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GRAVES, Robert: Poems 1938 - 1945
NICHOLS, Bill: Representing Reality
BROWN, Roger: A First Language. The Early Stages
WALE, Laurie: Home Building Ideas for South Africa, Featuring the Works of Architects in Southern Africa
WARD, Lynd: Madman's Drum
GEAVES, Robert: The Penny Fiddle. Poems for Children
STRACHEY, Ray (Edited by): Our Freedom and Its Results, By Five Women
MANGANYI, N. Chabani: Treachery and Innocence. Psychology and Racial Difference in South Africa
PATON, Alan: The Hero of Currie Road (in BOLT No.6 November 1972)
DAVIES, J.G: He Ascended Into Heaven Bampton Lectures 1958
FULLER, Peter: Beyond the Crisis in Art
FULLER, Peter: The Naked Artist. Art and Biology, and Other Essays
OKAMOTO, Naomi: Japanese Ink Painting. The Art of Sumi-e
POGNON, Edmond: Les Tres Riches Heures Du Duc De Berry. 15th Century Manuscript
AVI-HAI, Avraham: Ben Gurion State Builder. Principles and Pragmatism 1948-1963
PARKER, Rozsika & POLLOCK, Griselda: Old Mistresses. Women, Art and Ideology
ROSKILL, Mark: What is Art History?
RAWSON, Philip: Drawing
ARNHEIM, Rudolf: The Power of the Center. A Study of Composition in the Visual Arts
ROOKMAAKER, H.R: Modern Art and the Death of a Culture
HESS, Olga & Adolf: Wiener Kuche. Sammlung Von Kochrezepten
SOLOMON, Lindy: Khula Udweba. A Handbook About Teaching Art to Children
PAPADAKIS, Andreas C. (Edited by): The New Modernism. Deconstructionist Tendencies in Art
PAPADAKIS, Andreas C. (Edited by): The Post Avant Garde. Painting in the Eighties
TAYLOR, Colin F: The Plains Indians. A Cultural and Historical View of the North American Plains Tribes of the Pre-Reservation Period
WILMOT, A: The History of South Africa
KONSALIK, Heinz: Mask My Agony
AVALLONE, Michael: The Living Bomb
ANDREAS-SALOME, Lou (Introduction By Mary-Kay WILMERS): The Freud Journal
MORAES, Dom: Collected Poems 1957-1987
WAUGH, Evelyn: The Sword Of Honour Trilogy: Men at Arms; Officers and Gentlemen; Unconditional Surrender
FAIRCHILD, David: The World Was My Garden. Travels of a Plant Explorer
BONK, Ecke: Marcel Duchamp the Portable Museum. The Making of the Boite-en-valise De Ou Par Marcel Duchamp & Rrose Selavy
STRANDH, Sigvard: A History of the Machine
BERNIER, Georges & Rosamond (Edited by): Aspects of Modern Art. The Selective Eye III/ An Anthology of Writings on Modern Art from the European Art Magazine L'oeil
BERNIER, Georges & Rosamond (Edited by): The Selective Eye 1956-1957. / An Anthology of the Best from the European Art Magazine L'oeil
MORRIS, Barbara: Liberty Design 1874-1919
SERVICE, Alastair: London 1900
CASTRO, R. & DE CADENET, J.J: Welding Metallurgy of Stainless and Heat-Resisting Steels
TRINDER, Barrie: A History of Shropshire
LAVER, James: Adventures in Monochrome
CASTLEMAN, Riva: Printed Art a View of Two Decades
LUCAS, E.V: London Revisited (Revised)
LENIN, V.I: Speeches at Party Congresses 1918-1921
DIN, F. & COCKETT, A.H: Low-Temperature Techniques
DU PLESSIS, Otto: The New South Africa. Social-Economic Reform Scheme of the Reunited National Party
BARING, Maurice: Collected Poems
MANN, Heinrich: Berlin: The Land of Cockaigne
KOWALSKI, Isaac: A Secret Press in Nazi Europe
ROSKILL, S.W: The War at Sea 1939-1945. VOLUME I: The Defensive
KARDEC, Allan: Spiritualist Philosophy. The spirits' Book, Containing the Principles of Spiritist Doctrine....
STEINER, Rudolf: Spiritual Science and Medicine
ROBERTSON, D.W: A Preface to Chaucer. Studies in Medieval Perspectives
EVERY, George: The High Church Party 1688-1718
OWEN, A.R.G: Hysteria, Hypnosis and Healing: The Work of J.M.Charcot
MILLS, Frank: Realms of Mystery. The Reality of Personal Survival
DAVIES, W.D. & FINKELSTEIN, Louis (Edited by): The Cambridge History of Judaism. VOLUME I: Introduction; The Persian Period
ADCOCK, A. St. John: For Remembrance. Soldier Poets Who Have Fallen in the War
BENNETT, John R. & HUGHES, Eric: The International Red Label Catalogue. The Gramophone Company Limited (HMV) Book I:DB
DEAN-AVERNS, R: Rubber in Automobile Engineering
SOUILLARD, J: B.E.S.L. (S.A.) Battlefields Pilgrimage 1934
PIETKIEWICZ, Kazimierz: Haft I Zdobienie Stroju Ludowego
JENSEN, Wilhelm: Der Schwarzwald
RICHTER, Rose (Edited by): The Durban United Hebrew Congregation Centenary 1884-1984
SACKS, Jonathan: Faith in the Future
ROWAN, John: The Reality Game. A Guide to Humanistic Counselling and Therapy
ChOU YI: The Oracle of Encompassing Versatility VOlS I and II (Hexagrams 1 - 64)
NETTLETON, Anitra & VOGEL, Catherine: African Tribal Sculpture Exhibition. March 19 - April 12 1979
HOBENSEE, Heinz: Mulheim an Der Ruhr in Alten Ansichten
KOHANSKY, Mendel: Sculptures of Eli Ilan
WILES, C.C: Graeme College (The Tale of Seventy Years)
VAN PAASSEN, Pierre: Drums in Israel
JUACKSON, Albert (as Told to Eric ROSENTHAL): Trader on the Veld
JACOBSON, E. (Finished By, Following Work By HANEKOM, A.J. & VAN HuYSSTEEN, J.F.): An Illustrated World History of the Sheep and Wool Industry
OBERHOLSTER, J.J. & VAN SCHOOR, M.C.E: Die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk in Die Oranje Vrystaat