an account of the buildings occupied by the National Collections- [With:] A.B. MEYER. Studies of the Museums and kindred institutions of New York City, Albany, Buffalo, and Chicago [...]
Rather, L.J., 1972: Addison and the white corpuscules: an aspect of nineteenth-century biology
RATNER, Brett: The Photo Booth Pictures. Photostrips by Brett Ratner. Introduction by Robert Ewans
RATSMA, P., & WILMER, C.C.S. (red.): Handleiding voor het beheer van een topografisch-historische atlas
Ratté, J.C., & Steven, Th.A., 1967: Ash flows and related volcanic rocks associated with the Creede Caldera, San Juan Mountains, Colorado. [U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap., 524-H.]
RAU, Charles (Verviers, Belgium 1826 - Philadelphia 1887): The Palenque tablet in the United States National Museum, Washington, D.C. [Smithson. Contrib. Knowl., 331.]
RAU, Charles (Verviers, Belgium, 1826 - Philadelphia 1887): The Archaeological Collection of the United States National Museum, in charge of The Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. [Smithson. Contrib. Knowl., 287.]
RAU, Charles: Prehistoric fishing in Europe and North America. [Smithson. Contr. Knowl., 500.]
RAUP, Hugh M: The structure and development of turf hammocks in the Mesters Vig district, Northeast Greenland. [Medd. om Grønland, 166(3).]
RAUTIAINEN, Lassi (editor): Mestarit luonnossa. Wildlife photography in Finland by the Finnish masters
RAUWS, Joh. (and others): The Netherlands Indies
Raven, J.G.M., 1983: Conodont biostratigraphy and depositional history of the Middle Devonian to Lower Carboniferous in the Cantabrian zone (Cantanbrian Mountains, Spain)
RAVEN, Theodoor: Etude géologique de la région de Morez-Les Rousses (dép. Jura)
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RAYMOND, Florence (editor): Antoine Watteau (1684-1721. La Leçon de Musique. Catalogue [...] Palais des Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles
RAYNES, Rozelle: The Tuesday Boys
Read, C.B., & Mamay, S.H., 1964: Upper Paleozoic floral zones and floral provinces of the United States. With a glossary of stratigraphic terms by Grace B. Keroher. [U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap., 454-K.]
READ, F.B: Stokers and pokers: or, The London and North-Western Railway, the Electric Telegraphy, and the Railway Clearing-House
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REGEL, Eduard August von (1815-1892): Monographia generis Eremostachys. Loci natales ab Alberto Regel elaborati sunt
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REINDERS, Michel Harry Peter: Printed Pademonium. The power of the public and the market for popular political publications in the Early Modern Dutch Republic
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RENOY, Georges: Montmartre de A à Z. Dictionnaire illustré anecdotique et historique
RENOY, Georges: Nous Léopold II
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